Indians (Mistreatment)

Provincias Internas. Indice de los documentos que contiene el tomo numero 170. (Mexico, setiembre 13 de 1883). Castro's letter to Revilla Gigedo denouncing efforts to establish peace with the Apaches lipanes.

Serial Number
Castro, Ramon de (Comandante General)
End date
Santa Rosa. September 10, 1792. 72p. (Approx) Index, letter, signed, copy.
Brief index of volume 170 compiled in 1883. Castro's 127 point harangue of viceroy's efforts to establish peace with Lipanes; reiterates prior criticisms, cites correspondence with king. Contends peace plans contradict prior orders issued by viceroy, his predecessors, real reglamento of presidios, opinions of commanders Croix, Neve, Ugalde, Ugarte y Loyola. Questions Revilla Gigedo and Nava's understanding, knowledge of Indians. Maintains no benefit Santander under Caudillo Sox; Apache Lipanes hostilities in Bexar toward Comanches, other friendly tribes; their attack on Castro at Santa Rosa. Sees Nava's negotiation with Orizaba Lipanes as expensive capitulation detracting from army's ability to protect citizens. Favors exterminating Lipanes, cites Galvez plan to pit tribes against each other, increase troop numbers. States Comanches Soquina, Soxaes and followers committed to friendship with Spain, war against Lipanes despite mistreatment by Munoz. (J. Higgins, March 1989)
Landgrave, M.
Castro, Ramon de (Comandante General)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General)
Galvez, Conde de (Virrey)
Zapato Sox (Caudillo de Lipanes)
Diaz de Bustamante, Joseph Ramon (Capitan)
Croix, Cavallero de
Neve, Felipe de
Ugalde, Juan (Brigadier)
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Brigadier)
Emparan, Miguel (Gobernador)
Flores, Antonio (Virrey)
Soquina (Capitan Comanche)
Soxaes (Capitan Comanche)
Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador)
Santa Rosa (Valle)
Poniente, Provincias de
Nuevo Santander
Laredo (Presidio)
Bexar, San Antonio de
San Fernando (Valle)
Reyno de Leon
Rio Grande, San Juan Bautista de (Presidio)
San Luis Potosi
Ethnic Groups
Apaches Lipanes
Lipanes de Orizaba
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 170 ff. 001-036 (Approx)
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 170 ff. 001-036 (Appro
Folios unnumbered
Reference Number
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General Subjects

Diarios de comision and instructions for Ochoa on mission matters first in this series begins with paso a manos...desde el 8 del corriente.

Serial Number
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
End date
Temaychy, Mexico. April 13, 1791 - April 20, 1791. 14pp. Approximate. Diarios de comission, instrucciones. Originals, copies.
Diarios de comision and instructions on mission matters written jurisdiction of Cosiguriachy (29), report filed by Rascon on missions of Batopilas and Moris, visits visitas of los Alamos, pachua and Pichachiqui and hears their sentiment on the resettlement of Indian families into their area - amenable to idea, Indians seek payment from rejos for work done he declares himself insolvent, mentions orders of Croix in which he terminates of all servitude imposed Indians since their conquest or reduccion in connection with the same process executed by the subdelegado de Batopilas, visits Papigochy mission appoints Indian Basilio Dominguez as teniente general, appoints Indian Sanchez to teniente general for Bachiniba, commissioned Ochoa to visita of said Pueblo, sum of money owed to population of Bachiniba they want it paid in goods and equitably distributed among the heads of each family with some left aside for community use, sum is from the fondo de temporalidades, Ochoa arrives from Bachiniba reports 33 families, Pueblo could successfully hold 15-20 more families due to opportunities provided by fertile land and abundant water, appoints Indian Lorenzo as teniente general of Pueblo Matachic and adjoining pueblos tejelocachic and Cocomorachic, appoints as general of all pueblos of Cosiguriachy the Indian Lagarda; instructions to be followed by Ochoa in mission under his security measures during visitas, census taking, proper arming of mission Indians, exemptions, edicts on travel, change of domicile, surplus seed sales, work without pay, punishment of Indians, postal service, religious and occupational application of Indians, elderly of Pueblo, servitude, rule of two days of community work for Indians of misiones Guadalupanas, hearing complaints, Indian appointments, reporting of Apache incidents, Indian fugitives from missions and livestock stolen. (O. Velez, March 1989)
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
Rouset, Fransisco (R.P. Vice-Custodio)
Rascon, Jose (Comisario)
Rojo, Manuel (Administrador)
Croix, Cavallero de
Dominguez, Basilio (Indio)(Teniente General)
Sanchez, Josef (Indio) (Teniente General)
Ochoa, Josef (Teniente)
Lorenzo, Juan (Indio)(Teniente General)
Lagarda, Geronimo (Indio)(General)
Batopilas (Mision)
Moris (Mision)
Los Alamos (Pueblo)
Temaychy (Cavezera de los Alamoso
Nueva Vizcaya
Tomas, Santo
Tejolocachy (Pueblo)
Cocmorachi (Pueblo)
Ethnic Groups
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 175-182 (Approx) exp. 6
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 175-182 (Appro
Folios unnumbered; first in this series begins with the phrase found above in title also diarios de comision for April 8-19 interrupted by the instrucciones to ochoa
Reference Number
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Letters and diarios de comision from Borica to Conde de Revilla Gigedo, Larusa, Rouset de Jesus. First in this series begins with muy apreciado sor....

