Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Bullish on Arizona Silverman 1973
Burn, ye evil spirits Smith 1931
Burning desires: a firefighter explores the rejuvenating power of flames in the wilderness Steffens 1990
Burnt Ranch Simpson 1974
Burnt Ranch Simpson 1974
Business close-up: Canyon Ranch Scott 1989
Business in Arizona, 1929-1951 as reflected in Phoenix department store sales Shirer 1952
Business in Arizona, 1929-1951 as reflected in Phoenix department store sales Shirer 1952
Business in Arizona, 1929-1951, as reflected in Phoenix department store sales Shirer 1952
Business taxes in the Southwest O'Connor, Stone 1968
Butchart of the Grand Canyon Seglund 1976
Butchart of the Grand Canyon Seglund 1976
Button soup & Broadway: Sarah Jane Blumle Sandberg 1965
By boat to the lake of mystery Sykes 1942
C. S. Fly, Tombstone, A. T. Serven 1970
Cactus Stacey 1959
Cactus league covenes again Smith 1956
California markets for Arizona cattle Seltzer 1957
Camels in the Southwest Smith 1929
Camp Willow Grove, Arizona Territory Skinner 1968
Camp Willow Grove, Arizona Territory Skinner 1968
Campfires and courage Smith 1928
Can city hall possibly be a friend? Only if you're luck enough to live in Tempe Stanton 1989
Can the new pilot hold the line? Smith 1958
Can the new pilot hold the line? Smith 1958
Cancer immunity in the Navajo Salsbury 1956
Cancer of the digestive system among American Indians Sievers 1976
Canyon de Chelly Staveley 1967
Cap Mossman and the Apache devil Shirley 1957
Cap Mossman and the Apache devil Shirley 1957
Cap Mossman and the Apache Devil Shirley 1957
Captain Coffee Scott 1913
Captain Emmet Crawford, commander of Apache Scouts, 1882-1886 Nalty, Strobridge 1964
Captain Emmet Crawford, commander of Apache Scouts, 1882-1886 Strobridge 1964
Carbonized plant remains from two Hohokam sites, Arizona BB:13:41 and Arizona BB:13:50 Bohrer, Cutler, Sauer 1969
Carbonized plant remains from two Hohokam sites, Arizona BB:13:41 and Arizona BB:13:50 Bohrer, Cutler, Sauer 1969
Carl "Tod" Rees, 1877-1945 Schaus 1962
Carl C. Lynch, 1894-1956 Schaus 1959
Carrie Fraizer and Santa Cruz County celebrate her 85th birthday Schaus 1966
Carrie Fraizer and Santa Cruz County celebrate her 85th birthday Schaus 1966
Carroll C. Creighton, M.D. Sitterley 1963
Carroll W. "Shorty" Davis, 1881- Schaus 1960
Cartoonist of the cactus country Smith 1940
Castafieda's "Acha" - Picuris, Hopi or Apache? Schroeder 1958
Casta Schroeder 1958
Castles in the desert Smith 1957
Cataract Creek, Grand Canyon Shangri-la Stanley 1951
Cattle raising and spanish speech in Southern Arizona Seibold 1946
Cattle, guns and cowboys Serven 1970
Cattle, guns and cowboys Serven 1970
Cattle, guns and cowboys Serven 1970
Cave Creek, town waiting for a boom Swift 1962
Cecil Clinton Billingsley, 1889-1954 Schaus 1965
Cecil Harold Miller, 1900- Schaus 1968
Censores: the censorship battle in Phoenix Swift 1962