Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Frank Murphy: One of Prescott's silent heroes Simpson 1974
Frank Murphy: One of Prescott's silent heroes Simpson 1974
Frank R.Stewart Stewart 1922
Franklin Daily, 1868-1948 Schaus 1969
Fray Marcos de Miza, Coronado and the Yavapai Schroeder 1955
Fray Marcos de Miza, Coronado and the Yavapai Schroeder 1956
Fray Marcos de Niza, Coronado and the Yavapai Schroeder 1955
Fray Marcos de Niza, Coronado and the Yavapai Schroeder 1955
Fray Marcos de Niza, Coronado and the Yavapai Schroeder 1955
Fray Marcos de Niza, Coronado and the Yavapai Schroeder 1956
Fray Marcos de Niza, Coronado and the Yavapai Schroeder 1956
Fray Marcos de Niza, Coronado and the Yavapai Schroeder 1956
Fray Pedro Antonio de Arriquibar, chaplain of the royal fort at Tucson Stoner 1959
Fray Pedro Antonio de Arriquibar, chaplain to the royal fort at Tucson Stoner 1959
Fray Pedro Antonio de Arriquibar, chaplain to the royal fort at Tucson Stoner 1959
Fred Austin Stacy, 1876-1956 Schaus 1959
Fred James Cordes, 1891- Schaus 1972
Fred Wells, gun doctor Schulz 1955
Frederick Wilhelm Johann Gunterman, 1887-1974 Schaus 1976
Frederik Zacharias 1872-1957 Schaus 1972
Free at last Stumpf 1989
Free at last Stumpf 1989
Fremont and Anasazi resource selection: an examination of faunal assemblage variation in the northern Southwest Sharp 1990
Fremont and Anasazi resource selection: an examination of faunal assemblage variation in the northern Southwest Sharp 1990
Fremont and Anasazi resource selection: an examination of faunal assemblage variation in the northern Southwest Sharp 1990
Fresh air and Senate Bill one Smith 1967
Freshly retires colonel says Sovola 1967
From bleeders to bloodbanks Stevens 1974
From bleeders to bloodbanks Stevens 1974
From Russia with love Scott 1990
From sunrise to sunset in the Catalinas Stiles 1976
From the tribe of Papago Indians Segundo 1954
From vigas to rafters: architectual evolution in Florence, Arizona Sobin 1975
From vigas to rafters: architectural evolution in Florence Sobin 1975
Frontier justice? Showdown in sedona Saymour 1974
Further scanning electron photomicrographs of southwestern pollen grains Solomon 1973
Gabriel Elias Angulo, 1869-1937 Schaus 1975
Gail Gardner; a Prescott native who is a legend in the West Simpson 1975
Game conditions of the past in Arizona Stemmer 1929
Gary Edens: radio guy with the gift of gab Schriener 1986
Gem of the Painted Desert; Winslow, the largest city in Northern Arizona Scott 1914
Gems in Burro Creek valley Strong 1975
Gentle padre inventor of alphabet for Navaho tribe Smith 1939
Geographical aspects of construction planning: Hoover Dam Revisited Sutton 1968
Geologic mapping of Arizona: Bureau of Nines, U of A, completes project Shaw 1962
George Dickson Stephens Schaus 1973
George Phippen Simpson 1975
George Phippen - Prescott artist Schaus 1958
George Turnbull Peter, 1896-1946 Schaus 1964
George Upshaw, 1882-1951 Schaus 1970
Geronimo the Napoleon of Indians Salzman 1967
Get off the earth Shelby 1928
Getting air minded and staying that way Sykes 1928
Getting there was half the fun Sanders 1970
Ghost of the desert, the smoke tree Smith 1960