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Title Date Author(s)
Letters concerning military matters related to expedition directed by Cuellar. 09-18-1768 Cuellar, Lope de, virrey (?), Cuellar, Francisco de, Munoz, Manuel, and others
Letters concerning military matters related to expedition directed by Cuellar. 09-18-1768 Cuellar, Lope de, virrey (?), Cuellar, Francisco de, Munoz, Manuel, and others
Letters concerning military matters related to expedition directed by Cuellar. 09-18-1768 Cuellar, Lope de, virrey (?), Cuellar, Francisco de, Munoz, Manuel, and others
Letters concerning military matters related to expedition directed by Cuellar. 09-18-1768 Cuellar, Lope de, virrey (?), Cuellar, Francisco de, Munoz, Manuel, and others
Correspondence between virrey and Cuellar related to war against Indians in frontiers of Nueva Vizcaya. 04-11-1768 Virrey (?), Cuellar, Lope de
Correspondence between virrey and Cuellar related to war against Indians in frontiers of Nueva Vizcaya. 04-11-1768 Virrey (?), Cuellar, Lope de
Correspondence concerning synods of Franciscan missionaries in Chihuahua. 05-25-1768 Cuellar, Lope de, Croix, Marques de
Correspondence concerning synods of Franciscan missionaries in Chihuahua. 05-25-1768 Cuellar, Lope de, Croix, Marques de
Documents concerning crime of desertion, extorsion and fraud. 08-08-1767 Cuellar, Lope de, Virrey (?), Pimentel, Blas de
Correspondence between Cuellar and virrey concerning military matters related to planned expedition against Apaches. 05-31-1768 Cuellar, Lope de, Virrey(?)
Correspondence between Croix and Cuellar concerning arrest of pimentel for desertion and money given for his maintenance. 07-26-1768 Cuellar, Lope de, Virrey (?), Pimentel, Blas
Correspondence dealing with different military matters 06-06-1768 Cuellar, Francisco, Cuellar, Lope de, Coronado, Jazinto, and others
Correspondence dealing with different military matters 06-06-1768 Cuellar, Francisco, Cuellar, Lope de, Coronado, Jazinto, and others
Correspondence concerning military and religious corruption in Nueva Vizcaya 01-25-1768 Cuellar, Lope de, Virrey (?), Cadaval, Manuel
Correspondence concerning military and religious corruption in Nueva Vizcaya 01-25-1768 Cuellar, Lope de, Virrey (?), Cadaval, Manuel
Correspondence concerning military and religious corruption in Nueva Vizcaya 01-25-1768 Cuellar, Lope de, Virrey (?), Cadaval, Manuel
Correspondence dealing with different military matters 06-06-1768 Cuellar, Francisco, Cuellar, Lope de, Coronado, Jazinto, and others
Correspondence dealing with different military matters 06-06-1768 Cuellar, Francisco, Cuellar, Lope de, Coronado, Jazinto, and others
Correspondence between Croix and Cuellar concerning war against Apaches. Copies of extensive series of documents and testimonies from ayuntamiento of Chihuahua included. 10-20-1766 Cuellar, Lope de, Munoz, Manuel, Gonzales de noboa, Domingo Antonio, and others
Correspondence concerning matters related to military expedition against Apaches. 09-19-1767 Cuellar, Lope de, Virrey (?), Barragan, Ambrosio, and others
Correspondence with Cuellar regarding religious matters. November-December 1767. 11-25-1767 Cuellar, Lope de, Cadaval, Manuel, Virrey (?)
Correspondence with Cuellar regarding religious matters. November-December 1767. 11-25-1767 Cuellar, Lope de, Cadaval, Manuel, Virrey (?)
