Serial Number
Bonavia, Bernardo (Comandante General)
Cruz, Jose de la and others
End date
Durango/Mexico September 16, 1815 - April 18, 1815. 36p. Letters. Copies/originals.
Index of letters that are included in this Series; Bonavia establishes duty on goods entering the port of Sonora, models it on San Blas duty at meeting of junta provisional de real hacienda; letter from virrey acknowledging receipt of above letter; intendent of Guadalaxara receives information on meeting of junta provisional; long letter furnishing information on the regulations, rights, and other details of the process by which duties are Charged in San Blas, letter divided into 28 capitulos which in general discuss; the distinction between duties and taxes and the related question of jurisdiction, economic motivation for their imposition and effect on commerce and prices, importation of cotton from Panama and foreign producers and a complete list of the duties Charged on this merchandise. Cites the increased costs being suffered because of the revolution in the context of seeking additional revenue, cites the benefits to the port of San Blas because of the increase in commerce, mention made of the taxes and duties Charged on goods that are foreign but have gone through Spain before coming into the Americas, more specifically there are different rates on foreign goods that have been espanolizado depending on which american port they enter, San Blas has a privileged status in this regard; second half of letter titled derecho de entreda, duros de internacion , up until capitulo 12 has a description of duty Fee percentages, the prestamo patriotico is reduced by 1/2 percent for those who pay duties, comparison of these rates with those in Lima - compare favorably, virrey has stated that the charging of these duties should be arranged so as to most resemble reglamento Al comercio Libre del Ano de 1778, lists the taxes that will be paid on foreign goods that first are espanolizados and pass through Guatemala, Santa Fe, and Peru before passing through the port of San Blas, analysis in the change of these taxes with those that had been inuse before, lists the commodities that will be Charged duties, last part of letter goes into the context of the situation as justification for these new taxes and lastly cites all the names of those who were part of the junta general and were witness to these new changes. (O. Velez, September 1989)
Bonavia, Benardo (Comandante General)
Batres, Salvador
Cruz, Josef de la
Galicia, Nueva (Reyno)
Sousa, Juan Jose de (Oidor)
Lopez Andres, Miguel (Fiscal)
Andrade, Alonso (Asesor Comisionado)
Gonzales de Velasco, Jose Francisco (Licenciado)
Benites, Bernardo
Vallejo, Manuel
Escoto, Manuel (Doctor0
Reynoso, Anastacio Jose (Licenciado)
Cavallero, Juan Manuel (Regidor)
Velez, Pedro (Procurador General)
Chavariso, Rafael (Doctor)
Sanchez Lenero, Gabriel (Doctor)
Cumplido, Jose Domingo
Venacio del Valle, Francisco (Comisionado)
Cambero, Juan Jose
Sanchez, Jose Domingo
Panama (Provincia)
San Blas (Puerto)
Peru (Reyno)
Santa Fe (Virreynato)
Chile (Reyno)
Acapulco (Puerto)
Veracruz (Puerto)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 227 ff. 201-219
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 227 ff. 201-219
This sequence is listed in the indice del ramo de Provincias Internas as expediente number 10
Reference Number
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