Serial Number
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
End date
San Juan Xavier de cerocahui, Mexico, cosiguriachy. February 24, 1791 - May 11, 1791. 18pp. Approximate letters, diarios de comision. Originals, copies. Disputing accuracy of reports filed by laso and rascon on conditions of indians and testimony of larusa which contradicts the favorable conditions presented by the former; mentions the misionarios apostolicos de Guadalupanos as properly abiding by standards for indian treatment set down by government; letter written to rouset de Jesus mentioning irregularities found in missions and general theme being that treatment of indians as witnessed by Borica leaves much to be desired; efforts made by Borica to alleviate sufferings of indians, gives example of correcting situation in which they are used to transport the correspondence of judges over long distances without proper supply of food or without pay, mentions Estrada as person with whom he had most opposition on this matter; travel diary from 3-29-1791 thru 4-1-1791, visits pueblo of Bernabe where he freed indians from servitude to priest and took action on their complaint of being forced to drain mines-made this Voluntary, prohibits the practice of outsiders cutting firewood from their mountains without compensation, padre doctrinero of Santa Rosalia seeking to llebar ovenciones to the indians since the time that Borica prohibited forced servitude of indians Borica responds that he does not have authority to grant request, authorities concede that indian labor is vital for the operation of the mines notes the benevolent service of laso de la bega towards indians. (O. Velez, March 1989)
Rascon, Antonio Fransisco (Comisario)
Laso, Jose Maria (Subdelegado)
Larusa, Juan Maria (Fray)
Estarada, Gregorio (Receptor)
Ramirez, Juan Cervantes (Alcalde Mayor)
Fermin, Fransisco Xavier (Indio) (Teniente General)
Laso de la Bega, Miguel (Subdelegado)
Cosiguriachy (Real)
Conchos (Jurisdiction)
Santa Rosalia
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 165-174 (Approx) exp. 6
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 165-174 (Appro
Folios unnumbered; first in this series begins with the phrase found above in title
Reference Number
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General Subjects

Letters and diarios de comision from Borica de Diego concerning military visitas in Nuevo Vizcaya first in this series begins with febrero 14 de 1791.

