Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Arizona's history of surgery Stevens 1964
Arizona's Indian population Sapp 1930
Arizona's interest in the development of the Colorado Smith 1922
Arizona's Jimmy Bryan, king of the speedways Stocker 1958
Arizona's Jimmy Bryan, king of the speedways Stocker 1958
Arizona's lethal scorpion Stahnke 1972
Arizona's lethal scorpion Stahnke 1972
Arizona's little-known art treasure Smith 1966
Arizona's lost ghost town Southworth 1974
Arizona's lost ghost town Southworth 1974
Arizona's magic web Shake 1958
Arizona's medical memories Stevens 1966
Arizona's medical memories Stevens 1966
Arizona's medical memories Stevens 1968
Arizona's medical memories Stevens 1968
Arizona's new liberal movement Stocker 1950
Arizona's new liberal movement Stocker 1950
Arizona's new range war Stanton 1990
Arizona's Olympic contender Smith 1956
Arizona's own little big top Stanton 1990
Arizona's pictured rocks Scott 1916
Arizona's Sierra Prietas Smith 1955
Arizona's tassel-eared clowns Sutton 1955
Arizona's tourist trade in 1953 Shirer 1954
Arizona's 'track suit diplomat.' Smith 1958
Arizona's underground wonderland Smith 1966
Arizona's valley of ghost towns Sutton 1955
Arizona's valley of ghost towns Sutton 1955
Arizona's winter festival of fun Stewart 1927
Arizona's wonderful hole in the ground Stocker 1958
Arizona's young scientists at work Smith 1957
Army doctor and frontier artist Joseph B. Girard Schreier 1990
Arthur Virgil Mercer, 1900- Schaus 1970
Artisan Leslie Peck, 1845-1939 Schaus 1972
Artist given a home Sowell 1975
Artists given a home Sowell 1975
At Sky Harbor, anatomy of a "15-minute" delay Sovola 1970
At the Phoenix Zoo people talk but never listen Sovola 1966
Attitudes of Hopi children in competitive games Schmidt 1953
Automobile Lillian, the daring girl bandit of Arizona Swital 1951
Awakening of the valley's sleeping giant Smith 1966
Aztec bean Simpson 1975
Baby, it's cold inside! Sanders 1972
Back to the dealer or to the corner service station Sovola 1965
Backpack into the wilderness Sinohui 1964
Backpack into the wilderness Sinohui 1964
Bad weather and illness in the United States; implications for Arizona industry Shirer 1952
Bad weather and illness in the United States; implications for Arizona industry Shirer 1952
Basketmaker of the Hualpai Stone 1942
Basque shepherds in Arizona Schmidt 1976
Bayonets in Indian land Sapp 1930
Bean people of the cactus forest Stone 1943
Beauty is not in faces but in the hearts of men Stephens 1942
Beehive' in Walker Simpson 1975
Beehive' in Walker Simpson 1975