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Article Title Author Last Name Year
You shouldn't have to freeze at a fire.' Sovola 1965
You wear what your art Seldis 1972
Young man with plans Sowell 1969
Young musician lends enchantment to Prescott forest Smith 1960
Young performers entertain at state hospital Stites 1960
Youngtown - four years later Stocker 1959
Youngtown- four years later Stocker 1959
You're really going to Australia? Sovola 1969
Yuma County Stocker 1961
Yuma Crossing Stacey 1972
Zane Grey and Pleasant Valley Stocker 1960
Zane Grey and Pleasant Valley Stocker 1960
Zepherino C. Prina, 1862-1922 Schaus 1965
Zuni ancestral gods and masks Stevenson 1898
Zuni games Stevenson 1903
Zuni games Stevenson 1903
Zuni jewelry Sikorski 1959
Zuni weaving technique Spier 1924
[untitled] Smith 1931
[untitled] Summerhayes
[untitled] Summerhayes
[untitled] Summerhayes
[untitled] Stephen 1940
[untitled] Stephen 1940
[untitled] Stephen 1940
[untitled] Stephen 1940
[untitled] Stephen 1940
[untitled] Simpsom 1951
[untitled] Stocker 1963