Campbell, Edward Ellsworth

J Am Med Assoc, May 1942; 119: 284: Edward Ellsworth Campbell, Douglas, Ariz. ; Chicago Homeopathic Medical College, 1890; aged 80; died, March 24, of chronic myocarditis.

Same person? Perhaps not.
Simpson, W. M.: Tularemia: A Summary of Recent Researches with a Consideration of One Hundred and Three Dayton Cases, Ohio State M. J. 29:35-41 (Jan.) 1933. [Campbell, E. E., cited by Simpson, 1933.]
J Am Med Assoc, Oct 1932; 99: 1272: Ohio. Society News. Drs. Robert B. Drury and Edward E. Campbell, Columbus, addressed the Muskingum County Academy of Medicine, Zanesville, September 1, on general surgery and auricular fibrillation, respectively.
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