Correspondence of intendente Corbalan for 1785. |
09-20-1783 |
Galvez, Joseph de (Conde) (Virrey), Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente) |
Correspondence of Corbalan, gobernador politico y intendente de Sonora, for years 1777 and 1778. |
03-02-1768 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Correspondence of intendente of Sonora for August - October 1774. |
06-18-1773 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Correspondence of intendente Corbalan for November - December 1774. |
00-00-1769 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente), Villegas, Jose Felipe, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Correspondence of intendente Corbalan for May - June, 1774 |
06-22-1773 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Correspondence of intendente Corbalan for July 1774 |
12-11-1759 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Correspondence of Pedro Corbalan, intendente of Sonora, for January - March, 1774 |
03-29-1749 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Civil-military correspondence of intendente Corbalan |
06-10-1772 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey), Bonilla, Antonio (Ayudante Inspector) |
Correspondence of intendente Corbalan, March 1773. |
06-24-1772 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente), Gallo, Mathias (Fray), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Correspondence of intendente Corbalan for April - June, 1773 |
02-22-1772 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey), Aragon, Pedro Gabriel de |
Correspondence of Pedro Corbalan, intendente of Sonora, for 1773. |
09-16-1772 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio (Virrey) |
Correspondence of intendente of Sonora, 1773. |
06-02-1773 |
Corbalan, Pedro de (Intendente), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Correspondence of intendente Corbalan for January - February, 1773 |
02-11-1772 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Correspondencia con el yntendente de Sonora don Pedro Corbalan, ano de 1773 |
03-08-1773 |
Lumbreras, Juan Jose (Teniente), Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente) |
Correspondence between Crespo and viceroy on plans for second expedition to Monte Rey |
05-18-1774 |
Crespo, Francisco Antonio (Gobernador), and others |
Correspondence re: request by despenseros to be paid salaries and rations while ashore not just while at sea or on campaign. |
03-31-1794 |
Campoy, Antonio (Despensero), Hixosa, Francisco, Eliza, Francisco, and others |
Correspondence re: supplies needed in San Blas. |
04-18-1793 |
Bodega y Quadra, Juan Francisco de la (Capitan de Navio) (Comandante), Eliza, Francisco de (Comandante Interino), Corral, Miguel del, and others |
Correspondence re: supplies needed in San Blas. |
04-18-1793 |
Bodega y Quadra, Juan Francisco de la (Capitan de Navio) (Comandante), Eliza, Francisco de (Comandante Interino), Corral, Miguel del, and others |
Correspondence re: granting of one month's salary to Cabero to cover travel expenses to San Blas where he is to be employed as marinero in Buques del Rey. |
03-10-1794 |
Cabero, Nicolas, Eliza, Francisco de |
Informe on Sonora by Bonilla and related correspondence of commandant inspector O'Conor and viceroy Bucareli |
01-01-1740 |
Bonilla, Antonio (Ayudante), Conor, Hugo, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio |
Oconor to virrey on military visitas |
12-17-1774 |
Oconor, Hugo (Comandante), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio (Virrey), Crespo, Francisco Antonio, and others |
Oconor to virrey on military visitas |
12-17-1774 |
Oconor, Hugo (Comandante), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio (Virrey), Crespo, Francisco Antonio, and others |
Correspondence between Pineda and Cruillas concerning Indian raids. |
02-18-1764 |
Pineda, Juan de (Gobernador), Cruillas, Marques de (Virrey) |
Correspondence between Pineda, Urrea, the viceroy, and others concerning military appointments. |
00-00-1758 |
Pineda, Juan de (Gobernador), Cruillas, Marques de (Virrey), Urrea, Bernardo de (Capitan), and others |
Correspondence between Pineda and Cruillas concerning rosario's troops. |
02-12-1762 |
Pineda, Juan de (Gobernador), Cruillas, Marques de (Virrey) |
Correspondence between Urrea, Pineda, and Cruillas concerning numerous Indian raids. |
12-31-1762 |
Urrea, Bernardo de (Capitan), Cruillas, Marques de (Virrey), Pineda, Juan de (Gobernador) |
