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Title Date Author(s)
Correspondence from Ruiz de Huidobro re: shipping of supplies to California. 02-20-1778 Ruiz, Josef Faustino (Comisario), Cavanas, Josef (Comisario), Compoi, Antonio, and others To California.
Correspondence from Ruiz de Huidobro re: shipping of supplies to California. 02-20-1778 Ruiz, Josef Faustino (Comisario), Cavanas, Josef (Comisario), Compoi, Antonio, and others To California.
Military rolls for December, 1770. 12-01-1770 Casas, Julian de las (Capitan), Escandon, Manuel de (Justicia), and others
Letters from Picazo, Gonzalez regarding mission establishments as protection against Indians. 06-29-1770 Picazo, Andres (Fray), Gonzalez de Santianes, Vicente (Gobernador), Croix, Marques de (Virrey)
Correspondence between governor and viceroy concerning mission and presidio establishments in colony and mining operations. (L. Deatherage, July 1987) 01-07-1771 Gonzalez de Santianes, Vicente (Gobernador), Croix, Marques de (Virrey)
Letters from governor and viceroy concerning activities in Nuevo Santander. 11-15-1771 Gonzalez de Santianes, Vicente (Gobernador), Croix, Marques de (Viceroy)
Letters confirming troop reviews 02-00-1771 Gonzalez de Santianes, Vicente (Gobernador), Croix, Marques de (Virrey)
Letter concerning Indian conditions in Colony 05-04-1770 Gonzalez de Santianes, Vicente (Gobernador), Croix, Marques de (Virrey)
Letters from governor to virrey concerning job transfer. 09-05-1771 Croix, Marques de (Virrey), Gonzalez de Santianes, Vicente (Gobernador), Bucareli, Antonio Maria de (Virrey)
Concerning creation and division of parishes in bishopric of Guadalajara 10-30-1698 Carlos II (Rey), Martinez, Pedro Angel (notario)
Religious salaries of Coahuila 09-05-1705 Campa Coz, Juan de la, Diaz, Joseph (Fray)
Pronouncements of junta general concerning Coahuilan missions and responses to them. 03-25-1704 Camargo, Gregorio de (Fray), and others
Inspection of missions 06-25-1703 Aguirre, Mathias de (Governador), Camargo, Gregorio de (Fray), Matheo, Thomas (Fray), Flores de Valdes, Nicolas (Capitan), Aparisio, Pedro de (Fray), Borrego, Manuel (Fray), Adame, Bartolome (Fray)
Discourse to viceroy 02-27-1702 Bosque, Pedro del (Sargento Mayor), Llerena, Lucas de (Fray), Cuerbo y Valdes, Francisco (Gobernador)
Correspondence to viceroy 03-18-1701 Cuerbo y Valdes, Francisco (Governador), Llerena, Lucas de (Fray)
Sobre la fundacion del pueblo y mision de San Francisco Solano en el nuevo valle de la circuncision 03-01-1700 Ramon Diego (Sargento Maior), Cuerbo y Valdes, Francisco (Gobernador)
Sobre la fundacion del pueblo y mision de San Francisco Solano en el nuevo valle de la circuncision 03-01-1700 Ramon Diego (Sargento Maior), Cuerbo y Valdes, Francisco (Gobernador)
Permission for Diaz de Solorzano to go to Mexico to be cured. 08-06-1791 Diaz Solorzano, Manuel, Yribarren, Jose Antonio de (Capitan), Cantelmi, Jose Maria (Alcalde), Nava, Pedro de (Brigadier), and others
Permission for Diaz de Solorzano to go to Mexico to be cured. 08-06-1791 Diaz Solorzano, Manuel, Yribarren, Jose Antonio de (Capitan), Cantelmi, Jose Maria (Alcalde), Nava, Pedro de (Brigadier), and others
Indian raids and proposed solutions 03-03-1783 Sanchez Posada, Joseph (Fiscal), Fernandez de Cordova, Francisco, Crespo, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, and others
Indian raids and proposed solutions 03-03-1783 Sanchez Posada, Joseph (Fiscal), Fernandez de Cordova, Francisco, Crespo, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, and others
Formation and armament of cavalry and presidio in Nuevo Leon. 06-07-1783 Cisneros, Pasqual de, and others
Correspondencia con el gobernador interino don Lorenzo Cancio provincia de Coahuila. Ano de 1764. 01-03-1764 Cancio, Lorenzo (Gobernador), Ortiz Parrilla, Diego (Gobernador), Ximenez, Diego (Padre)
Letters of viceroy Conde de Galvez(?) to Condamo and Emparan with responses 12-14-1790 Emparan, Miguel Jose, Conde de Galvez(?), Gonzalez Candamo, Gaspar
Royal order to establish missions in territory of Gila and Colorado rivers. 02-01-1777 Galvez, Joseph de, Croix ?, Theodoro, and others
Letters from ship magallanes; commander of port of San Blas to governor of alta California 05-29-1816 Ruiz, Pablo Javier, Cruz, Josef de la
