Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Live in the country, work in the city Lee 1974
Live in the country, work in the city Lee 1974
Live in the country, work in the city Lee 1974
Lo, the lonely silo Leatham 1966
Locomotive Rock Leatham 1964
Lone stand of Billy Rhodes Lebac 1973
Lone stand of Billy Rhodes Lebec 1973
Loose-structuring as exhibited in a case study of Navajo religious learning Lamphere 1964
Lost bells haunt tower Lesure 1954
Louis J. F. Jaeger Lockwood 1864
Magic at the grass roots Laudermilk 1947
Magic at the grass roots Laudermilk 1947
Magic at the grass roots Laudermilk 1947
Maiolica iin colonial Spanish America Lister 1974
Making it click with the Hopis Lee 1974
Making it click with the Hopis Lee 1974
Making mountains out of tailing Ludeke 1976
Man and the Plateau; an archaeologist's view Lipe 1976
Man and the Plateau; an archaeologist's view Lipe 1976
Many caves in mountains Leatham 1964
Marcos de Niza rock - historical inscription Leatham 1958
Marcos de Niza rock - historical inscription Leatham 1958
Marcy express to Dragoon Springs Lebec 1970
Marcy express to Dragoon Springs Lebec 1970
Maricopa County food costs in 1973: price controls vs. excess demand Louis 1974
Maricopa County food costs in 1973: price controls vs. excess demand Louis 1974
Mark. A. Aldrich Lockwood
Master of the Colorado Lamb 1938
May marks anniversary of famed Wham robbery Londstrom 1954
Mead the beautiful and strange Lauritzen 1952
Mediating Arizona labor disputes: is a state agency needed? Leonard 1963
Mediating Arizona labor disputes: is a state agency needed? Leonard 1963
Meet the champ Lang 1961
Memorial Hospital history Lambesis 1976
Mercy express to Dragoon Springs Lebec 1970
Meteor Crater, grave of a celestial visitor Locke 1937
Mexicans call it tuna Laudermilk 1945
Micro this and micro that Lynch 1972
Micro this and micro that: in a university library the path of knowledge is strewn with gadgetry Lynch 1972
Midnight drugstore Lee 1977
Midwives and childbirth among the Navajo Lockett 1939
Milking the land for more subdivisions Lee 1975
Mineral Park: Mohave County seat, 1877-1887 Lon 1962
Minerals catalogued Leighty 1976
Miner's -- the other Superstitions needles Leathan 1965
Mining in Pima County - a growing industry in a growing economy Leaming 1964
Miracle or marvel? The migrating Monarchs Leigh 1973
Mirage, magic of the air Laudermilk 1943
Montezuma's castle Lummis 1897
Montezuma's well Lummis 1897
Monument to a frontier tragedy Leatham 1960
More to healing than the medicine Luckert 1975
Mort Stone, tennis pro Lewis 1968
Mount Bruce and the Mustang Mountains Leatham 1960
Mount triplet and the San Carlos River Leatham 1960