Correspondence with Cuellar for months of January and February 1768. 01-05-1768 Cuellar, Lope de, Fernandez de San Salvador, Joaquin Blas
Correspondence with Cuellar mainly regarding military matters and war with Indians. Year 1767. 01-18-1767 Cuellar, Lope de, Borbolla Joseph de, Virrey (?), Barrandegui, Juan Joseph and others
Administrative correspondence between Junon (governor) and Marquez de Croix (virrey) concerning Indian captives. 07-08-1769 Junon, Pedro (Governador), Croix, Marquez de (Virrey)
Administrative correspondence from Junon, to the virrey 1770-1771. 04-27-1770 Junon, Pedro, Croix, Marquez de (Virrey), Maestre, Raphael
Letters from Carrillo to viceroy regarding irregularities on sinodos paid in missions and haciendas. 07-29-1770 Virrey, Carrillo, Francisco Antonio
Letters from Carrillo to viceroy regarding irregularities on sinodos paid in missions and haciendas. 07-29-1770 Virrey, Carrillo, Francisco Antonio
Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and the commander of expedition against Indian rebels. Chihuahua 1771. 01-07-1771 Galvez, Bernardo de (Comandante), Croix, Marquez de (Virrey)
Administrative correspondence between governor of Sonora and viceroy, 1776 09-17-1776 Crespo, Francisco Antonio (Gobernador), Virrey, Corvalan, Pedro (Intendente de Sonora)
Administrative correspondence between governor of Sonora and viceroy, 1776 09-17-1776 Crespo, Francisco Antonio (Gobernador), Virrey, Corvalan, Pedro (Intendente de Sonora)
Administrative correspondence between governor of Sonora and viceroy, 1776 09-17-1776 Crespo, Francisco Antonio (Gobernador), Virrey, Corvalan, Pedro (Intendente de Sonora)
Administrative correspondence between governor of Sonora and viceroy, 1776 09-17-1776 Crespo, Francisco Antonio (Gobernador), Virrey, Corvalan, Pedro (Intendente de Sonora)
Administrative correspondence between governor of Sonora and viceroy. 12-16-1775 Crespo, Francisco Antonio (Governor), Virrey
Administrative correspondence between governor of Sonora and viceroy 1776. 05-19-1776 Crespo, Francisco Antonio, Virrey
Correspondence between governor of Sonora and viceroy 1775. Indian affairs. 08-21-1775 Crespo, Francisco Antonio, Virrey
Concerns civil and military administration 1775. 06-07-1775 Crespo, Francisco, Gorraez, Josef
Correspondence between governor of Sonora and viceroy dealing with some issues and affairs of province (official title). 10-10-1715 Crespo, Francisco Antonio (Gobernador), Virrey, Yriarte, Juan Agustin de and others.
Series of documents concerning investigation of some seditious Indians... 03-13-1776 Crespo, Francisco Antonio, Urrea, Bernardo, Virrey, Antelo y Bermudez, Angel de.
Documents concerning Indian affairs and military campaigns against Indians enemies. 07-02-1775 Crespo, Francisco Antonio, Fueros, Pedro, Lumbreras, Juan Josef, and others.
Series of documents concerning military administration and Indian affairs 04-21-1773 Virrey, Crespo, Francisco Antonio, Urrea, Bernardo, Vildosola, Joseph Antonio de
Series of documents concerning military administration and Indian affairs 04-21-1773 Virrey, Crespo, Francisco Antonio, Urrea, Bernardo, Vildosola, Joseph Antonio de
Litigation on arrest of military official from Terrenate. 04-29-1774 Crespo, Francisco Antonio, Bonilla, Antonio, Virrey
Correspondence between governor of Sonora and virrey 1774. 06-18-1774 Crespo, Francisco Antonio, Virrey
Letters between governor of Sonora and virrey 1774. 01-21-1774 Crespo, Juan Antonio (Gobernador), Alias, Juan (Fray), Virrey
Correspondence between virrey and governor of Sonora 1774, dealing with administrative issues such as postal services and mistreatment of Indians, agriculture, mining and Indians attacks. 02-29-1774 Crespo, Francisco Antonio
Correspondence between governor and virrey on various administrative issues. 1774 02-25-1774 Crespo, Francisco Antonio
Cover letter and copy of real cedula re: Torija's residencia sent by Campo to virrey. 04-16-1766 Campo, Francisco Xavier del, El Rey
Letter from ayuntamiento de Chihuahua to virrey, visitador 01-07-1768 Castillo, Antonio Gutierrez, Fuente, Pedro de la, and others
Letters between Fayni and Croix about defence organization for Durango area. 06-14-1769 Fayni, Joseph (Gobernador), Croix, Marquez de (Virrey)