Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
The spineless cactus; project design to demonstrate its practical utility Scott 1913
The Squaw Peak health insurance plan Sovola 1969
The Squaw Peak health insurance plan Sovola 1969
The Sradford map of Nogales Stites 1970
The stake out Stanton 1976
The story of - Tony: Tom Mix's wonder horse Smith 1973
The story of a pickle factory Shepard 1968
The story of Blue and other horses Santee 1954
The story of Blue and other horses Santee 1954
The story of Santa Gertrudis on the Yerba Buena Ranch Schaus 1954
The story of Santa Gertrudis on the Yerba Buena Ranch Schaus 1954
The strange story of Dr. Carlos Montezuma Summit 1967
The student nurse: meaningful effort Sovola 1968
The student nurse: meaningful effort Sovola 1968
The sunshine capital of America Sinclair 1926
The surplus shopper Sebastian 1968
The T Anchor Schaus 1968
The T. Anchor Schaus 1968
The tales those nurses told!: Public Health nurses among the Pueblo and Navajo Indians Schackel 1990
The tenmaker priest Sovola 1966
The thieving thirteenth Smith 1974
The thrift shops: a million-dollar business in the name of charity Saul 1970
The Titanizing of Tucson Steelink 1961
The Tonto, Arizona's fool forest Stanley 1953
The town that artists built Stocker 1957
The trailer priest of El Mirage Sovola 1964
The treatment of scorpion sting Stahnke 1957
The truth about our reptiles Shelby 1927
The Turquoise triangle Shannon 1968
The U.S. cavalry at Gila River cliff dwellings Sands 1957
The ubiquitous minibike problem: Paradise Valley club is doing something about it Saul 1970
The University of Arizona Press Shaw 1965
The unusual pole house Schuster 1975
The upper Tonto ruins Steen 1941
The urban coyote Stocker 1990
The use of work measurement in Arizona Scherrer 1969
The Valley in space Swaart 1964
The vanishing bighorn Sorensen 1963
The Vietnamese freedom fighter Sovola 1967
The Vulture Mine: Arizona' golden mirage Smith 1972
The Walker-Weaver diggings and the Mexican placero, 1863 - 1864 Spude 1975
The Walker-Weaver diggings and the Mexican placero, 1863 - 1864 Spude 1975
The way it was --- and is Smith 1977
The weather man's mission Scott 1914
The West I remember Santes 1956
The West I remember Santee 1956
The wettest posse in the West Sirrom 1962
The Whizzer's greatest game Smith 1960
The Whizzer's greatest game Smith 1960
The wild burro, good guy or bad? Strebe 1972
The wild, wild world of the wild, wild wheels Smith 1967
The wild, wild world of the wild, wild wheels Smith 1967
The Windsor Square story Sanders 1973
The Windsor Square story Sanders 1973
The word is elegance Simpson 1975