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92-year-old Walter Hearn...tells his version how Apache Kid met death near Winston December 1963 Southwesterner
A basket maker III sandal tablet December 1939 Sw Lore
A basket maker III sandal tablet December 1939 Sw Lore
A Basketmaker III pithouse in the Hopi country December 1961 Southwestern Lore
A blossoming desert August 1909 Sunset
A blossoming desert August 1909 Sunset
A burial from Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site, northeast Arizona March-June 1976 Sw Lore
A cattle drive from Texas to California: the diary of H. M. Erskine, 1854 January 1964 Sw Hist Q
A comparison of Navaho and White Mountain Apache ceremonial forms and categories Winter 1945 Sw J Anthro
A comparison of Navaho and White Mountain Apache ceremonial forms and categories Winter 1945 Sw J Anthro
A descriptive bibliography on the San Antonio - San Diego mail line October 1955 Southwestern His Quarterly
A descriptive bibliography on the San Antonio-San Diego mail line October 1955 Southwestern Hist Quarterly
A descriptive bibliography on the San Antonio-San Diego mail line October 1955 Southwestern 1st Quarterly
A descriptive bibliography on the San Antonio-San Diego mail line October 1955 Southwestern Hist Quarterly
A governor has his bad boys October 1914 Sunset
A human block system; something about the unique railway clubs of the Southern Pacific system November 1907 Sunset
A native religious movement among the White Mountain and Cibecue Apache Winter 1954 Sw J Anthro
A Navaho personal document with a brief Parentian analysis Summer 1945 Sw J Anthro
A new pottery type from eastern Arizona September 1938 Sw Lore
A new pottery type from eastern Arizona September 1938 Sw Lore
A new sub-culture in Arizona December 1937 Sw Lore
A new sub-culture in Arizona December 1937 Sw Lore
A note on Zuni deer-hunting Autumn 1956 Sw J Anthro
A possible early projectile point from the Prayer Rock district, Arizona June 1958 Southwestern Lore
A prehistoric community in eastern Arizona Spring 1966 Southwestern J Anthro
A prehistoric community in eastern Arizona Spring 1966 Southwestern J Anthro
A ray of light on the Gadsden treaty January 1921 Sw Hist Q
A revision of the date of the eruption of Sunet Crater Autumn 1945 Sw J Anthro
A revision of the date of the eruption of Sunset Crater Autumn 1945 Sw J Anthro
A small island of culture near Flagstaff, Arizona September 1937 Sw Lore
A small island of culture near Flagstaff, Arizona September 1937 Sw Lore
A Southwestern personality type Summer 1947 Sw J Anthro
A Study of black-on-white painted pottery in the Tonto Basin, Arizona March 1974 Sw Lore
A suggested typology of defensive system of the Southwest Autumn 1957 Sw J Anthro
A suggested typology of defensive systems of the Southwest Autumn 1957 Sw J Anthro
A tale of two city managers July 1915 Sunset
A tale of two city managers July 1915 Sunset
Across the springtime desert March 1916 Sunset
Afoot through Grand Canyon May 1927 Sunset
Amaranths as dye plants among the pueblo peoples Winter 1950 Sw J Anthro
American Indian painting 1967 Sw Art
Among much else, a space movie envelops the audience February 1976 Sunset
An announcement of the Arizona State Museum June 1951 Sw Lore
An early Anasazi burial from Ganado, Arizona March-June 1976 Sw Lore
An outline of Yuma prehistory Summer 1945 Sw J Anthro
An outline of Yuman prehistory Summer 1945 Sw J Anthro
Anybody may be capable of killing an enemy, but Apache chief kills friend to prove point May-June 1965 Southwesterner
Apache bands and chiefs November 1961 Southweterner
Apache Kid forced into outlawry December 1961 Southwesterner
Apaches unintentionally helped discover Clifton, Ariz December 1965 Southwesterner
Arizona October 1913 Sunset
Arizona October 1913 Sunset
Arizona invitation to industry June 23, 1963 Special edition of Arizona Days & Ways
Arizona invitation to industry June 23, 1963 Special edition of Arizona Days and Ways
Arizona Landscape July 1915 Sunset