Serial Number
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
End date
Durango, Mexico, estancia de rio florido, rancho de talamantes. March 22, 1791 -April 6, 1792. 32pp. Approximate letters, diarios de comision. Originals, copies. Reyes trujillo returning after expedition against manta prieta with indian aid ojos Colorados, an indian attack against San Juan bauptista, group of six Apaches being followed by group of indians from Conchos, Apache indian attack in which two men were killed, primera compania Volante kills one Apache and recaptures livestock stolen, troops that escorted Ugarte y Loyola, communication from subdelegado de cosiguariachy advising Borica that in that jurisdiction forcing indians to work in the mines would be prohibited, gets a request from governors of satevo, yoquivo, and guapdaynas that they have their own religious administration because current system of using priests of Batopilas is unsatisfactory due to distances involved, Borica responds by sending letter stating he will look into the matter when he visits these areas and also sends copies of decrees on matters relating to the treatment of indians in missions; letter concerning the matter of indians working as servants in homes of hacendados without pay and prohibitions and circumstances that have led to these developments; letter discussing the points made by Lopez muato on mission and civil authority over indians in missions, what permission indians need in order to leave the pueblos, what kinds of punishments are to be applied to indians who miss mass purposely, policy on alcoholism and delinquency mentioned during religious service, regulations on travel restrictions on indians; travel diary from 2-27-1791 thru 3-13-1791; indian called tomas his history of escape and recapture, last instance of capture was at hands of indians of piedras bolas; travel diary from 3-14-1791 thru 3-28-1791, apprehension of prisoners banda, palacios, Castaneda, gertrudi. Case against them was not proven and key witnesses roman and Acosta did not arrive for judicial proceeding, robberies committed by Juan Joseph conde; punishment of vizcarra for being lazy; meets with rouset de Jesus discussed indian complaints from missions, refers to recommendations made, Tapia requesting indian escorts and his disatisfaction with service provided, ochoa, Jose manuel takes statements from tecoricy and tonachic after their apprehension, visit to pueblo of satebo discontinues practice of cura using weekly workers, semneros in mission without pay; named teniente general for satevo, joya, and baponoyaba; in the latter, wives of prisoners seeking their release and it becomes apparent that without their husbands they have no way of surviving except for charity of the people in their pueblos; meets with anna maria, widow of indian Miguel Mariano, who seeks return of livestock confiscated from husband at time of arrest, he died in jail with daughter. (O. Velez, March 1989)
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Trujillo, Reyes (Sargento)
Ojos Colorados (Indio)
Santa Maria, Diego
Ochoa, (Teniente)
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Mariscal)
Medina, Joseph Ignacio
Lopez Muato, Antonio (Fray)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
Palacios, Jose Maria
Simental, Juaquin
Castaneda, Melchor
Gerudio, Jose
Ramon, Joseph
Acosta, Felipe
Conde, Juan Joseph
Tizonaro, Rafael Perfecto del
Saaenz, Joseph
Vizcarra, Estevan (Indio)
Rouset de Jesus, Fransisco (Vice Presidente de las Misiones Guadalupanes)
Cruz, Manuel de la (Teniente General)
Tapia, Narciso (Teniente Retirado)
Ochoa, Manuel de la (Teniente)
Tonachic, Tomas de (Indio)
Basilio, Joseph Fransisco
Chaparro, Antonio
Mateo, Julian Juanico
Lorenzo y Cristobal
Banda, Alexo
Manta Prieta
San Juan Bauptista
Santa Cruz
Satevo (Pueblo)
Yosquivo (Pueblo)
Guapalaynas (Pueblo)
Batopilas (Real)
Sonora (Governacion)
San Bartolome (Valle)
San Gregario (Hacienda)
Guadalupe (Pueblo)
Concepcion (Pueblo)
Ethnic Groups
Military Groups
Nuevo Vizcaya, Primera Compania Volante
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 148-164 (Approx) exp. 6
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 148-164 (Appro
Folios unnumbered; first in this series begins with the phrase found above in title
Reference Number
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Letters and diarios de comision from Borica and others to Conde de Revilla Gigedo first in this series begins with the phrase paso a manos de v.e. el diario de lo ocurrido en mis comissiones desde el 5 del corriente hasta del ayer inclusive.

