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The manufacture of copper bells found in Southwestern sites Spring 1953 Sw J Anthro
The mission in the Arizona desert January 1913 Sunset
The myth of Indian economic and political incompetence: the San Carlos case Spring 1977 Sw Econ & Soc
The name Mojave, Mohave: a history of its origin and meaning March 1967 Southern Calif Q
The name Mojave, Mohave: an addendum December 1967 Southern Calif Q
The Navajo Societies around the world
The negotiation of the Gadsden treaty July 1923 Sw Hist Q
The other rim September 1973 Sunset
The Paradox of the desert; how the wild plants of the arid Southwest supply man with food, drink and materials for clothing and shelter May 1922 Sunset
The paradox of the desert; how the wild plants of the arid Southwest supply man with food, drink, and materials for clothing and shelter May 1922 Sunset
The Patayha problem in the Colorado River valley Spring 1945 Sw J anthro
The payote ceremony among the American Indians Fall 1973 Southwest Heritage
The Peyote ceremony among the American Indians Fall 1973 Southwest Heritage
The prize farms of Yuma September 1910 Sunset
The prize farms of Yuma September 1910 Sunset
The problem of contacts between the southwestern United States and Mexico Spring 1945 Sw J Anthro
The pueblo kachina cult: a historical reconstruction Winter 1955 Sw J Anthro
The pueblo kachina cult: a historical reconstruction Winter 1955 Sw J Anthro
The pump in a thirsty land October 1915 Sunset
The purchase and importation of camels by the United States government, 1855-1857 July 1929 Sw Hist Q
The rodeo at Pinal January 1905 Sunset
The Roosevelt road; motoring through the Salt River Valley October 1912 Sunset
The S. O. S. of the Pimas; they must have water for their crops to avoid starvation and beggary April 1923 Sunset
The Southwestern co-tradition Autumn 1951 Sw J Anthro
The Southwestern co-tradition Autumn 1951 Sw J Anthro
The Southwestern co-tradition Autumn 1951 Sw J Anthro
The story of a cooper mine May 1904 Sunset
The structure and causation of Mohave warfare Spring 1954 Sw J Anthro
The sunny side of Yuma September 1906 Sunset
The thoughts of John Wesley Powell Summer-Fall 1968 Sage
The United States - Mexican Boundary Survey, 1848-1853 October 1958 Sw Hist Q
The University of Arizona November 1903 Sunset
The use of lead mineral by the Hohokam in cremation ceremonials Spring 1947 Sw J Anthro
The use of lead mineral by the Hohokam in cremation ceremonials Spring 1948 Sw J Anthro
The useful Colorado; at Laguna dam the big river is once more harnessed June 1909 Sunset
The useful Colorado; at Laguna dam the big river is once more harnessed June 1909 Sunset
The venerable Hos-too-e discusses owls September 1938 Sw Lore
The white haired one wrestles with Hosteen Bear; a Navaho folk story March 1948 Sw Lore
The white haired one wrestles with Hosteen Bear; a Navaho folk story March 1948 Sw Lore
The Yaquis in exile September 1909 Sunset
Themes of environmental adaptation and response in southwestern National Park system areas September 1967 Southwestern Lore
Through Apache land; riding on rubber tires over Geronimo's trail July 1916 Sunset
Tom Jeffords, the only white man to hold respect of Cochise, started life as riverboat captain April 1965 Southwesterner
Tom Jeffords, the only white man to hold respect of Cochise, started life as riverboat captain April 1965 Southwesterner
Travel with Indian trader in endearing experience Winter 1966 Sw Assoc Incian Affairs Q
Tucson of today; being a sketch of the historic past and the present progress of the thriving Arizona city April 1903 Sunset
Tucson's new railway depot October 1907 Sunset
Tucson, Arizona; where the wild West shows play to good business November 1912 Sunset
Tucson, old and new March 1912 Sunset
Two pottery types from east-central Arizona as revised and a new description March 1940 Sw Lore
Two pottery types from east-central Arizona; a revised and a new description March 1940 Sw Lore
UFW and the class struggle Spring 1976 Sw Econ & Soc
Unity and the Colorado; the mighty river must be harnessed by joint action to forestall calamity March 1923 Sunset
University of Arizona archaeological fieldwork, 1952-1953 March 1954 Sw Lore
Vocabulary levels: Zuni sacred and slang usage Winter 1955 Sw J Anthro