Cooper, George F.

Visitor from Los Angeles [or perhaps San Francisco?]. Mentioned in the 12/14/1937 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954: “Dr. G.F. Cooper from Los Angeles gave a lecture and film illustration on ‘Management of Pneumonia.’ "

J Am Med Assoc, Nov 1937; 109: 1551: Oregon. Dr. George F. Cooper, San Francisco, addressed the Lane County Medical Society, Eugene, September 17, on "Treatment of Pneumonia."
J Am Med Assoc, Jan 1939; 112: 68: Program on Pneumonia Control. -- The Utah State Board of Health recently sponsored a program on the management of pneumonia preliminary to opening a campaign to control the disease throughout the state. The program included the showing of a film on the recent developments in pneumonia management and lectures by Dr. George F. Cooper, San Francisco, a technical medical adviser on pneumonia management. Meetings were arranged in every section of the state through the cooperation of the component medical societies with the deputy state district health officers.

Same person? (Seems unlikely.)
JAMA, Sep 1960; 174: 314-315: Cooper, George Francis, Baltimore; National University of Arts and Sciences Medical Department, St. Louis, 1917; resigned from the regular Navy in 1937; served in the regular army; veteran of World War I; died in the Veterans Administration Hospital, Fort Howard, Md., July 2, aged 66, of astrocytoma grade III, left frontal region.
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San Francisco CA