Serial Number
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Lasso de la Vega, Miguel Maria
Rouset de Jesus, Fransisco (Fray)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
End date
Estancia de florido, Mexico, vallesillo, cosiguriachy. January 20, 1791 - March 27, 1791. 18pp. Approximate. Letters, diarios de comision. Originals, copies. Attack by taraumara's in which 2 men and 1 women were left nude; suspects that attack was committed by escaped indians from mission of oro; requests information on arrests made by subdelegado of mapini of thieves; indians from Moris mission complain of mistreatment which led many to escape the mission; found irregularities in the delays of confession to indians; says that during visitas he has made, all social classes mistreat indians but none eager to protect them. Based on nature of indian attack described above and the fact that cattle were stolen, Borica concludes that attacks were perpetrated by Apaches despite witnesses contention that they were Taraumares. Has not heard any news on expedition of 30 men with indian scout ojos Colorados sent to attack rancheria mantas prietas; letter from lasso de la Vega concerning measures to be implemented in missions and care with which relevant personnel are to proceed so as to avert rebellions by indians; Guadalupanos are exempt from these measures; indians of the Moris mission voice complaints about cruel treatment from padre guardian of mission who with stones and kicks gets them out of bed to work. The mission is prone to attacks and if he is killed in one of them they want to make sure that the crime is not attributed to them. Indians of Batopilas mission as well as governors of the area complain that padre of mission does not confess or marry indians and that he does not follow authority of teniente in the area for which reason they seek to be resettled to Zacatecas and padre Aguilar. Rascon told to exert his authority over religious personnel that have overreached theirs and to make sure that the only people authorized to punish indians are judges and justiciales reales. Information on treatment of indians and conduct of religious personnel is to be fowarded to Cavallero de Croix. Leaves on his third outing with 60 men taken from the first and third companies. (O. Velez, March 1989)
Cordero, Antonio (Teniente Coronel)
Rascon, Antonio Fransisco (Subdelegado)
Sanchez, Fransisco (Ranchero)
Lasso de la Vega, Miguel Maria
Aguilar, Juan de (Padre)
Croix, Cavallero de
Trevino (General)
Rouset de Jesus, Fransisco (Fray)
Nasas, Rio de
Oro (Jurisdiccion)
Mapini (Jurisdiccion)
Moris (Mision)
Cosiguriachy (Jurisdiccion)
Escobar (Rancho)
Mantas Prietas (Rancheria)
Batopilas (Mision)
Xicamorachi (Pueblo)
Rio Florido (Estancia)
Ethnic Groups
Military Groups
Nueva Vizcaya, Primera Compania de
Nueva Vizcaya, Tercera Compania
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 138-147 (Approx) exp. 6
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 138-147 (Appro
Folios unnumbered; first in this series begins with the phrase found above in title
Reference Number
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Diarios de comision from Borica to Conde de Revilla Gigedo first in this series begins with the phrase paso a manos de v.e. el diario de lo ocurrido en mis comisiones desde 15 del corriente.

