Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Some chemical observations on the upper Salt River and its tributaries Sommerfeld 1974
Some inspectors, too, have their ups and downs Sovola 1967
Some observations on Mohave clans Spier 1953
Some Pueblo I structures of the San Francisco Mountains, Arizona Spicer 1934
Some still have to be told Sovola 1969
Some unpublished history of the Southwest Smith 1931
Some unpublished history of the Southwest Smith 1931
Some unpublished history of the Southwest Smith 1931
Something new has been added Simpson 1975
Songs of the open range Sires 1929
Sonoita quarter horse show Schaus 1953
Sonoran Camelot Smith 1989
Sonoran Camelot Smith 1989
South Mountain's mystery castle, a legacy of love Stone 1973
South of Van Buren Sandberg 1965
Southern Arizona - a skin cancer factory! Schreiber 1976
Southern Arizona devil lore Seibold 1967
Southern Arizona International cattle show Schaus 1960
Southern California as Arizona's best customer Simons 1927
Southern Papago salt pilgrimages Stewart 1965
Southern Papago salt pilgrimages Stewart 1965
Southwest treasure house Stroud 1957
Southwestern chronicle: ethnology Spicer 1953
Southwestern chronicle: ethnology Spicer 1953
Southwestern chronicle: ethnology of the Navaho, Apache , and others Spicer 1948
Spanish attempts to open a New Mexico-Sonora road Simmons 1975
Special features in beef cattle exhibit Scott 1937
Spelunking Simpson 1975
Spicer, E.H. and Collier, J. Sheepmen and technicians: a program of soil conservation on the Navajo Indian Reservation Spicer
Splitting' the blanket Sharp 1974
Spring roundup on a Williamson Valley ranch Schuster 1975
Spring roundup on a williamson Valley ranch Schuster 1975
St. Mary's Arizona's first hospital Stern 1975
St. Mary's growth Stern 1976
St. Mary's, Arizona's first hospital Stern 1975
Stages held up on Black Canyon route Solomon 1928
Stages held up on Black Canyon route Solomon 1928
Stages held up on Black Canyon route Solomon 1928
State v. Oliver: children with a past; the admissibility of the victim's prior sexual experience in child molestation cases Steinmetz 1989
State women depicts vivid era in paint Smith 1953
Status of Cenozoic geochronology in the Southwest Smiley
Stay, cowboy, turn 'em out wild Sparkes 1923
Steoplechase - Arizona style Smoot 1962
Stick, stones and clubs Stumpf 1989
Sticks, stones and clubs Stumpf 1989
Still waters run deep Simpson 1975
Stone trees Smith 1930
Stone trees Smith 1930
Story of Apache Leap; a region of romance and reminiscence transformed by modern industry Scott 1914
Story of the red baron; the man who tried to steal a state and came near doing it Strover 1919
Street of flowers Sowell 1968
Student government program is experiment in democracy Smith 1958
Subsidized bigotry Stanton 1990
Subsoiling, a practical test Smith 1913
Suds quarters: Golden Eagle Distributors Scott 1988