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Title Date Author(s)
Correspondence between Corbalan and Bucareli re: military expedition finances; vandos on caudales; accountant appointment; Indian tithes. 08-08-1771 Corbalan, Pedro, Virrey(?)
Vildosola to Corbalan (Corbalan's reply, Alamos, 10/9/1771) letter concerning preparations Apache campaign. 09-14-1771 Vildosola, Gabriel Antonio de, Corbalan, Pedro
Corbalan to Croix (official reply, Mexico, 10/25/1771/ letter concerning Indian payment church tithes. 09-24-1771 Corbalan, Pedro, Virrey (?)
Corbalan to Croix letter-moving (Casa Marca; silver smuggling. 01-15-1771 Corbalan, Pedro, Virrey (?)
Corbalan to Croix (Croix's reply, Mexico, 9/16/1771) letter concerning royal monopolies. 02-11-1770 Corbalan, Pedro, Virrey (?)
Correspondence between Corbalan and Croix re: Caja Marca of Rosales and Ures; new governor of Sonora; vandos on caudales to Spain. 06-10-1771 Corbalan, Pedro, Virrey (?)
Corbalan to Croix (Croix's reply, Mexico 9/16/1771) letter-military finances. 08-02-1771 Corbalan, Pedro, Virrey (?)
Correspondence between Corbalan and Croix re: military personnel; Santa Lucia revolt and Yaqui settlement. 06-13-1767 Virrey (?), Corbalan, Pedro
Correspondence between Corbalan and Croix re: military personnel; Santa Lucia revolt and Yaqui settlement. 06-13-1767 Virrey (?), Corbalan, Pedro
Corbalan to Croix (Croix's response, Mexico, (9/14/1771) letter concerning sibubapas at Belen. 08-02-1771 Corbalan, Pedro, Virrey (?)
Corbalan to Croix (Croix's response, Mexico, 9/14/1771) letter concerning port of Guaymas. 08-02-1771 Corbalan, Pedro, Virrey (?)
Diaz to Corbalan letter concerning difficulties Indian ration program. 07-02-1771 Diaz, Juan (Fray), Corbalan, Pedro
Corbalan to Croix letter concerning Elizondo expedition. 05-28-1771 Corbalan, Pedro, Virrey (?)
Corbalan to Croix letter concerning Yaqui problems. 07-08-1771 Corbalan, Pedro, Virrey (?)
Correspondence between Corbalan and Croix discussing conflict and difference of opinion between Lumbreras and Cordon and their reconciliation. 07-08-1771 Corbalan, Pedro, Virrey (?)
Correspondence between Corbalan and Croix re: care of convicts and receipt of military inspection reports. 11-00-1770 Corbalan, Pedro, Virrey (?)
Corbalan to Croix letter concerning Seri reduction. 05-28-1771 Corbalan, Pedro, Virrey (?)
Corbalan's correspondence re: gold discoveries; troop food supplies; Yaqui subsistance. 04-29-1771 Corbalan, Pedro, Virrey (?), Pol, Antonio de, and others
Elizondo, Corbalan to Croix; Croix's reply letter concerning new Indian campaign Sonora. 04-00-1771 Elizondo, Domingo (Coronel), Corbalan, Pedro
Corbalan's correspondence concerning rebellion of Indians of Santa Lucia; Alcabalas; Alamos iron shipments. 01-15-1771 Corbalan, Pedro, Virrey (?), Quevedo, Joseph
Correspondence between Corbalan and Croix concerning defense of provinces and reduccion of Indians. 01-18-1771 Virrey (?), Corbalan, Pedro
Correspondence between Corbalan and Croix concerning defense of provinces and reduccion of Indians. 01-18-1771 Virrey (?), Corbalan, Pedro
Correspondence between Corbalan and Croix re: troop supplies and salaries; Corbalan's health; Alcabala. 00-00-1767 Virrey (?), Corbalan, Pedro
Correspondence between Corbalan and Croix re: troop supplies and salaries; Corbalan's health; Alcabala. 00-00-1767 Virrey (?), Corbalan, Pedro
Pineda to Croix letter concerning Alcabala. 01-14-1768 Pineda, Juan de, Croix, Marques de
Corbalan to Croix letters concerning Sinaloa salt trade. 04-05-1771 Corbalan, Pedro, Virrey (?)
