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Article Title Author Last Name Year
Organization paid: Ft. Apache Indian cattlemen have solved their marketing problems Linn 1957
Osborne Flat Indian ruins Lang 1965
Our first American jewelers Lummis 1896
Our first American jewelers Lummis 1896
Outdoor devotions in tall pine country Lord 1959
Overnight solo up Sawick mountain Leatham 1961
Overnight solo up Sawick mountain Leatham 1961
Palatine Robinson Lockwood
Paletas and tabletas: comparison of Hohokam stone palettes with snuff trays of South America Lowell 1990
Paolo Soleri Laughlin 1963
Papago Indian medicine Lee 1964
Paradise (to be? ) lost Lowry 1965
Paradise (to be?) lost Lowry 1965
Paradise Valley Leatham 1962
Parker Dam Lowman 1950
Parks, preserves and all the problems Lee 1976
Passing of a Mesa landmark Leathan 1962
Patience at Portal Lynch 1970
Pediatricians treat kids but watch parents Lee 1976
People who live in a ghost town should never leave their doors unlocked Lynch 1970
Pete Kitchen - Arizona pioneer rifleman and ranchman Lockwood 1928
Phoenix - under foot Leatham 1968
Phoenix Indians adopt community education Little 1974
Phoenix winter air travelers: who, where and why Leaming 1973
Phoenix winter air travelers: who, where and why? Leaming 1973
Photography judges, an elusive objective: museum quality Leatham 1967
Pigmies of the plant world Laudermilk 1947
Pima Butte, and Arizona landmark Leatham 1965
Pima County Fair, another forward step Lent 1929
Pima weaver demonstrates ancient craft Lang 1958
Pine is also a town Leatham 1964
Pinnacle Peak Leathan 1962
Pioneers: 1854-1864, an announcement Lockwood 1932
Pipe bombs and pipe dreams Lacey 1989
Pipe bombs and pipe dreams Lacey 1989
Please don't call it flying Leatham 1967
Prejudice and discrimination against Navahos in a mining community Luebben 1964
Prejudice and discrimination against Navahos in a mining community Leubben 1964
Prejudice and discrimination against Navahos in a mining community Leubben 1964
Prejudice and discrimination against Navahos in a mining community Luebben 1964
Pricing practices of food supermarkets in Arizona Lindgren 1963
Pricing practices of food supermarkets in Arizona Lindgrne 1963
Primitive mill yields desert gold Law 1939
Primitive mill yields desert gold Law 1939
Private eye with private lens Lee 1976
Probability sampling applied to an early multi-component surface site in east-central Arizona Longacre, Graves 1976
Problems in dating early man in North America by paleontology Lance 1955
Problems in dating early man in North America by paleontology Lance 1955
Problems in dating early man in North America by paleontology Lance 1955
Public policy and mineral resource development in Arizona Leaming 1973
Public policy and mineral resource development in Arizona Leaming 1973
Public policy and mineral resource development in Arizona Leaming 1973
Puritan and Apache: a diary Lazelle 1948
Puritan and Apache: a diary Lazelle 1949
Putting in the fix Lingenfelder 1977