Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
The Yaqui Indians of Arizona Spicer 1940
The young activist administrators Schatt 1969
The young firebugs Sovola 1966
Theater in the 1800s Simpson 1975
Themes of environmental adaptation and response in southwestern National Park system areas Schroeder 1967
Theodor August Heinrich Hampe, 1859-1935 Schaus 1974
There goes Sally Goodin' Stocker 1950
There may be oil...but Slocum 1960
There may be oil...but Slocum 1960
These hills were alive with the sound of music Simpson 1975
These were our best Smith 1955
They fight death; militant Arizonans join forces to educate public on constant menace posed by our irrigation canals Smith 1956
They laughed when he sat down to play with grass Sovola 1965
They laughed when he sat down to play with grass Sovola 1965
They pay to sing for their supper Stacey 1961
They pay to sing for their supper! Stacey 1961
They wired the wedding Storey 1975
They wired the wedding Storey 1975
Thirty-two years as cattle inspector Schaus 1963
This child needs help Schwarz 1977
This cross found at Witches Pocket may be the last remaining testimony of Escalante's trek Spendlove 1964
This cross found at Witches Pocket may be the last remaining testimony of Escalante's trek Spendlove 1964
This was Tombstone Sisco 1960
Thomas Jasper Cavness, 1878-1946 Schaus 1966
Thomas Jefferson Halleck, 1843-1891 Schaus 1975
Thomas Phelps, 1869-1940 Schaus 1964
Thomas Steele, 1845-1916 Schaus 1963
Those marvelous mules Stocker 1991
Those who have gone still live: the Hohokam since 1400 A.D. Simpson 1946
Three years of the diary of Henry Fountain Ashurst, 1910-1913 Sparks 1961
Three years of the diary of Henry Fountain Ashurst, 1910-1913 Sparks 1961
Thunderbird no.41, the star-spangled post Sovola 1966
Time marches on in Pimeria Smith 1942
Tip Top tugsten; the rejuvenation of a historic silver mine Scott 1916
Tip Top tungsten; the rejuvenation of a historic silver mine Scott 1916
To bee, too dangerous Sovela 1967
Today's child & tomorrow's scientific challenges Staley 1974
Today's Verde salt mine Simpson 1975
Tom Heady's museum Schaus 1952
Tom Heady's museum Schaus 1952
Tom Pavatea, Hopi trader Smith 1938
Tom Pavatea, Hopi trader Smith 1938
Tom Segunda, chief of the Papagos Stocker 1951
Tom Segunda, chief of the Papagos Stocker 1951
Tom Segundo, chief of the Papagos Stocker 1951
Tom Segundo, chief of the Papagos Stocker 1951
Tomar ranch, a cattle crop and pasture development Schaus 1956
Tombstone in fiction Sonnichsen 1968
Tombstone in fiction Sonnichsen 1968
Tomorrow they tour our houses Sovola 1969
Tonto Thrift: story of a racehorse Simpson 1976
Toppling the Whipple tower Simpson 1975
Tour in Arizona: Footprints of an Army officer Sabre, Splitter 1962
Tour in Arizona: Footprints of an Army officer Sabre, Splitter 1962
Tour in Arizona: Footprints of an Army officer Splitter 1962