Letters from Cancio to viceroy on military and administrative matters 11-12-1761 Cancio, Lorenzo (Gobernador Interino), Alderete, Bizente de
Letters from Cancio on military affairs and response from officials in Mexico 02-08-1762 Cancio Sierra y Zienfuegos, Lorenzo (Gobernador Interino), And Other Unknown Person(S)
Letters of Cerecedo concerning military troops and his service. 10-07-1785 Cerecedo y Velasco, Manuel (Capitan), and others
Letters concerning transfer of Cos to San Juan Bautista from Santa Rosa de Sacramento 10-02-1756 Cos, Manuel de (Teniente), Rodriguez, Manuel (Capitan), Garcia, Diego Martin (Fray)
Expenses of surgeon Crivelli 08-00-1797 Crivelli, Juan Bautista, and others
Reintegro de faltas que hubo en las memorias del presidio de San Diego respectivo al ano de 1800 11-10-1800 Carrazco, Juan (Piloto)(Contador), Rodriguez, Manual Antonio (Comandante), Borbon, Francisco Xavier (Fiscal), Murphy, Jacobo (Comandante), Bermudez, Francisco de Paula, Garcia, Felipe (Alferez), and others
Awarding of contract to produce and sell mescal 12-12-1798 Linares, Juan, Cruz Aedo, Jose Maria, And Real Hacienda Officials
Letters re: payment of sinodos to California missionaries. 01-18-1819 Lopez, Baldomero (Fray), Cortes, Juan (Fray)
Series of documents relating to Cortes' request that cajas de Guadalaxara pay sinodos owed to California missionaries. 02-00-1820 Cortes, Juan (Fray) (Procurador General de Misiones), Gutierrez, Antonio
Cedulas granting veterans pensions to Espinosa and Montero. 11-07-1806 Caballero Campo y Herrera, Josef Antonio (Secretario de Estado), Arrillaga, Jose Joaquin (Gobernador), Valles, Ygnacio, and others
Series of letters re: request by Castro to retire with half salary. 03-31-1802 Arrillaga, Jose Joaquin (Gobernador), Castro, Macario (Sargento Retirado), Yturrigaray, Jose de (Virrey) Half Salary.
Concha's informe concerning current state of Provincias Internas. 01-19-1795 Concha, Fernando de la, Branciforte, Marques de (Virrey)
Calleja reviews primera compania Volante of Santander for virrey finding it in need of supplies. 03-30-1795 Calleja, Felix, Sierra Gorda, Conde de la, Guerra, Mariano
Formal report by Beregana to viceroy stating situation of funds of Chihuahua, including letter of explanation; response of viceroy. 01-01-1788 Beregana, Domingo de, Herrera, Ciria, Florez, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), Bonilla
Formal report by Beregana to viceroy stating situation of funds of Chihuahua, including letter of explanation; response of viceroy. 01-01-1788 Beregana, Domingo de, Herrera, Ciria, Florez, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), Bonilla
Formal report by Beregana to viceroy stating situation of funds of Chihuahua, including letter of explanation; response of viceroy. 01-01-1788 Beregana, Domingo de, Herrera, Ciria, Florez, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), Bonilla
Series of letters to Ugarte y Loyola requesting intelligence and expenses reports; notice of new sub-commander under Ugarte y Loyola. 07-18-1787 Diaz de Ortega, Phelipe, Parada(?), Cordova, Florez, Manuel Antonio
Series of letters to Ugarte y Loyola requesting intelligence and expenses reports; notice of new sub-commander under Ugarte y Loyola. 07-18-1787 Diaz de Ortega, Phelipe, Parada(?), Cordova, Florez, Manuel Antonio
Series of letters to Ugarte y Loyola requesting intelligence and expenses reports; notice of new sub-commander under Ugarte y Loyola. 07-18-1787 Diaz de Ortega, Phelipe, Parada(?), Cordova, Florez, Manuel Antonio
Letters protesting working conditions of Indians employed at haciendas Amoles and Buey. 03-04-1808 Ladron de Guevara, Vicente, Sanchez, Jose, Cardona, Ramon, and others
Letters protesting working conditions of Indians employed at haciendas Amoles and Buey. 03-04-1808 Ladron de Guevara, Vicente, Sanchez, Jose, Cardona, Ramon, and others
Letters concerning naming of new administrador de haciendas del Fondo Piadoso. 06-15-1798 Gonzalez del Castillo, Jose Yldefonso (Administrador), Rodriguez, Jose Manuel, Calleja, Felix (Virrey), and others
Letters concerning naming of new administrador de haciendas del Fondo Piadoso. 06-15-1798 Gonzalez del Castillo, Jose Yldefonso (Administrador), Rodriguez, Jose Manuel, Calleja, Felix (Virrey), and others
Documents concerning financing of mission expenses. 04-26-1790 Carrion, Carlos IV (Rey), Hernandez de Alva, Lorenzo