Correspondence between Pineda, Urrea, and Cruillas concerning Pineda's arrival to Sonora, and appointments for presidio's officials. |
04-02-1763 |
Pineda, Juan de (Gobernador), Urrea, Bernardo de (Capitan), Cruillas, Marques de (Virrey), and others. |
Correspondence between Pineda, Urrea, and Cruillas concerning Pineda's arrival to Sonora, and appointments for presidio's officials. |
04-02-1763 |
Pineda, Juan de (Gobernador), Urrea, Bernardo de (Capitan), Cruillas, Marques de (Virrey), and others. |
Correspondence between Elias, Tienda, and Cruillas concerning relocation of Sobaipuri Indians. |
03-22-1762 |
Gonzalez, Francisco Elias (Capitan), Tienda de Cuervo, Joseph (Gobernador), Cruillas, Marques de (Virrey) |
Correspondence between Cancio, Cruillas, and others concerning establishment of Buenavista. |
12-07-1759 |
Cancio, Lorenzo (Capitan), Cruillas, Marques de (Virrey), and others |
Correspondence between Cancio, Cruillas, and others concerning establishment of Buenavista. |
12-07-1759 |
Cancio, Lorenzo (Capitan), Cruillas, Marques de (Virrey), and others |
Testimonies concerning charges of idolatry against Doye. |
09-02-1763 |
Canaveral Ponce de Leon, Vicente (Capitan), Guemes, Manuel de, Salcedo, Sebastian, and others |
Correspondence between Pineda and Cruillas concerning new soldiers for Cancio. |
12-20-1765 |
Pineda, Juan de (Gobernador), Cruillas, Marques de (Virrey) |
Documents relating to request by Navarro to cajas de Guadalaxara for payment of synods and provisioning of corn for cultivation by Indians. |
02-16-1787 |
Navarro, Josef Antonio (Fray), Posada, Ramon de (Fiscal), Corvalan, Pedro de (Gobernador Intendiente), and others |
Documents relating to request by Navarro to cajas de Guadalaxara for payment of synods and provisioning of corn for cultivation by Indians. |
02-16-1787 |
Navarro, Josef Antonio (Fray), Posada, Ramon de (Fiscal), Corvalan, Pedro de (Gobernador Intendiente), and others |
Documents concerning payment of synods to Nayarit missionaries through cajas de Guadalaxara. |
04-01-1779 |
Prestamero, Juan (Fray), Navarro, Josef Antonio (Fray), Cuebas, Antonio (Fray), and others |
Documents concerning payment of synods to Nayarit missionaries through cajas de Guadalaxara. |
04-01-1779 |
Prestamero, Juan (Fray), Navarro, Josef Antonio (Fray), Cuebas, Antonio (Fray), and others |
Documents concerning destruction of adolatorios in Nayarit. |
12-03-1730 |
Ortega, Joseph de (Fray), Covarrubias, Urbano de (Fray), Garcia, Joseph Xavier (Capitan) |
Testimonios granting command of presidio of mesa del tonati to Gatuno. |
08-20-1760 |
Carlos III (Rey), Garraez Beaumont, Joseph, Balbuena, Joaquin de, and others |
Series of testimonies regarding charges of sedition against Santos. |
08-21-1730 |
Carranza y Guzman, Manuel Joseph (Capitan), Castellanos, Pedro Joseph, Luna, Salvador de, and others |
Series of testimonies regarding charges of sedition against Santos. |
08-21-1730 |
Carranza y Guzman, Manuel Joseph (Capitan), Castellanos, Pedro Joseph, Luna, Salvador de, and others |
Series of documents concerning proposed increase in presidio defenses because of fears of Indian attack. |
01-03-1730 |
Carranza y Guzman, Manuel Joseph (Capitan), Aumada, Luis de (Capitan), Rivera, Pedro de (Brigadier) |
Letters to viceroy concerning conditions in Nayarit immediately following conquest. |
04-04-1725 |
Rivera, Pedro de (Brigadier), Covarrubias, Urbano de (Fray), Arias, Antonio (Fray) |
Documents concerning proposed transfer of population of Santa Gertudis to warmer climate. |
02-19-1725 |
Covarrubias, Urbano de (Fray), Rivera, Pedro de (Brigadier), Maybari, Juan (Alcalde) |
Documents concerning subversive meeting of Nayarit Indians. |
02-23-1729 |
Carranza y Guzman, Manuel (Capitan), Zelaya, Joseph (Capitan), Valdes y Gamboa, Juan de, and others |
Concerns administrative documentation for presidio construction in San Carlos de Buenavista. |
03-10-1770 |
Cancio, Lorenzo |
Transfer of money from caja de los Alamos to Buenavista; also military supplies and salaries are shown. |
08-07-1771 |
Cancio, Lorenzo |
Administrative correspondence concerning budget and list of expenditures made in construction of Buenavista presidio. |
03-07-1766 |
Castillo, Domingo del, Cancio, Lorenzo |
Administrative correspondence concerning budget and list of expenditures made in construction of Buenavista presidio. |
03-07-1766 |
Castillo, Domingo del, Cancio, Lorenzo |
Military personnel payrolls for presidio of Buenavista, from August to December. |
12-22-1765 |
Cancio, Lorenzo de (Capitan), Castro Cid, Miguel de, Gonzalez Calderon, Joseph |