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Face to face with the living desert -- much is new at Tucson's Desert Museum December 1975 Sunset
Fighting Apaches, narrative of the Fifth Cavalry's deadly conflict in the Superstition Mountains of Arizona February 1907 Sunset
Fighting Geronimo; a story of the Apache Indian campaign of 1876 May 1903 Sunset
Fighting Geronimo; a story of the Apache Indian campaign of 1876 May 1908 Sunset
Floyd Tomlin, part-time sculptor Fall 1974 Sw Her
Food, smoke, and buttercups Fall-Winter 1968 Sw Assoc Indian Affairs Q
Fort Whipple in the days of the empire Fall 1972 Smoke Signal
Fort Yuma was once Camp Calhoun, built to assist gold-rushers November 1967 Southwesterner
Franciscan chapels on the Papagueria, 1912-1973 Fall 1974 Smoke Signal
Franciscan chapels on the Papagueria, 1912-1973 Fall 1974 Smoke Signal
Frank Luke was a loner from Phoenix who loved to fight his own way December 1964 Southwesterner
From Texas to California in 1849 October 1925 Sw Hist Q
From tide to tide on Sunset Limited December 1899 Sunset
Frontier life in Southern Arizona January 1933 Sw Hist Q
Frontier life in Southern Arizona, 1858-1861 January 1933 Sw Hist Q
Frontier life in Southern Arizona, 1858-1861 January 1933 Sw Hist
Frontier life in Southern Arizona, 1858-1861 January 1933 Sw Hist Q
Frontier life in Southern Arizona, 1858-1868 January 1933 Sw Hist Q
Further references on the early history of the Tucson, Arizona, meteorites 1944 Society for Research on Meteorites, Contributions
Gambling games in the pueblos Spring-Summer 1968 Sw Assoc Indian Affairs Q
General Crook in the Indian Country. Spring 1976 Sw Her
General Crook in the Indian Country. Spring 1976 Sw Her
Gerard Curtis Delano 1974 Sw Art
Gerard Curtis Delano 1974 Sw Art
Give us this day our daily work, a story which shows that a teacher is greater than a policeman November 1914 Sunset
Give us this day our daily work, a story which shows that a teacher is greater than a policeman November 1914 Sunset
Glen Canyon Dam Summer-Fall 1968 Sage
Gomara on the Coronado expedition January 1940 Sw Hist Q
Great chieftans of the Mojava Indians March 1966 Southern Calif Quarterly
Harnessing the Colorado November 1921 Sunset
Healing symbolism in Navaho religion 1972 Spring: An Annual of Archetypal Psychology and Jungian Thought
Hell and high water August 1924 Sunset
Hell and high water September 1924 Sunset
Hell and high water October 1924 Sunset
Here's Apache Kid story as told originally by gentlemen of lod west who " paso por aqui." D 1964 December 1964 Southwesterner
History of For Huachuca, 1877-1890 Spring 1974 Smoke Signal
History of Fort Huachuca, 1877-1890 Spring 1974 Smoke Signal
History of the cattle industry in the Southwest April 1916 Sw Hist Q
History of the cattle industry in the Southwest July 1916 Sw Hist Q
Hopi political economy: industrialization and alienation Winter 1977 Sw Econ & Soc
Hosteen Bear loses the second fall (sequal to The White Haired one wrestles the bear) June 1948 Sw Lore
Household size of prehistoric western pueblo Indians Summer 1966 Sw J Anthro
Housekeeping in Hopiland March 1927 Sunset
Housekeeping in Hopiland March 1927 Sunset
How Jackrabbit got is long ears; a Navaho folk story December 1947 Sw Lore
Hundreds have hunted for John Lee's secret mine, but its location remains a tantalizing mystery April 1966 Southwesterner
Idea and action patterns in Navaho Flintway Autumn 1945 Sw J Anthro
In early September, a grand Navajo blanket show in Window Rock September 1972 Sunset
In happy Zuni April 1909 Sunset
In wild turkey land November 1909 Sunset
Indian arts as collectors items Spring 1977 Sw Assoc Indian Affairs Q
Indian cultural coordinators project Spring 1975 Sw Assoc Indian Affairs Q
Indian values Spring 1969 Sw Assoc Indian Affairs Q
Indian wares in a historic setting Spring-Summer 1968 Sw Assoc Indian Affairs Q
Instruction and affect in Hopi cultural continuity Winter 1956 Sw J Anthro