Personal Names in Arizona Medical History

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z | _

Connor, John William, Sr.

See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673].
Quebbeman, Frances E. Medicine in territorial Arizona. Phoenix : Arizona Historical Foundation, 1966, page 335: [Graduate, Southwestern Medical College, Louisville, 1903. To Seligman, 1906]

Connor, Washington J.

Graduated from the American School of Osteopathy in 1897 and opened the Phoenix Infirmary of Osteopathy with his brother, David Connor (q.v.), in 1898.
Johnson, Scott. Something more: osteopathic medicine in southern Arizona. Tucson, Ariz. : Osteopathic Press, 1992, pages 19, 29.
Quebbeman, Frances E. Medicine in territorial Arizona. Phoenix : Arizona Historical Foundation, 1966, page 335: Connor, David L. and W. J. Graduates, Osteopathic School in 1898 (American School, Kirksville, Missouri); …Residence: Phoenix.

Conway, Marinus Willett

Appointed superintendent of the Arizona State Hospital Nov 1, 1951. Arizona Medical Board record: Marinus W. Conway MD; license date: 4/19/1952; medical school: UNIV OF CINCINNATI COLL OF MED, Cincinnati, Ohio; graduation date: 06/05/1910; areas of interest: general practice and psychiatry.
Arizona State Hospital. Milestones; a history of seventy-five years of progress ... 1887-1962. [Phoenix? 1962?], page 10.

Conyers, B. L.

Quebbeman, Frances E. Medicine in territorial Arizona. Phoenix : Arizona Historical Foundation, 1966, page 335. [Rush Medical College, 1884]

Any connection[?]:
See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673]: “Conyers, B. G.”

Same person[?]:

Conyers, Benjamin L.

Quebbeman, Frances E. Medicine in territorial Arizona. Phoenix : Arizona Historical Foundation, 1966, page 335.

Any connection[?]:
See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673]: “Conyers, B. G.”

Cook, Franklin T.

J Am Med Assoc, Mar 1910; LIV: 990: Franklin T. Cook, M.D. University of Tennessee, Nashville, 1881; for 33 years a practitioner of Taylor, Texas; died in Phoenix, Ariz., March 2, from nephritis, aged 57.

Cook, John

See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673].
Sloan, Richard E. History of Arizona. Phoenix, Record Pub. Co., 1930, volume 3 (Arizona biography), pages 250, 253.

J Am Med Assoc, Mar 1933; 100: 679: John Cook, Douglas, Ariz. ; Baltimore Medical College, 1902; member of the Arizona State Medical Association; fellow of the American College of Surgeons ; served during the World War; aged 60; died, January 12, in Portal, of carcinoma of the intestine.

Cool, George W.

See also: Portrait and biographical record of Arizona. Commemorating the achievements of citizens who have contributed to the progress of Arizona and the development of its resources. Chicago: Chapman Publishing Company, 1901, pages 376, 379: George W. Cool, D.D.S. [born 1865 in Victoria, British Columbia; University of Californa degree in dentistry, 1884; …]

Coong, Hong

Professional ad: Dr. Hong Coong, graduate of the Ting Yun Medical and Botanical College of Canton City 1868. Malarial diseases a specialty, whether male or female. Would state to the public I am prepared to cure any and all afflictions of the Ear and Eye, having 14 years practice. 200 Pennington Street. [Source: Arizona Citizen (Tucson), 12/14/81]

Coontz, Otis H.

Mentioned in the 4/10/1945 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954: “Dr. Brown moved that the Society approve for temporary license Dr. Otis H. Coontz. Motion seconded by Dr. Cates. Motion passed.”

Cooper, Albert Nassau

See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673].
Quebbeman, Frances E. Medicine in territorial Arizona. Phoenix : Arizona Historical Foundation, 1966, page 335.

J Am Med Assoc, Mar 1904; XLII: 727: New [American Medical Association] members for the month of February, 1904 : ARIZONA. Cooper, A. Nassau, Bisbee.

Cooper, George F.

Visitor from Los Angeles [or perhaps San Francisco?]. Mentioned in the 12/14/1937 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954: “Dr. G.F. Cooper from Los Angeles gave a lecture and film illustration on ‘Management of Pneumonia.’ "

J Am Med Assoc, Nov 1937; 109: 1551: Oregon. Dr. George F. Cooper, San Francisco, addressed the Lane County Medical Society, Eugene, September 17, on "Treatment of Pneumonia."

Cooper, James Fryer

Appears in the 3/09/1926 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954: “A letter was read by the Executive and Secretary of the American Birth Control League, offering the services of Dr. James F. Cooper for a lecture to the Society upon the subject, "Contraceptive Technique." There being no sentiment expressed in favor of the proposition, was moved by Dr. S.C. Davis, seconded by Dr. B.L. Wyatt, that the Secretary be instructed to make a reply to the above letter to the effect that no date was available.”