Personal Names in Arizona Medical History

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z | _

McFayden, Hugh Howard

Mentioned in the 1950-10-05-02 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954.
Arizona Medical Board record: Hugh H. McFadyen MD; license issued: 07/22/1949; medical school: JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV SCH OF MED, BALTIMORE, Maryland; graduation date: 06/02/1942.

McGee, Harry Stowe

See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673].
Quebbeman, Frances E. Medicine in territorial Arizona. Phoenix : Arizona Historical Foundation, 1966, page 356.
See also: Hayostek, Cindy. Douglas' First Physicians. Haystack Publications, Douglas, Arizona, 2011, page 15.

McGee, H.S. Case of Madura Foot. Southwestern Medicine, March. 1922, 6. No. 3, pp 107-108.

McGee, William John

“Jr.” [?]
Born near Farley, Iowa, April 17, 1853. Died Septemer 12, 1912.
See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673].

J Am Med Assoc, Feb 1895; XXIV: 295 - 298: MISCELLANY. Washington Notes. Medical Society of the District. -- At the meeting of the Society held on the 6th inst. Prof. W. J. McGee read a paper entitled, "Primitive Trephining in Peru," and illustrated it by the Muniz collection of crania.

McGeer, George H., Jr.

J Am Med Assoc, Nov 1907; XLIX: 1797: George H. McGeer, Jr., M.D. Cooper Medical College, San Francisco, 1889; of Tacoma, Wash.; a member of the American Medical Association; died in Lane Hospital, San Francisco, October 30, while en route to Tucson, Ariz., aged 33.

McGill, Earl Duane

J Am Med Assoc, Aug 1954; 155: 1512: McGill, Earl Duane; Mesa, Ariz.; born in Grand Blanc, Mich., July 15, 1872; Colorado School of Medicine, Boulder, 1897; member of the Colorado State Medical Society; past president and secretary of the Denver City and County Medical Society; active in medical legislation in Colorado, serving in the legislature in 1903; coroner and health officer in Yuma County, Colo., from 1898 to 1904; assistant health officer, Arapahoe County, and health officer of Wray, Colo., from 1900 to 1904; medical inspector for the state board of health of Colorado i

McGinnis, George H.

See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673].
Quebbeman, Frances E. Medicine in territorial Arizona. Phoenix : Arizona Historical Foundation, 1966, page 356.

McGovern, Teresa

Mentioned in the 1949-03-07-02 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954. Arizona Medical Board record: Teresa McGovern MD; license date: 1/8/1949; medical school: WOMAN'S MEDICAL COLLEGE OF PENNSYLVANIA ; graduation date: 06/12/1929.

Teresa McGovern; Irving Wright. PURPURA HAEMORRHAGICA FOLLOWING USE OF SEDORMID: TWO ATTACKS IN ONE PERSON. J Am Med Assoc, Apr 1939; 112: 1687 - 1688.

McGuire, Eugene

See also: McClintock, James H. Arizona, Prehistoric, Aboriginal, Pioneer, Modern; the Nation's Youngest Commonwealth within a Land of Ancient Culture. Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1916 (aka Arizona, the Youngest State), volume 3 (Biographical), pages 273-274.

McInnes, John W.

[Pima County?] Representative. Mentioned in the 1954-03-04-01 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954: “Replies from Senator H.S. Corbett and Representatives Dr. John W. McInnes, Enos P. Schaffer and Alvin Wessler, to out letter of February 19, 1954, endorsing the proposed health legislation, were read by the Secretary.” [Unable to verify name.]

McIntosh, Paul

See also: McClintock, James H. Arizona, Prehistoric, Aboriginal, Pioneer, Modern; the Nation's Youngest Commonwealth within a Land of Ancient Culture. Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1916 (aka Arizona, the Youngest State), volume 3 (Biographical), page 928.

McIntosh, S. F.

Mentioned in the 3/10/1936 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954: “ Applications of Doctors S.F. McIntosh and H.B. Stokes were favorably voted on by the Board of Censors.” See January 1, 1939 financial report re various 1938 expenditure entries for Dr. McIntosh including: Aug. 2, [1938] Dr. McIntosh (1 anesthetic) $3.65; Sept. 1, [1938] Langer’s (Flowers for Dr. McIntosh) $7.65.”
[Unable to verify name.]

Any connection?
The Insurance almanac and encyclopedia_, 1929, p. 356: ... Asst. Med. Dir., Dr. S. F. McIntosh, M.D....

McIntyre, J. Capsely

J Am Med Assoc, Jan 1901; XXXVI: 200-201: The Arizona Academy of Medicine met at Phoenix, December 31, and elected Dr. J. Capsely McIntyre, president; Dr. Ancil Martin, vice-president, and Dr. Payne Palmer, secretary and treasurer, all of Phoenix.

McIntyre, Neil

Name also appears as “MacIntyre”
See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673]: MacIntyre…McIntyre
Quebbeman, Frances E. Medicine in territorial Arizona. Phoenix : Arizona Historical Foundation, 1966, page 356.
Calendar. University of Toronto, 1901, page 140: Graduates in Medicine...Date of Admission: 1866, M.B., McIntyre, Neil...Phoenix,Arizona.

McKalip, Paul A.

Editor of the Tucson [Daily] Citizen (not sure of correct title or titles during his editorship). Mentioned in the 1953-10-01-09 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954. “Mr. Kalip” probably is “McKalip.” Listed in UAL Arizona and Southwestern Biographical File.

McKay, Robert E.

Arizona Daily Star obituary: Robert E. "Bob" McKay, Captain USPHS (Ret.) 77, passed away at his home in Tucson, Arizona on December 29, 2009 after a brief struggle with pancreatic cancer. Bob was born on July 16, 1932, in Grand Junction, Colorado to James and Mabel McKay. Bob grew up in La Junta, Colorado where he became an Eagle Scout with the La Junta Koshare Boy Scout Indian dancing group, traveling throughout the United States performing authentic, traditional Indian dances with highlight performances at Madison Square Garden and for the President of the United States.