Personal Names in Arizona Medical History

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z | _

Cameron, Douglas J.

J Am Med Assoc, Apr 1904; XLII: 1035: Douglas J. Cameron, M.D. University of Edinburgh, Scotland, of New York City, died in Phoenix, Ariz., March 14, aged 31. He practiced chiefly among the east side poor, and was commonly known as the "Good Samaritan."

Cameron, Lester

Honorary member of the PCMS. Mentioned in the 3/1/1942 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954.

J Am Med Assoc, Feb 1946; 130: 501: ARMY MEDICAL CORPS OFFICERS RECOMMENDED FOR/OR RELIEVED FROM ACTIVE DUTY: Arizona. Cameron, Lester, Major, Veterans Admin., Tucson.
JAMA, Jul 1974; 229: 586: CAMERON, Lester, Tucson, Ariz; Tufts, 1927; veteran of World Wars I and II; for many years affiliated with the Veterans Administration Hospital; died in the Tucson Medical Center March 1, aged 79, of pneumonia.

Camp, J. J.

See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673]: Confederate veteran of the Civil War; lived for 30 years in Phoenix; died at 93.
Quebbeman, Frances E. Medicine in territorial Arizona. Phoenix : Arizona Historical Foundation, 1966, page 332.

Campbell, Edward Ellsworth

J Am Med Assoc, May 1942; 119: 284: Edward Ellsworth Campbell, Douglas, Ariz. ; Chicago Homeopathic Medical College, 1890; aged 80; died, March 24, of chronic myocarditis.

Same person? Perhaps not.
Simpson, W. M.: Tularemia: A Summary of Recent Researches with a Consideration of One Hundred and Three Dayton Cases, Ohio State M. J. 29:35-41 (Jan.) 1933. [Campbell, E. E., cited by Simpson, 1933.]

Campbell, Horace Graham

12/5/1921 & 2/2/1922 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954. Arizona Medical Board record: H.G. Campbell MD; license date: 1/10/1922; medical school: NWU, FEINBERG SCH OF MED, Chicago, Illinois; graduation date: 06/15/1921.

See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673].

J Am Med Assoc. 1924;83(1):55: Horace Graham Campbell, Exeter, Calif., to Miss Alpha C. Johnson of Twin Valleys, Minn., May 3.

Campbell, John H.

Judge; See 2/18/1916 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954.
See also: McClintock, James H. Arizona, Prehistoric, Aboriginal, Pioneer, Modern; the Nation's Youngest Commonwealth within a Land of Ancient Culture. Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1916 (aka Arizona, the Youngest State), volume 3 (Biographical), pages 538-539.

Canby, Charles B.

See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673].
Quebbeman, Frances E. Medicine in territorial Arizona. Phoenix : Arizona Historical Foundation, 1966, page 332.