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Noted artist died at Corralitos October 1964 Southwesterner
Notes from the Museum of Navaho Ceremonial Art Fall-Winter 1968 Sw Assoc Indian Affairs Q
Nothing could stop this army surgeon from collecting birds, not even the Apaches; the story of Dr. Coues May 1966 Southwesterner
Ochoa taught gringos how to be Americans April 1964 Southwesterner
October travel in and beyond the desert October 1972 Sunset
On the warpath for fun February 1918 Sunset
Ostrich farming in Arizona April 1905 Sunset
Overland by Butterfield stage March 1907 Sunset
Painted pottery and Zuni history Summer 1955 Sw J Anthro
Painted pottery and Zuni history Summer 1955 Sw J Anthro
Palomas Apaches and their baskets June 1903 Sunset
Papago legends from Santa Rosa, Arizona - I: The man transformed into an eagle June 1940 Sw Lore
Papago legends from Santa Rosa, Arizona - II: Hawk-woman and the first tobacco September 1940 Sw Lore
Papago rain festival Summer 1966 Sw Assoc Indian Affairs Q
Paragona of patience: Texas camel mythology Fall 1976 Sw Her
Parker did all right robbing trains, but hanged for killing April 1965 Southwesterner
Petroglyphs of Wupatki June 1973 Southwestern Lore
Petroglyphs of Wupatki June 1973 Southwestern Lore
Phoenix born of water August 1904 Sunset
Please step to the rear --- Winter 1975 Smoke Signal
Poisoning the Navajos with oil; too much wealth destroys the Indians as effectually as abject poverty August 1923 Sunset
R.C.Gorman, Navajo painter 1970 Sw Art
Range improvement in Arizona November 1902 Sunset
Recollection of Garonimo's final surrender Spring 1974 Smoke Signal
Recollection of Geronimo's final surrender Spring 1974 Smoke Signal
Reference on the early history of the Tucson, Arizona, meteorites: the "Irwin-Aisna" and "Carleton" irons 1943 Society for Research on Meteorites, Contributions
Report from the Legislation Committee of SWAIA;" The fouled-up feather fracas." Spring 1975 Sw Assoc Indian Affairs Q
Reunion at Fort Huachuca Fall 1975 Sw Her
Richard Wetherill: another point of view Spring 1976 Sw Assoc Incian Affairs Q
Richard Wetherill: another point of view Spring 1976 Sw Assoc Indian Affairs Q
Sandpaintings December 1951 Sw Lore
Sculpture watching at Phoenix Civic Plaza September 1973 Sunset
Search for Brunckow mine at Tombstone leads to discovery of ghost towns and Mormon site June 1967 Southwesterner
Semi-quantative spectrographic analyses of volcanic ash, cinders, and lava from New M exico and Arizona June 1954 Sw Lore
Semi-quantitative spectrographic analyses of volcanic ash, cinders, and lava from New Mexico and Arizona June 1954 Sw Lore
She is a civil engineer April 1924 Sunset
She turns 'em out wild August 1924 Sunset
Showdown at Four Corners June 3, 1972 Saturday Review
Showdown at Four Corners June 3, 1972 Saturday Review
Showdown at Four Corners June 3, 1972 Saturday Review
Sketches of a trading post Summer 1975 Sw Assoc Incian Affairs Q
Small desert evergreen grows where once were only rocks placed by friend over lonely Arizona grave April 1965 Southwesterner
Small desert evergreen grows where once were only rocks placed by friend over lonely Arizona grave April 1965 Southwesterner
Some observations on Mohave clans Autumn 1953 Sw J Anthro
Some sources of flexibility in Navajo social organization Spring 1963 Southwestern J. Anthro
Southwest air safari Spring 1975 Sw Assoc Indian Affairs Q
Southwestern Athapascan women December 1944 Sw Lore
Southwestern Athapascan women December 1944 Sw Lore
SP has had big part in Arizona's development during last 75 years February 1955 Southern Pacific Bulletin
St. Vrain's expedition to the Gila in 1826 January 1916 Sw Hist Q
St. Vrain's expedition to the Gila in 1826 January 1916 Sw Hist Q
St. Vrain's expedition to the Gila in 1826 January 1916 Sw Hist Q
Step-daughter of man who killed Apache Kid has different story November 1963 Southwesterner
Story of the Pearce mines December 1903 Sunset
Story of the Pearce mines December 1903 Sunset