Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
The collectible rip-off Schwarz 1977
The coming of the Babbitts Smith 1989
The coming of the camels Siciliano 1956
The 'compleat' banker Stacey 1973
The compleat Colorado River Saldana 1970
The complete Colorado River Saldana 1970
The constitutional status of American Indians Smith 1973
The construction of a wickiup on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation Shaeffer 1958
The copper capital of the world Strine 1926
The Coronado trail Slocum 1963
The coyote in Southwestern Indian tradition Simpson 1958
The coyote in Southwestern Indian tradition Simpson 1958
The creation of the Territory of Arizona Sacks 1963
The creation of the Territory of Arizona Sacks 1963
The credibility of the Fray Marcos account Sauer 1941
The Cudahy collection Schaus 1956
The Cyesis Center Saul 1971
The dance of the Shalako gods Saunders 1909
The dance of the Shalako gods Saunders 1909
The daring young man and the dashing state seal Swift 1962
The daring young man and the dashing state seal Swift 1962
The day hoppers: commuting for a college degree is great, simply great Sims 1969
The day hoppers: commuting for a college degree is great, simply great Sima 1969
The dead shot Salzman 1926
The death of 0-1 (with a little help from his friends) Stiles 1975
The desert laboratory Shreve 1926
The Desert Museum --- looking back 25 years Stiles 1977
The determination of the type-species of Diplocentrus (Scorpionida) Stahnke 1976
The diary of a Kaibab hunter Smith 1929
The discovery of Arizona Stoner 1939
The distribution of the human blood groups among the Navajo and Pueblo Indians of the Southwest Schaeffer 1935
The distribution of the human blood groups among the Navajos and Pueblo Indians of the Southwest Schaeffer 1935
The Dry Creek site: a pre-pottery lithic horizon in the Verde Valley, Arizona Shutler 1950
The economic value of the Arizona cattle industry Seltzer 1959
The economies of power pooling and energy use Sullivan 1974
The economies of power pooling and energy use Sullivan 1974
The economies of power pooling and energy use Sullivan 1974
The edge of the desert Shreve 1940
The edge of the desert Shreve 1940
The editor's perspective Stitt 1962
The effect of relative humidity on growth, water consumption, and calcium uptake in tomato plants Swalls 1975
The engineer and the canyon Smith 1960
The engineer and the canyon Smith 1960
The engineer and the canyon Smith 1960
The engineer and the canyon Smith 1960
The Epitaph: greenhorns at work Smith 1977
The esthetics of air conditioning Stitt 1962
The ethno-archaeology of Hopi pottery making Stanislawski 1969
The events behind a monument Serven 1974
The events behind a monument Serven 1974
The Fair in Prescott Simpson 1975
The family against the apartment and other things Sims 1970
The fate of the Rio Colorado Smythe 1904
The fight at Cibicu Smith 1956
The final resting place Smith 1974