Serial Number
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
End date
Mexico, Geronimo, San (pueblo). January 19, 1791 - March 7, 1791. 14pp. Approximate letters, diarios de comision. Originals.
Travel diaries written by Borica while conducting a military thru 1-18-1791; sends message to subdelegado ordering him to conduct visitas in his jurisdiction; population in Cienaga primarily Indian; condition of Bernardino and Cruz pueblos better than most he has visited; suspends visit to Ysabel due to cold Weather and snow; requests that Lagardo be present in Andres or Bachiniba because he wants to make use of his expertise on Indians; dispatches Garcia as teniente general to Cruz and Bernardino pueblos in order to conduct visitas; sends 4 men to Chihuahua with the visita records for a number of jurisdictions; visited Pueblo de Andres where he named the Indian Domingo Valles teniente general; due to cold Weather horses were not able to continue and had to request new horses and 20 men from Cordero in order to continue in March or April; due to delay relays message to subdelegados in Cosiguriachy prohibiting the suspension of services for the Indians so they won't be affected by his delay; includes in this last order missions run by Franciscans and secular ministers but not those running the missions in Guadalupanos who operate different orders; prohibited as well the pursuit of Indians escaped from missions; visits Pueblo of Nombre de Dios where he meets Cordero and Apache Indian captain Ojos Colorados and Turegoslan discussed the plan to attack the Rancheria of Manta Prieta put sargento Reyes in command of 30 men Charged with the attack; Pueblo of Nombre de Dios made up of two Indian groups Taraumares and ?; named Indian Espinosa teniente general of San Geronimo and gave him guidelines by which to govern; named Juan de Lamas (Indian) as teniente Coronel; letter introducing the diarios de comision from 1-19-1791 thru 2-4-1791; explains that depending on the severity of the cold Weather and the condition of the animals he may have to suspend temporarily the continuation of the visitas; he personally is suffering the effects of the cold Weather; had two Indians from Nombre de Dios and Cuebas pueblos resettled to their towns found on the hacienda de Dolores; gave permission to Indian Juan Nicolas and his family to remain settled in Tulimes despite an absence of twenty years; named teniente Coronel the Indian Andres Conchos de Santa Cruz put him in charge of Tulimes, San Pablo, and San Pedro, found Indian Joseph Cervantes with woman sent her away, found another Indian from Chubica named Antonio, notes how Indians were forced to work the lands of Bustamante instead of their own with the result that they experienced food shortages, also used Indians as cooks, water carriers, and sweepers in weekly rotations without pay and giving them only meals, Borica prohibits this from occurring again, names Berroteran as teniente general, notes abundance of corn in jurisdiction of Chihuahua, receives information from subdelegado of Batopilas on naming of Indian Jose Julian as teniente general de Navagame. (O. Velez, March 1989)
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
Lagard, Geronimo (General)
Garcia, Fransisco (Teniente General)
Valles, Domingo (Indio, Teniente General)
Espinosa, Andres (Indio)(Teniente General)
Nicolas, Juan (Indio)
Conchos, Andres (Indio)(Teniente Coronel)
Cervantes, Joseph (Indio)
Loya, Joseph de (Subdelegado)
Diaz Bustamante, Juan
Berroteran, Pedro
San Lorenzo (Pueblo)
Santa Rosalia (Pueblo)
Cuebas (Pueblo)
Cienaga (Jurisdiccion)
Santa Ysabel (Pueblo)
Santa Cruz (Pueblo)
San Bernardino (Pueblo)
San Andres (Pueblo)
Bachiniba (Pueblo)
Oro, Real de (Jurisdiccion)
Guanacevi (Jurisdiccion)
Santiago (Jurisdiccion)
San Juan del Rio
Guadaquilla (Jurisdiccion)
Valle (Jurisdiccion)
Parral (Jurisdiccion)
Santa Barbara (Jurisdiccion)
Nombre de Dios (Pueblo)
Manta Prieta (Rancheria)
San Diego (Rancho)
Tulimes (Pueblo)
Loreto (Hacienda)
Bartolome, San (Hacienda)
San Pedro (Pueblo)
San Lucas (Hacienda)
Zanja (Hacienda)
San Geronimo (Pueblo)
Dolores (Hacienda)
Ethnic Groups
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 131-138 (Approx) exp. 6
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 131-138 (Appro
Folios unnumbered; first in this series begins with the phrase found above in title
Reference Number
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General Subjects

Diarios del ayudante inspector don Diego de Borica en su comision de visita de la Taraumara.

