Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Colonel William C. Greene and the strike at Canea Sonnichsen 1971
Color on the Coronado Scheff 1973
Color on the Coronado Scheff 1973
Colorado compact as starting point Sloan 1923
Colorado River exploration and the Mormon War Smith 1970
Colorado River projects, which one first? Smith 1923
Colorful Arizona Shellans 1964
Columbus Reed Freeman, 1872- Schaus 1961
Coming back home Simpson 1976
Coming back home Simpson 1976
Comments on "A Trial Survey of Mexican-Southwestern Architectural Parallels" Schroeder 1956
Comments on "A Trial Survey of Mexican-South-western Architectural Parallels" Schroeder 1956
Comments on "Salvage Archeology in the Painted Rocks Reservoir, Western Arizona." Schroeder 1967
Commodore Perry Owens Schmidt 1960
Common law concepts of life insurance in community property jurisdictions: recommendations for a practical approach Schmidt 1976
Community change in the Southwest: the case of Benson Sherlock 1963
Community Nature Center Simpson 1976
Computer mapping used in Scottsdale Stragier 1972
Confidence Stover 1920
Controlled burning on the Hualapai reservation Shcroeder 1958
Cooks of yesterday Sessions 1959
Cool Arizona Sheldon 1949
Copper Basin mining Schuster 1975
Cost of living trends in Phoenix and the United States Snyder 1973
Counterfeiters and other stories Simpson 1976
Country of the Little Colorado Stocker 1952
Coyote goes Hollywood Strickland 1989
Coyote goes Hollywood Strickland 1989
Coyote hunter for hire Stingley 1973
Craftsman or wage earner? the Navajo must choose! Smith 1946
Crawley P. Dake, U. S. Marshal Selingmann 1961
Crill Miller Winters, 1887-1960 Schaus 1970
Crime against nature Stanton 1991
Crime against nature Stanton 1991
Crossroads of the cow country Stocker 1950
Crossroads of the cow country Stocker 1950
Cruise to Canelo Schaus 1957
Crystals at Indian Summit Strong 1976
Culinary practices of the Mohave Indians Stewart 1968
Cultural implications of the ball courts in Arizona Schroeder 1949
Curse of the thunder gods Storm 1945
Cynthia Rigden, Yavapai's cowgirl artist Schaus 1970
Dan Chambers Scott 1990
Dances of the Yaqui Indians at Easter time Stewart 1928
Daniel Webster Parker, 1859-1952 Schaus 1967
Daughter of the snake clan Smith 1941
Daughter of the snake clan Smith 1941
Dave Anderson Adams, 1859-1943 Schaus 1958
David John Cumming, 1889- Schaus 1965
David Warren Murdock, 1886- Schaus 1968
Davis Dam and Lake Mohave Segerblom 1951
Death of a brave man Strobridge 1966
Death of a community Smith 1959
Defeat the Democrats: The Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage in Arizona, 1914 and 1916 Snapp 1975
Del Rio Ranch is now producing champion polled Herefords Schaus 1960