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Article Title Author Last Name Year
He owns records Smith 1959
He writes a real cool numer Smith 1953
Healing spaces in the Tewa Pueblo world Swentzell 1989
Healing spaces in the Tewa Pueblo world Swentzell 1989
Healing symbolism in Navaho religion Sandner 1972
Health education and the Navajo child Smith 1952
Heil Hopalong: was ist lot? Cowboys who short 'Voopee' Stadler 1974
Helicoptering it to Havasupai Simpson 1975
Henry Chee Dodge, Navajo Smith 1938
Henry Chee Dodge, Navajo Smith 1938
Henry Jefferson Dowdle, 1860-1933 Schaus 1962
Henry Mounce, 1863-1933 Schaus 1966
Here once lived the Hohokum Shelby 1930
Hereford tradition of Arizona's Boices is firmly rooted Schaus 1964
Hereford tradition of Arizona's Boices is firmly rooted Schaus 1964
Hereford tradition of Arizona's Boices is firmly rooted Schaus 1964
Hereford tradition of Arizona's Boices is firmly rooted Schaus 1964
Hereford tradition of Arizona's Boices is firmly rooted Schaus 1964
Hereford tradition of Arizona's Boices is firmly rooted Schaus 1964
Hereford tradition of Arizona's Boices is firmly rooted Schaus 1964
Hereford tradition of Arizona's Boices is firmly rooted Schaus 1964
Herefords in Arizona: early history of the Arizona Hereford Association Stanley 1967
Here's what became if the water boy and bucket bit Sovola 1966
Herman Bendell: Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Arizona Territory, 1871-1873 Stern 1976
High adventure on the Colorado River Slocum 1954
High on a hilltop Simpson 1975
Highlights of Yaqui history Spicer 1974
Higinio Beltran Aguirre, 1976-1960 Schaus 1962
Hike to Squaw Peak is easy, exhilarating Sheppard 1954
His "sense of values" started at home Smith 1961
Historical sketch of Percival Lowell, his observatory and its work Slipher 1926
History in concrete Simpson 1976
History of juniper control on the Fort Apache reservation Schroeder 1953
History of juniper control on the Fort Apache reservation Schroeder 1953
Hit-and-run Saul 1971
Hobbyist of Salome Steiner 1939
Hobert B. Stanton's plan for the far Southwest Smith 1962
Hohokum Shine 1929
Home on the road Stocker 1950
Homer Leslie Bryd, 1900- Schaus 1976
Hopi doll maker Singer 1956
Hopi gods in masquerade Smith 1940
Hopi Indians in Arizona Stephen 1940
Hopi Indians in Arizona Stephen 1940
Hopi Indians in Arizona Stephen 1940
Hopi Indians in Arizona Stephen 1940
Hopi Indians of Arizona Stephen 1939
Hopi Indians of Arizona Stephen 1939
Hopi Indians of Arizona Stephen 1940
Hopi Indians of Arizona Stephen 1940
Hopi Indians of Arizona Stephen 1940
Hopi Indians of Arizona Stephen 1940
Hopi Indians of Arizona Stephen 1940
Hopi professor says Indian culture is a living state of human affairs Sekaquaptewa 1973
Hopi snake-washing Sykes 1945