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Article Title Author Last Name Year
Central Arizona Cattle Feeders organized in 1933 Schaus 1977
Champions on parade Skipton, Skipton 1968
Champions on parade Skipton, Skipton 1968
Champions on parade Skipton, Skipton 1968
Champions on parade Skipton, Skipton 1968
Chandler, city of progress Shapiro 1958
Chapel in the canyon Showers 1961
Charles Alfred Gardner, 1861-1952 Schaus 1966
Charles Allen Whitlow 1899 Schaus 1959
Charles Chester Kimble, 1861-1931 Schaus 1975
Charles Debrille Poston; prince of Arizona pioneers Sacks 1963
Charles Edward Champie, 1852-1932 Schaus 1967
Charles Fletcher Lummis, the very last of the Mohicans Salzman 1929
Charles Huston Hooker, 1866-1924 Schaus 1974
Charles Lewis Rigden, 1866-1951 Schaus 1959
Charles Trumbull Hayden Smith 1962
Charles Trumbull Hayden Smith 1962
Charles Trumbull Hayden Smith 1962
Chauncey Buzan, 1862-1932 Schaus 1962
Cheating is taboo on the reservation Smith 1947
Cheating is taboo on the reservation Smith 1947
Chemehuevi culture changes Stewart 1967
Chemical constituents of the saguaro Steelink
Chief Nino Cochise Smith 1973
Chief Nino Cochise Smith 1973
Chief of the Navajo Smith 1946
Chieftess Simpson 1976
Children are fun Shrum 1958
Children are fun Shrum 1958
Chin Lee and Canyon de Chelly in Arizona Seymour 1930
Christmas in Keams Canyon Schmedding 1955
Christmas in Keams Canyon Schmedding 1955
Church in the desert Smith 1960
Cibicu, an Apache interpretation Ball, Stewart
Citizens band radio Sutphen 1976
Citizens band radio Sutphen 1976
City hall reflects Scottsdale's success in involving citizens Stragier 1969
City of lost hope Stocker 1961
City of the brown robes Shiya 1951
Civilization advances, ruins show Summings 1937
Civilization comes to the Navajos Shine 1928
Clair Fry Simpson 1976
Clarence Evens Post, 1898 Schaus 1972
Classroom in the sky Silvius 1956
Claude Coates Parker, 1887-1946 Schaus 1975
Clear Creek, child of the Mogollon [sic] Rim Smith 1960
Clocking the wheels of justice Saul 1972
Clocking the wheels of justice Saul 1972
Closing the gap: protection for mobile home owners Shuman 1974
Clowns for the town Stocker 1959
CMHA Medical Centers: Rx for an HMO Scott 1991
Coach on a spot Smith 1956
Coconino County Snow 1954
Col. W. C. Greene and the Cobra Grande Copper Company Sonnichsen 1971
Collecting folklore in Santa Cruz County, Arizona Seibold 1954