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Article Title Author Last Name Year
Caught in the MD-DO crossfire Lee 1975
Caught in the MD-DO crossfire Lee 1975
Cave evolution in Marble Gorge of the Colorado River Lange 1956
Cave evolution in Marble Gorge of the Colorado River Lange 1956
Cave of the giant sloths Laudermilk 1942
Cemented relations Lee 1976
Cenozoic vertebrate localities and faunas in Arizona Lindsay 1974
Changes in Arizona retail trade Lambright 1960
Changing retail food prices in the Tucson area Leaming 1966
Charles H. Meyer Lockwood
Charreria is a Mexican rodeo Lee 1973
Chief and his seeing eye Lang 1961
Chief Chipps and cohorts take over Coolidge Lee 1973
Chinese sojourners in Territorial Prescott Lister 1989
Chinese sojourners in Territorial Prescott Lister 1989
Chiricahua Apache costume in the 1880's Lummis 1962
Cindy and the burn unit Lynch 1971
City government's traveling show and tell Lee 1975
Classics of Arizona literature Lock-wood 1932
Classroom on a bull's back Lee 1974
Clotho's temple Lang 1961
Clotho's Temple Leatham 1965
Clover Springs Leatham 1962
Co-eds a-horseback; the University of Arizona teaches real horsemanship to women as well as to men Lockwood 1925
Collection folklore on the Alamo Reservation: some preliminary observations Loganbill 1973
Colonel John Walker Lockwood
Colonel Tim McCoy, army man, movie star La Roche 1971
Combating student absenteeism: strategies for raising attendance and achievement Lincoln 1983
Coming home to Camp Verde Lee 1976
Commandants-general of the interior provinces; a preliminary list Loomis 1969
Community education and the American Indian today LaCourse 1971
Community planning for social welfare Livermore 1959
Confessions of a free-lancer Lowman 1954
Confessions of a free-lancer Lowman 1954
Confessions ranch cook: "never say a homely cowboy." Lee 1966
Confessions ranch cook: "never say a homely cowboy." Lee 1966
Confessions ranch cooks "never saw a homely cowboy." Lee 1966
Copper and communications spur Cochise County growth Leaming 1971
Copper smelting and refining: what will the nation need? Leaming 1967
Cops at the mat Lazovich 1957
Cops at the mat Lazovich 1957
Coronado would have preferred this Leatham 1970
Coronado's trail Lesure 1955
Cowboy camp meeting Lynch 1971
Cowboy garb and how it grew Laux 1973
Cowboy garb and how it grew Laux 1973
Coyote Mountain Leatham 1966
Craftsman of the cactus desert Lunsford 1946
Crossing Grand Canyon by foot Lancaster 1966
Cruising down the (desert) river Lindsay 1957
Cur-r-rling Lang 1961
Damage prevention by flood control Lowry 1963
Dawn cactus of Green River Laudermilk 1945
De Anza never said it was easy Lynch 1972
Dean Charels E. Ares: an introduction Lyons 1967