92-year-old Walter Hearn...tells his version how Apache Kid met death near Winston |
December 1963 |
Southwesterner |
A basket maker III sandal tablet |
December 1939 |
Sw Lore |
A basket maker III sandal tablet |
December 1939 |
Sw Lore |
A Basketmaker III pithouse in the Hopi country |
December 1961 |
Southwestern Lore |
A blossoming desert |
August 1909 |
Sunset |
A blossoming desert |
August 1909 |
Sunset |
A burial from Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site, northeast Arizona |
March-June 1976 |
Sw Lore |
A cattle drive from Texas to California: the diary of H. M. Erskine, 1854 |
January 1964 |
Sw Hist Q |
A comparison of Navaho and White Mountain Apache ceremonial forms and categories |
Winter 1945 |
Sw J Anthro |
A comparison of Navaho and White Mountain Apache ceremonial forms and categories |
Winter 1945 |
Sw J Anthro |
A descriptive bibliography on the San Antonio - San Diego mail line |
October 1955 |
Southwestern His Quarterly |
A descriptive bibliography on the San Antonio-San Diego mail line |
October 1955 |
Southwestern Hist Quarterly |
A descriptive bibliography on the San Antonio-San Diego mail line |
October 1955 |
Southwestern 1st Quarterly |
A descriptive bibliography on the San Antonio-San Diego mail line |
October 1955 |
Southwestern Hist Quarterly |
A governor has his bad boys |
October 1914 |
Sunset |
A human block system; something about the unique railway clubs of the Southern Pacific system |
November 1907 |
Sunset |
A native religious movement among the White Mountain and Cibecue Apache |
Winter 1954 |
Sw J Anthro |
A Navaho personal document with a brief Parentian analysis |
Summer 1945 |
Sw J Anthro |
A new pottery type from eastern Arizona |
September 1938 |
Sw Lore |
A new pottery type from eastern Arizona |
September 1938 |
Sw Lore |
A new sub-culture in Arizona |
December 1937 |
Sw Lore |
A new sub-culture in Arizona |
December 1937 |
Sw Lore |
A note on Zuni deer-hunting |
Autumn 1956 |
Sw J Anthro |
A possible early projectile point from the Prayer Rock district, Arizona |
June 1958 |
Southwestern Lore |
A prehistoric community in eastern Arizona |
Spring 1966 |
Southwestern J Anthro |
A prehistoric community in eastern Arizona |
Spring 1966 |
Southwestern J Anthro |
A ray of light on the Gadsden treaty |
January 1921 |
Sw Hist Q |
A revision of the date of the eruption of Sunet Crater |
Autumn 1945 |
Sw J Anthro |
A revision of the date of the eruption of Sunset Crater |
Autumn 1945 |
Sw J Anthro |
A small island of culture near Flagstaff, Arizona |
September 1937 |
Sw Lore |
A small island of culture near Flagstaff, Arizona |
September 1937 |
Sw Lore |
A Southwestern personality type |
Summer 1947 |
Sw J Anthro |
A Study of black-on-white painted pottery in the Tonto Basin, Arizona |
March 1974 |
Sw Lore |
A suggested typology of defensive system of the Southwest |
Autumn 1957 |
Sw J Anthro |
A suggested typology of defensive systems of the Southwest |
Autumn 1957 |
Sw J Anthro |
A tale of two city managers |
July 1915 |
Sunset |
A tale of two city managers |
July 1915 |
Sunset |
Across the springtime desert |
March 1916 |
Sunset |
Afoot through Grand Canyon |
May 1927 |
Sunset |
Amaranths as dye plants among the pueblo peoples |
Winter 1950 |
Sw J Anthro |
American Indian painting |
1967 |
Sw Art |
Among much else, a space movie envelops the audience |
February 1976 |
Sunset |
An announcement of the Arizona State Museum |
June 1951 |
Sw Lore |
An early Anasazi burial from Ganado, Arizona |
March-June 1976 |
Sw Lore |
An outline of Yuma prehistory |
Summer 1945 |
Sw J Anthro |
An outline of Yuman prehistory |
Summer 1945 |
Sw J Anthro |
Anybody may be capable of killing an enemy, but Apache chief kills friend to prove point |
May-June 1965 |
Southwesterner |
Apache bands and chiefs |
November 1961 |
Southweterner |
Apache Kid forced into outlawry |
December 1961 |
Southwesterner |
Apaches unintentionally helped discover Clifton, Ariz |
December 1965 |
Southwesterner |
Arizona |
October 1913 |
Sunset |
Arizona |
October 1913 |
Sunset |
Arizona invitation to industry |
June 23, 1963 |
Special edition of Arizona Days & Ways |
Arizona invitation to industry |
June 23, 1963 |
Special edition of Arizona Days and Ways |
Arizona Landscape |
July 1915 |
Sunset |