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Article Title Author Last Name Year
Fifty years in Paradise Lockwood 1931
Fifty years in Paradise Lockwood 1931
Fifty years in Paradise Lockwood 1932
Fifty years in Paradise Lockwood 1932
Fifty years in Paradise, the story of James C. Hancock, Arizona pioneer Lockwood 1931
Fifty years in Paradise, the story of James C. Hancock, Arizona pioneer Lockwood 1931
Fifty years in Paradise, the story of James C. Hancock, Arizona pioneer Lockwood 1932
Fighting a heavy employment problem Lee 1975
Fighting a heavy employment problem Lee 1975
First inside story of the Arizona love cults [ephemera] Luannearland 1954
First round-up Leatham 1956
Flagstaff Leadbetter 1958
Flagstaff redevelopment program Leadbetter 1959
Flagstaff summer festival: now what it needs Lynch 1971
Flying down to Parker Leadabrand 1965
Flying farmers of Arizona Leach 1953
Flying farmers of Arizona Leach 1953
Folk songs of the Colorado Lee 1954
Folk songs of the Colorado Lee 1954
Folk songs of the Colorado Lee 1954
Food, an international commodity Johnson, Lang 1963
Food, an international commodity Lang 1963
For hundreds of Arizona children, adoptions almost impossible Lublin 1970
For the love of a banana Lang 1964
Foreign trade of the United States through Arizona, 1950 to 1961 Leaming 1962
Foreign trade of the United States through Arizona, 1950 to 1961 Leaming 1962
Forest litter as a seed source in coal mine reclamation in the Southwest Ludeke 1990
Forest litter as a seed source in coal mine reclamation in the Southwest Ludeke 1990
Forgotten stage station Leatham 1957
Fort McDonald ruins Leatham 1958
Fort McDonald ruins Leatham 1958
Fort Mohave Road Leadabrand 1973
Fort Moroni Leatham 1961
Fort Tyson Lang 1961
Fossil weather Laudermilk 1944
Found: 22, 000 yesterdays Littlefield 1964
Found: 22,000 yesterdays Littlefield 1964
Founding missions in Pimeria Alta Lockwood 1937
Fox hunting in cowboy country Lee 1974
Fritz Contzen Lockwood
From Congress to Kingman in two hours - or two days Lesure 1960
Gadsonia and its ruins Lenfest 1911
Gadsonia and its ruins Lenfest 1911
Gail Gardner and the Sierry Petes Lee 1974
Gail Gardner and the Sierry Petes Lee 1974
Gamblers, barflies helped build Tombstone church Lang 1963
Game conservation, a warning, also an opportunity Leopold 1916
General Springs, a scene of drama Leatham 1961
Gentlemen of the editorial fraternity: Arizona's fighting pioneer journalists Lyon 1990
Geology of the Wupatki blowhole system Lamar 1964
Geology of the Wupatki blowhole system Lamar 1964
Geology, the earth's story Lance 1959
Getting Cooperized Lee 1977
Getting Dope Stop's message to the grammar schools; the teen counselors Lynch 1971
Getting high in th Superstition Leatham 1976