Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Wilderness for study Stiles 1972
Wiley Marion Morgan Schaus 1961
Wilfred Hopkins Claridge, 1871-1951 Schaus 1966
Will Arizona legalize gambling? Stocker 1950
Will Croft Barnes, soldier and citizen of Arizona Scheips 1960
Will Croft Barnes, soldier and citizen of Arizona Scheips 1960
Will he fill the house? Smith 1957
Will the Arizona drought of 1971 occur again? Steila 1972
Will the real manager please step forward? Sovola 1964
Willcox, Arizona: culture and economics of a Western cattle town McCleneghan, Stone 1961
Willcox, Arizona: culture and economics of a Western cattle town McCleneghan, Stone 1961
William Adolphus Evans Schaus 1960
William Berry Back, 1858-1929 Schaus 1971
William Cowan, 1857-1930 Schaus 1969
William Ellis Wiltbank, 1875-1966 Schaus 1972
William Francis LeSuer, 1856-1941 Schaus 1975
William Hardin Martin, 1891- Schaus 1966
William Harrison Hathaway, 1890-1958 Schaus 1963
William Hudson Kirkland, 1832-1910 Schaus 1963
William Jasper Cleveland, 1879-1947 Schaus 1968
William Joseph Clemans, 1850-1918 Schaus 1965
William Joseph Davis, 1877- Schaus 1958
William Lutley, 1856-1940 Schaus 1976
William Monroe Riggs, 1861-1949 Schaus 1964
William R. Stevenson Schaus 1959
William Spencer McDonald, 1871-1958 Schaus 1962
William Stradling Schaus 1976
Williams and Associates Scott 1988
Winslow's meter maid knows the right answers Singer 1958
Winslow's meter maid knows the right answers Singer 1958
Wire for hire: the cable television controversy Silverman 1972
Wirt David Parker, 1894-1963 Schaus 1968
With his camera he captures crystal gardens Smith 1956
With his camera he captures crystal gardens Smith 1956
With pancho on a pilgrimage: to the Arizona missions by manana jitney Saunders 1919
Wizard of the wasteland Sime 1961
Wizard of the wasteland Sime 1961
Wizard of the wasteland Sime 1961
Woodsman spare that kiln Stanton 1965
Woodsman, spare that kiln Stanton 1965
Workin' on the time line Simpson 1975
Yaqui villages past and present Spicer 1947
Yavapai County Snow 1953
Yavapai County beekeepers Simpson 1975
Yavapai County courthouse Schuster 1975
Yavapai County, Arizona Sparkes 1924
Year-round type is planter's goal Showers 1954
Year-round type is planter's goal Showers 1954
Ygnacio Manjarres, 1878-1935 Schaus 1977
You have to fight for something Sovola 1968
You have to fight for something Sovola 1965
You hold the horse, I'll practice the medicine Sovola 1964
You hold the horse, I'll practice the medicine. Sovola 1964
You keep going back Smith 1959
You lead 16 tons Sovola 1966