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Instruction and affect in Hopi cultural continuity Winter 1956 Sw J Anthro
Intaglios --- north of Blythe, southeast of Needles April 1977 Sunset
Interesting westerners November 1915 Sunset
Interesting westerners October 1915 Sunset
Interesting westerners May 1917 Sunset
Interesting westerners February 1923 Sunset
Iron Bridge is an Arizona ghost town where you can dance, drink and delight the boss, all at same time May-June 1965 Southwesterner
Is the snake dance a fake? January 1924 Sunset
Is there a typically Southwestern character? June 1958 Southwestern Lore
Jeff Davis' camels in Arizona May 1923 Sunset
Joe Beeler 1971 Sw Art
Joe Beeler 1971 Sw Art
John Wesley Powell Summer-Fall 1968 Sage
John Wesley Powell, soldier, explorer, scientist Winter 1975 Sw Her
John Wesley Powell, soldier, explorer, scientist Winter 1975 Sw Her
Labor emigration to the Southwest, 1916 to 1920: Mexican attitudes and policy April 1976 Southwestern Hist Q
Last of the seven cities of Cibola June 1936 Sw Lore
Law for American Indians Summer 1975 Sw Assoc Indian Affairs Q
Lightfoot Summer 1976 Southwestern Art
Like a mirage miracle; a study of the development of Tucson, Arizona May 1904 Sunset
Lodging with Montezuma March 1918 Sunset
Looking with perspective at "The American Southwest: a Problem in Cultural Isolation." September 1961 Southwestern Lore
Mirage in the wilderness? March 1966 Southwesterner
Mirages Seventy years on the frontier
Missouri teacher learned a lot teaching in Morenci, Ariz., school June 1967 Southwesterner
Mohave warfare Autumn 1947 Sw J Anthro
Mormons killed themselves and Apache Kid... but were never able to collect reward January 1964 Southwesterner
Mother of the Navajos January 1923 Sunset
Mr. Wright builds a boat August 1927 Sunset
Museum of Navaho Ceremonial Art Summer 1966 Sw Assoc Indian Affairs Q
Museum of Northern Arizona archaeological fieldwork, 1952-1953 March 1954 Sw Lore
N.F: Nicolai Fechin Summer 1976 Southwestern Art
Native crafts attain international recognition Summer 1975 Sw Assoc Indian Affairs Q
Navaho children on Raven Progressive Matrices and Goodenough Draw-a-man tests Summer 1955 Sw J Anthro
Navaho children on Raven Progressive Matrices and Goodenough Draw-a-man tests Summer 1955 Sw J Anthro
Navaho striped windway, an injury-way chant Summer 1946 Sw J Anthro
Navaho trading and trading ritual: a study of cultural dynamics Winter 1948 Sw J Anthro
Navaho trading and trading ritual: a study of cultural dynamics Winter 1948 Sw J Anthro
Navajo and Western Pueblo history Spring 1972 Smoke Signal
Navajo and Western Pueblo history Spring 1972 Smoke Signal
Navajo and Western Pueblo history Spring 1972 Smoke Signal
Navajo and Western Pueblo history Spring 1972 Smoke Signal
Navajo ceramic practices December 1964 Southwestern Lore
Navajo Folk Lore December 1948 Sw Lore
Navajo folk lore June 1935 Sw Lore
Navajo policewoman: Marquita Begay Largo Winter 1975 Sw Her
Navajo policewoman: Marquita Begay Largo Winter 1975 Sw Her
Navajo population: an analysis of the 1960 census Autumn 1963 Southwestern J. Anthro
Navajo rugs September 1958 Sw Lore
Navajo tribal elections Winter 1966 Sw Assoc Indian Affairs Q
Near sights of dam sites; eminent engineers discover how little they really know of the Colorado River September 1923 Sunset
New light on Pattie and the Southwestern fur trade April 1923 Sw Hist Q
New light on Pattie and the Southwestern fur trade April 1923 Sw Hist Q
New Mexico and the Mormons Spring 1976 Sw Her
New water conservation research laboratory for the arid Southwest March 1960 Soil Conservation