
DRSW Master Index is a computerized guide to several collections of Spanish colonial documents. The guide has been compiled and analyzed from microfilm copies of documents, indexes, persons, places, ethnic groups, and keywords, which are cross-referenced to a precise document and the location of the original. Although the database does not include transcriptions or translations of the documents, it is a finding aid or research tool to allow the investigator to know which documents and/or archives may have pertinent documents. Most of these documents are on microfilm collections held in major research libraries. Archival collections covered by the database are:
- Provincias Internas, Archivo General de la Nación, Mexico City, Mexico
- Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series II, Santa Fe, Mexico
- Bexar Archives (to 1790), University of Texas, Austin, Texas
- Archivo de Parral, Parral, Chihuahua
- Selected other documents from European and Mexican archives.
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