Serial Number
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
End date
Mexico, Acosta (hacienda). December 27, 1790 - February 2, 1791. 26pp. Approximate. Letters, diarios de comision. Originals. Borica started on November 23, 1790, resumption of visita after cease of indian attacks; leaves 40 men to protect the frontier area; indian theft of cattle from hacienda yndee and rancho ramos, plans to decrease troop strength in tercera compania once indians abandon unspecified area and send those troops to corral de piedra detachment; Borica forming his detachment by pulling troops from companys in area; virrey acknowledges letter sent by Borica announcing the commencement visita. Diary 0f 12-04-1790 thru 12-18-1790. Widow, indian and his family of four approach Borica seeking to be resettled in their original town tizono, had comandante del pilar station 30 men on cienega to protect against indians, stops at canada de san Joseph due to strong snowfall, has subdelegado of the cienega de los olivos transferred to guejonita for purpose of conducting visitas in those jurisdictions, comes across navogame who tells him of indians who had fled missions ostensibly to receive baptism in guerachi, tecorichi, or Nabogame missions, followed them into the barranca de zapa and chase was ended when rainfall made it impossible to continue; soldier dies of unspecified illness during visita; majority of families of baquiriachy involved in agricultural activities; diario of visitas from 12-19-1790 thru 01-04-1791, greater part of population of pueblo of guazarache found in the surrounding valleys looking for corn not produced on their own lands, news of horse theft by indians at tasgera and munquisa 2 parties of 20 men sent after them search terminated at Santa Rosalia, forbids certain missions to continue working indians until paid back salaries; while in Tepehuanes and taraumara made Arechevala and zapiain generals, made Tapia and cruz teniente general; teniente generals given copies of orders prohibiting employment of indians without pay and limiting those persons able to order punishment of indians to juezes reales and justiciales de pueblos, authorizes trevino to conduct search for escaped indians from missions in jurisdiction of oro, guanaceui, and Santiago; letter from sotelo describing capture of indians who had attacked and stolen livestock with aid of Monclova, grado, and Cordero; continues visita through Santa Anna comments on distressed condition of agricultural productivity; named dia teniente general, mentions briefly hardships faced by indians of san lorenzo because of the priest of this area; obliges priest to employ a cook for indians working for him, pay indians for work, supply them with oxen, supply them with food, escorts, and blankets for trips made by indians to Chihuahua in order to transport goods. (O. Velez, March 1989)
Borico, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Quintana, Fransisco
Riba, (Teniente)
Navogame, Trevino (Teniente Coronel)
Sotelo, Ignacio (Sargento)
Ronquillo, Joseph (Alferez)
Arechevala, Yldefonio (General)
Zapiain, Juan Teodoro (General)
Tapia, Manuel de (Teniente General)
Cruz, Manuel de la (Teniente General)
Monclovo, Mariano (Caravinero)
Grado, Mariano (Cavo)
Cordero, Antonio (Teniente Coronel)
Dia, Fransisco (Teniente General)
Santo Mayor Cruz (Ganado Mayor)
Acosta (Hacienda)
Rio Florido, Estancia de
Olivos, Cienega de los
Acosta (Hacienda)
San Joseph (Canada)
Balsequillo (Rancho)
Guejonitan (Pueblo)
Tecorichi (Mision)
Guerachi (Mision)
Nabogame (Mision)
San Mateo (Pueblo)
San Pablo (Pueblo)
San Juan de Tepehuanes (Pueblo)
Baquiriachi (Pueblo)
San Ignacio (Pueblo)
San Xavier (Pueblo)
San Tasquera Lorenzo
Santa Rosalia
Oro (Jurisdiccion)
Santiago (Jurisdiccion)
Guanaceui (Jurisdiccion)
Nogalito (Sierra de)
San Borja (Pueblo)
Saguarachy (Pueblo)
Ethnic Groups
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 117-130 (Approx) exp. 6
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 117-130 (Appro
Folios unnumbered; first in this series begins with the phrase found above in title.
Reference Number
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General Subjects

visita de la jurisdiccion del oro con que dio cuenta el comisionado, y se remitio al senor comandante general don Pedro de Nava ....

