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Article title Sort descending Date Journal Title
Sunset limited October 1898 Sunset
Taming of flash floods gives desert towns chance to grow April 1967 Soil Conservation
Tenderfoot in Greenstone; the strange things to be seen in a big new copper district among the saguaros of the Arizona desert country January 1908 Sunset
Tenderfoot in Greenstone; the strange things to be seen in a big new copper district among the saguaros of the Arizona desert country January 1908 Sunset
Teresa Urrea, "the Saint of Cabora" September 1963 Southern Calif Quarterly
The aesthetics of adobe Summer 1976 Southwestern Art
The American camel experiment: a reappraisal April 1966 Southwestern Hist Quarterly
The ancient rock art of Utah and Arizona May 1975 Sunset
The ancient rock art of Utah and Arizona May 1975 Sunset
The Apache in the Southwest July 1919 Sw Hist Q
The Apache Trail May 1926 Sunset
The appearance of the mounted Indian in northern Mexican and the Southwest, to 1680 Summer 1959 Sw J Anthro
The appearance of the mounted Indian in northern Mexico and the Southwest to 1680 Summer 1959 Sw J Anthro
The appearance of the mounted Indian in northern Mexico and the Southwest to 1680 Summer 1959 Sw J Anthro
The appearance of the mounted Indian in northern Mexico and the Southwest to 1680 Summer 1959 Sw J Anthro
The bearing of architecture on development in the Hohokam classic period Summer 1953 Sw J Anthro
The bearing of architecture on developments in the Hohokam classic period Summer 1953 Sw J Anthro
The bearing of ceramics on developments in the Hohokam classic period Autumn 1952 Sw J Anthro
The bearing of ceramics on developments in the Hohokam classic period Autumn 1952 Sw J Anthro
The beginning of Southwestern painting 1966 Sw Art
The builders of San Xavier del Bac October 1937 Sw Hist Q
The California Column in the Civil War; Hazen's Civil War diary Spring 1976 San Diego Hist
The case of the Hopi; is th Indian Bureau forcing a new culture and religion on them against their will October 1921 Sunsets
The Cherrycow horse-changing July 1910 Sunset
The Cherrycow horse-changing July 1910 Sunset
The Cherrycow horse-changing July 1910 Sunset
The clan system of the Fort Mojave Indians: a contemporary survey March 1965 So Calif Q
The clan system of the Fort Mojave Indians: a contemporary survey March 1965 So Calif Q
The dance of the Shalako gods November 1909 Sunset
The dance of the Shalako gods November 1909 Sunset
The discovery of Rainbow Bridge Fall 1969 Smoke Signal
The distinctive features of distribution of the San Jaun Ansazi culture Autumn 1946 Sw J Anthro
The economic geography of the Winona phase March 1938 Sw Lore
The end of the water trail July 1923 Sunset
The events behind a monument Spring 1974 Smoke Signal
The events behind a monument Spring 1974 Smoke Signal
The fate of the Navajos; what will oil money do to the greatest of Indian tribes? January 1924 Sunset
The forty-seventh star September 1910 Sunset
The Fred Harvey Fne Arts Collection Winter 1977 Sw Art
The gift of the corn maidens; a myth of the Zuni Indians September 1936 Sw Lore
The great diamond swindle January 1924 Sunset
The great house of a vanished people March 1913 Sunset
The Havasupai Fall 1974 Sw Assn Indian Affairs
The Hopi Snake Dance Summer 1967 Sw Assoc Indian Affairs
The Hopi Snake Dance Summer 1967 Sw Assoc Indian Affairs Q
The Hovenweep Archaeological Project: a study of aboriginal agricultural patterns December 1974 Sw Lore
The Hovenweep Archaeological Project: a study of aboriginal agricultural patterns December 1974 Sw Lore
The Hovenweep Archaeological Project: a study of aboriginal agricultural patterns December 1974 Sw Lore
The impact and personality on four Hopi emergence myths Autumn 1948 Sw J Anthro
The land of the painted hills June 1915 Sunset
The late survival of pithouse architecture in the kayanta Anasazi area September 1974 Sw Lore
The late survival of pithouse architecture in the Kayenta Anasazi area September 1974 Sw Lore
The Maguey Press: a sense of region; a sense of purpose Spring 1977 Sw Art
The making of a state October 1913 Sunset
The manufacture of copper bells found in Southwestern sites Spring 1953 Sw J Anthro