Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Ghost town class reunion Lee 1974
Ghost trail on the Border Lesure 1956
Ghosts of the Kofas Litton 1951
Ghosts of the Kofas Litton 1951
Glen Canyon Laughlin 1961
Gliding - like sliding on ice Leathan 1964
Government finance in Arizona Larson 1971
Government finance in Arizona - where to? Larson 1971
Grand adventure at Grand Canyon Lesure 1962
Grand Canon of the Colorado Lemmon 1888
Grand Falls of the Little Colorado Leatham 1962
Green loop; transportation solution for Arizona cities? Lockard 1974
Guest editorial Laos 1975
Guidance and placement at Phoenix Lundeen 1950
Guidance and placement at Phoenix Lundeen 1950
Guidance and placement at Phoenix Lundeen 1950
Guiding local economic development: the case of Prescott Leaming 1967
Harold Bell Wright: citizen of Tucson Langdon 1975
Harrison Began - Navajo artist LeViness 1957
Harrison Begay - Navajo artist LeViness 1957
Hart breaks from Prescott Lee 1977
Hayden Butte Leatham 1964
He captured Geronimo Lesure 1955
He captured Geronimo Lesure 1955
He rode the wilderness trail Lockwood 1946
He takes his hobby to work Linn 1962
He takes his hobby to work Linn 1962
Help where it's straight and searing Lee 1976
Hides aren't hidden; they're cured Lewis 1964
Hiking the limekiln country Leatham 1964
Hill house in Kingman Littlepage 1953
History of the cattle industry in the Southwest Love 1916
History of the cattle industry in the Southwest Love 1916
Hitting it in the Spanish field Lee 1975
Hogans vs. houses Lockett
Home delivery Lynch 1972
Home of the man who titled a town Lang 1963
Hon-dah, friend! Lucas 1967
Honey from cotton? Yes! Loveitt 1918
Horror tales of animal rescues Lee 1975
How to survive summer desert trips Lincoln 1967
How we began to lure the tourists Lee 1976
How we began to lure the tourists Lee 1976
I just graduated from this school system Lynch 1971
I learned about desert thirst Laudermilk 1943
If someone doesn't rent it, your uncle doesn't need it. Lynch 1971
Impressions of an artist while camping in the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Arizona Leigh 1911
Improved park-ing Livermore 1989
In Warsaw they are more excited at the track Lynch 1971
Indian wares in a historic setting Levines 1968
Indians choice in Washington Landley 1954
Indians made their own dies Laudermilk 1945
Indians made their own dyes Laudermilk 1968
Indians made their own dyes Laudermilk 1968
Indians made their own dyes Laudermilk 1945