Davis, Morris Edward
Mentioned in the 1952-11-11-02 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954: “Two outside speakers, Dr. M.E. Davis of the University of Chicago, and Dr. Norman Miller of the University of Michigan, will be present.”
M. Edward Davis; Nels M. Strandjord; Lawrence H. Lanzl. Estrogens and the Aging Process: The Detection, Prevention, and Retardation of Osteoporosis. JAMA, Apr 1966; 196: 219 - 224.
M. Edward Davis; Nels M. Strandjord; Lawrence H. Lanzl. Estrogens and the Aging Process: The Detection, Prevention, and Retardation of Osteoporosis. JAMA, Apr 1966; 196: 219 - 224.