Corbalan to Croix letter concerning Sonoran supplies sent to California. 02-09-1771 Corbalan, Pedro de, Virrey (?)
Correspondence between Croix and Corbalan re: Sonora expedition expenses and order on Alcabala. 02-09-1771 Corbalan, Pedro, Virrey (?)
Corbalan's correspondence re: Alcabla and funds from general treasury for military expedition expenses. 11-22-1770 Virrey (?), Corbalan, Pedro
Corbalan's correspondence re: Alcabla and funds from general treasury for military expedition expenses. 11-22-1770 Virrey (?), Corbalan, Pedro
Correspondence between Corbalan and Croix concerning supplies and funds for troops in Californias. 01-02-1771 Virrey (?), Corbalan, Pedro
Correspondence between Corbalan and Croix concerning supplies and funds for troops in Californias. 01-02-1771 Virrey (?), Corbalan, Pedro
Corbalan's correspondence concerning transport of shipment of gold and silver to Mexico and delivery of accounts. 12-31-1770 Virrey (?), Corbalan, Pedro de
Corbalan's correspondence concerning transport of shipment of gold and silver to Mexico and delivery of accounts. 12-31-1770 Virrey (?), Corbalan, Pedro de
Correspondence between viceroy and Corbalan concerning military personnel, salaries, and fiscal affairs of Sonoran military expedition. 01-15-1771 Virrey (?), Corbalan, Pedro de, Santo Ysla, Joseph del (Tesorero)
Correspondence between viceroy and Corbalan concerning military personnel, salaries, and fiscal affairs of Sonoran military expedition. 01-15-1771 Virrey (?), Corbalan, Pedro de, Santo Ysla, Joseph del (Tesorero)
Corbalan to Croix letter concerning Indian rations. 04-29-1771 Corbalan, Pedro, Virrey (?)
Instructions to Gregori and discussion of finances. 03-07-1780 Croix, Cavallero de, Gregori, Joseph (Capitan), and others
Discussion of desire to settle cases of various prisoners who are currently imprisoned in real carcel of Durango. 12-24-1778 Olaondo, Antonio Joseph, Croix, Cavallero de, and others
Money earmarked for various positions that were not filled in newly formed quarta compania Volante de Nueva Vizcaya is ordered returned to tesoria de Chihuahua. 05-01-1782 Croix, Cavallero de, and others
Request from Croix for marcas, punzones, pesos, libros and other items needed for establishment of new Caxa Real de Chihuahua. 08-03-1782 Croix, Cavallero de, Posada (Fiscal), and others
Escandon was arrested as directed by royal order, but shortly before he was imprisoned, fell ill and was hospitalized. 06-04-1783 Escandon, Francisco (Teniente de Gobernador), Carrion y Andrade, Joseph de
Correspondence re: Zeballos' request for promotion. 01-31-1784 Zeballos Velarde, Fernando de (Sargento Mayor), Galvez, Joseph de, Croix, Marques de
Papers relating to disposition of mines and other goods from Torre y Barco's estate. 01-12-1780 Castanos, Juan Manuel de (Capitan Comandante), and others
Correspondence relating to Velasquez' complaints and request to leave office. 04-16-1784 Velasquez, Juan, Crespo, Francisco Antonio, Munoz, Manuel (Teniente Coronel), Gutierrez de la Cueva, Juan (Ayudante Inspector)
Correspondence relating to purchase of Calo's house. 01-07-1785 Bregana, Domingo de, Calo, Leonardo Maria de, and others
Correspondence related to adjustments to Rengel's salary upon promotion to comandante inspector. 06-11-1783 Beregana, Domingo de (Tesorero), Carlos (Rey), Rengel, Joseph Antonio, (Comandante Inspector), and others
Correspondence related to Miranda's request for payment of pension from Montepio militar following her husband's death. 11-13-1780 Croix, Cavallero de, Posada (Fiscal), Miranda y Rubio, Maria Teresa de (Viuda), Rengel, Joseph Antonio, and others
Correspondence of intendente of Sonora, Pedro Corbalan, for 1779. 04-05-1774 Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey)
Sonora, correspondencia del intendente Pedro Corbalan, 1781. 09-23-1780 Mayorga, Martin de (Virrey), Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente)