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Article Title Author Last Name Year
Secret under the dunes Smith 1967
See the five-legged cow: the Arizona State Fair Stewart 1965
Segregation's last stand; the prospective victory over discrimination in Arizona's schools may be the inspiration for a comparable struggle in the deep south Stocker 1951
Sele, a major vegetal component of the aboriginal Hualapai diet Smith 1973
Selected union wage rates in Tucson compared with Dallas, Los Angeles, and Salt Lake City Spencer 1955
Selected union wage rates in Tucson compared with Dallas, Los Angeles, and Salt Lake City Spencer 1955
Selected union wage rates in Tucson compared with Dallas, Los Angeles, and Salt Lake City Spencer 1955
Sell, APS, sell! Stanton 1990
Seventh annual Arizona National vanguards 1955 stock show season Schaus 1955
Seventy-five years of the Arizona Pioneers' Historical Society Sloan 1959
Shadow catchers: a portrait of Arizona's pioneer photographers, 1863-1893 Spude 1989
Shalako, opera of the gods Stevenson 1961
Shalako, opera of the gods Stevenson 1961
Shamans' Gallery: a Grand Canyon rock art site Schaafsma 1990
Sharlot Hall on men Simpson 1974
Shelter from the rain (of taxes). Schwarz 1977
Shenandoah Ranches Smith 1969
Shenandoah Ranches Smith 1969
Sheriff and deputies occupy spacious new quarters Strickland 1966
Sheriff-Graham county Stevens 1972
Sheriff's Lt. Allee Haywood retires Strickland 1963
She's a fair winner Smith 1960
Shifting trends in employment, 1939-1953, Arizona and the United States Shirer 1954
Ships of the desert; the saga of Arizona's camels Simpson 1974
Sick system Schroepfer 1989
Sick system Schroepfer 1989
Sierra Vista, Arizona; urban challenge in a yearling community, pt.I Stone 1959
Sierra Vista, Arizona; urban challenge in a yearling community, pt.II Stone 1959
Silent stamp mills Schoenfield 1969
Silent stamp mills Schoenfeld 1969
Singing ambassadors of good will Stein 1962
Singing ambassadors of good will Stein 1962
Sister Judy Bisignano Scott 1990
Sister Judy Bisignano Scott 1990
Six years to polish a perfect telescope Smith 1959
Six years to polish a perfect telescope Smith 1959
Skinny dipping in Sabino Canyon Spencer 1977
Small train in a large country Snyder 1961
Smoki ceremony perpetuates Indian dances Sparkes 1935
So long, Harry... Southworth 1976
So you'd like to retire in Mexico? Sylvester 1975
Soaring on wings and a prayer Simpson 1975
Society in the Valley of the Sun Savoy 1960
Softball world tournament Smith 1954
Solar energy Schuster 1975
Soldiering and suffering in the Geronimo campaign: reminiscences of Lawrence R. Jerome Sto 1972
Soldiering and suffering in the Geronimo campaign: reminiscences of Lawrence R. Jerome Stout 1972
Soldiering and suffering in the Geronimo campaign: reminiscences of Lawrence R. Jerome Stout 1972
Soldiering and suffering in the Geronimo campaign: reminiscences of Lawrence R. Jerome Stout 1972
Soldiers' lost vein of gold Storm 1945
Solomon Barth, 1842-1928 Schaus 1973
Solomon of the river Stocker 1956
Solving the mystery of the lost Hohokam Stanley 1955
Solving the mystery of the lost Hohokam Stanley 1955
Some aspects of Zuni law and legal procedure Smith, Roberts 1954