Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Right up next to heaven Sparkes 1928
Road building and bond issues Smith 1914
Road building in Arizona Smith 1917
Road to nowhere Stanton 1989
Road to nowhere Stanton 1989
Robert D. Rawson, M.D., 1925-1969 Soland 1969
Robert Earl Francy, 1891-1969 Schaus 1971
Robert Edward Crowder, 1886-1960 Schaus 1969
Robert Lee Gray, 1875-1962 Schaus 1964
Rock art of the Navajo Reservoir Schaafsma 1962
Rock, rock, on the range Swarthout 1970
Rocket by the tail Sovola 1966
Rocket by the tail Sovola 1966
Rocket by the tail Sovola 1966
Rockhounds and pebble pups reap riches in Arizona Steiner 1962
Rodeo clowns; ain't they a sight? Sovola 1967
Rodeo of rodeos time again: remember the first one? Sovola 1965
Rodeo star Troy Nabors Stone 1974
Rodger Ford: quick-print king's specialty is speed Schriener 1988
Roland Marion Jones, 1896- Schaus 1975
Rolland Curry, 1893- Schaus 1958
Roller coasters and Rachmaninoff: 'kem' Sandberg 1965
Romance and tragedy at the Peek Mine Simpson 1976
Rosario Brena, 1854-1913 Schaus 1976
Rosita of Zuni Stone 1945
Routes: the story of a lawyer's rise Stanton 1989
Routes: the story of a lawyer's rise Stanton 1989
Roy Francis Haydon, 1871-1921 Schaus 1967
Rumors of gold Storm 1945
Running the Major's river Staveley 1969
Rural school standards high Smith 1931
Rural schools standards high Smith 1931
Saga of the Wellton Mohawk Siciliano 1953
Salome, where she danced Southworth 1973
Sam Saum, fiddle maker Simpson 1976
Sand for sale Scott 1968
Sand swimmer Switak 1976
Santa Gertrudis field day Schaus 1957
Santa Gertrudis on the Bard ranch Schaus 1954
Sasaki, T. and Adair, J. New land to farm: agricultural practices among the Navajo Indians of New Mexico Spicer
Saturday night at the bunkhouse Sovola 1968
Saturday night at the bunkhouse Sovola 1968
Saturday night at the fire house Sovola 1969
Saturday night in the clink Sovola 1966
Sauceda Mountain gem trails Sorensen 1961
Scalps and scalpers in Mohave Indian culture Stewart 1969
Scorpions of the genus Hadrurus Thorell Stahnke 1945
Scorpions, snakes and Gila monsters Shannon 1965
Scorpions, snakes and Gila monsters Shannon 1965
Scorpions, snakes and Gila monsters Shannon 1965
Scottsdale reannexes one half its populace on a weekend Stragier 1966
Scottsdale revolutionizes residental refuse collection Stragier 1971
Scottsdale revolutionizes residential refuse collection Stragier 1971
Search for the Mission Gold Simpson 1976
Search for the Mission Gold Simpson 1976