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Arizona the next star; mountains, desert and border awaiting statehood March 1909 Sunset
Arizona the next star; mountains, desert and border awaiting statehood March 1909 Sunset
Arizona's side of the question; the Colorado river must be controlled - soon. Will it be by the Boulder Ca April 1926 Sunset
Art prints of the Southwest Summer 1976 Southwestern Art
Arts and crafts cooperatives on the Navajo Reservation Spring 1974 Sw Assoc Indian Affairs Q
Arts and crafts cooperatives on the Navajo Reservation Spring 1974 Sw Assoc Indian Affairs Q
Arts and crafts cooperatives on the Navajo Reservation Spring 1974 Sw Assoc Indian Affairs Q
As told by the pioneers; reminiscences, 1930 April 1935 Santa Cruz, AHR
At Mowry's Hacienda; life to-day at a mountain mine in souther Arizona December 1907 Sunset
At Mowry's hacienda; life to-day at a mountain mine in southern Arizona December 1907 Sunset
At the laughing gas station; the sage of Salome uncorks his philosophy of life December 1923 Sunset
Bird watching unlike anything else in all the United States --- three Arizona canyons just north of Mexico June 1977 Sunset
Boaters' wilderness April 1977 Sunset
Boating in the bowels of the earth March 1923 Sunset
Boxing bout at New Town near Morenci, Ariz., turns into poetry recital... September 1965 Southwesterner
Boxing bout at New Town near Morenci, Ariz., turns into poetry recital... December 1965 Southwesterner
Brighty, free citizen; how the sagacious hermit donkey of the Grand Ca August 1922 Sunset
Brighty, free citizen; how the sagacious hermit donkey of the Grand Ca August 1922 Sunset
Bucking rapids in the inferno June 1923 Sunset
Calabasas of the Rio Rico Fall 1971 Smoke Signal
Calabazas of the Rio Rico Fall 1971 Smoke Signal
Capturing the Colorado; how the biggest engineering battle of modern times has been fought in the great Southwest to save the imperial empire March 1907 Sunset
Charles Trumbull Hayden Spring 1969 Smoke Signal
Charlie Dye Spring 1977 Sw Art
Chief Victorio haunted General Hatch - even in press February 1968 Southwesterner
Co-eds a-horseback; the University of Arizona teaches real horsemanship to women as well as to men May 1925 Sunset
Cochise praised six brave men who fought hundreds of Indians in 3-day fight at Doubtful Canyon February 1962 Southwesterner
Cocopa attitudes and practices with respect to death and mourning Summer 1949 Sw J Anthro
Colonia Morelos: A short history of a Mormon colony in Sonora, Mexico Spring 1973 Smoke Signal
Concerning the names of Southwestern pottery types December 1935 Sw Lore
Concerning the names of Southwestern pottery types December 1935 Sw Lore
Confessions ranch cook: "never say a homely cowboy." April 1966 Southwesterner
Confessions ranch cook: "never say a homely cowboy." April 1966 Southwesterner
Confessions ranch cooks "never saw a homely cowboy." April 1966 Southwesterner
Cultural implications of the ball courts in Arizona Spring 1949 Sw J Anthro
Culture ecology and the prehistory of the Navajo Reservoir District June-September 1972 Sw Lore
Culture ecology and the prehistory of the Navajo Reservoir District June-September 1972 Sw Lore
Date culture in the Southwest December 1905 Sunset
De Grazia, the artist, the illustrator, and the man 1974 Sw Art
De Grazia, the artists, the illustrator, and the man 1974 Sw Art
DeAnza jumps the gun on the Bicentennial October 1975 Sunset
DeAnza jumps the gun on the Bicentennial October 1975 Sunset
Define the universal; give alternatives Summer 1969 SDC Magazine
Define the universe; give alternatives Summer 1969 SDC Magazine
Deming woman "took" Holliday for 70,000 May 1962 Southwesterner
Did the Sinagua of the Verde Valley settle in the Salt River Valley? Autumn 1947 Sw J Anthro
Did the Sinagua of the Verde Valley settle in the Salt River Valley? Autumn 1947 Sw J Anthro
Did the Sinagua of the Verde Valley settle in the Salt River Valley? Autumn 1947 Sw J Anthro
Distinctive features of Navaho religion Summer 1945 Sw J Anthro
Early travel on the Green and Colorado rivers Fall 1969 Smoke Signal
Eastern-central Arizona archaeology in relation to the western pueblos Summer 1950 Sw J Anthro
Eastern-central Arizona archaeology in relation to the western pueblos Summer 1950 Sw J Anthro
Eastern-central Arizona archaeology in relation to the western pueblos Summer 1950 Sw J Anthro
Emphatic Arizona July 1928 Sunset
Exploring the Colorado delta; the adventures of a lone hunter in the mysterious river's muddy mouth April 1923 Sunset