Serial Number
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
End date
Mexico, estancia de rio florido, Chihuahua. February 16, 1791 - September 18, 1792. 30pp. Approximate. Letters. Originals, copies. Being abstacted here; submittal of the diario de comision and quaderno by Borica; resumption of visita throughout Nueva Vizcaya by Borica in accordance with orders received by Revilla gigedo despite the deterioration of the horses with one of the primary purposes of checking the abuse of indians within the mission system; diario de comision written for visita mentioned above; suspension of Borica's visita due to the rainy season in the remaining jurisdictions to be inspected, decision made to wait so that a proper inspection can be made, delaying the submittal of the recommendations made for the jurisdictions already inspected until entire visita conducted, no incidences of fugitive missions in areas visited so far, problems have emerged on use of indians by jueces and misioneros without remuneration and also in the administration of justice system; Borica fulfilling the duties of ayudante inspector in the villa where he is located until the rainy season passes; content of Borica's visits which include information on Spanish and indian populations, haciendas and ranches, pardon of 4 prisoners sentenced to death, 6 thieves, aprehension of various delinquents and fugitive indians from the missions and their rehabilitation, population figures for indians and comments on their activities and unjust use of their labour in agriculture performed for others, remedied this last situation, prohibited the continuation of having indians punished by judges and stimulatd them to respect ministers and apply themselves to the christian religion, inspected archives of the ruling bodies of the 24 jurisdictions for their improvement and coordination, in each pueblo a file established during visita noting number of indians in each, local circumstances, language spoken, character, property owned collectively and individually, pressures they felt and what Borica did to alleviate these, the fact that other measures still need to be implemented, advises haste on the latter, nava seeks virrey's guidance on measures still to be implemented; sealed letter from virrey conde de Revilla gigedo to the fiscal de lo civil summarizing the activities and correspondence associated with Borica's visita as has been done above; acknowledgement made by virrey of correspondence from nava on subject of Borica's visits. (O. Velez, March 1989)
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
Florida (Estancia)
Nueva Vizcaya
Nombre de Dios
Andres de la Sierra
Oro (Real de)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 101-116 (Approx) exp. 5
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 101-116 (Appro
Folios unnumbered; first in this series begins with the phrase found above in title.
Reference Number
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sobre reunion de misiones del Nuevo Mexico en que resulta ahorro a la real hazienda.

Serial Number
Concha, Fernando de la (Coronel)
Nava, Pedro de
Tristan, Estevan Lorenzo de (Obispo de Durango)
and others
End date
Santa Fe, chihuagua, Mexico. January 20, 1792-June 9, 1796. 184p. Letters, tables. Originals, signed, copies.
Correspondence between Concha, Tristan, Ugarte y Loyola, virrey and others concerning various issues relating to New Mexico of writing to serve growing population, proposal considered to to support missionaries, resulting in practices of charging Indians too much for religious services, and making Indians work off debts to padres for services that should cost far less; establishment of temporary aranceles discussed in depth; proposed, establishment of mission at Belen, also; of particular interest are tables (ff. 80-83, 104, 142) and letters (ff. 84-99 108-114, 117-126, 143-160); very informative documents, mostly concerned with Diezmos, economics and ethics. (D. J. McClelland, January 1989)
Valle, Conde del
Borica, Diego (Teniente Coronel)(Ayudante Inspector)
Merino, Manuel
Concha, Fernando de la
Anza, Juan Bautista de (Coronel)(Gobernador)
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo
Nava, Pedro de
Beregana, Domingo de (Ministro)
Navarro, Galindo
Croix, Cavallero de
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
Obispo de Sonora
Crespo, Benito (Obispo de Durango)
Yzaguirre, Juan de (Licenciado)(Secretario de Visita)
Tristan, Estevan Lorenzo de (Obispo de Durango)
Herrera (Padre)
Croix, Teodoro
Barry, Phelipe (Coronel)(Gobernador)
Tamaron, Pedro
Pacheco, Manuel Josef (Notario Militar?)
Cuellar, Lope de (Comandante)
Tapiz, Pedro
Sonora (Provincia)
Nueva Vizcaya (Provincia)
Nuevo Mexico (Provincia)
Zacatecas, San Francisco de
Guaramota (Pueblo)
Santa Fe
Nambe (Mision)
Canada, Santa Cruz de la (Mision)
Santa Clara (Mision)
San Yldefonso (Mision)
San Juan (Mision)
Pecuris (Mision)
Taos (Mision)
Pecos (Mision)
Galisteo (Mision)
Suchiti (Mision)
Santo Domingo (Mision)
San Felipe (Mision)
Santa Ana (Mision)
Gemes (Mision)
Zia (Mision)
Zandia (Mision)
Alburquerque (Mision)
Isleta (Mision)
Acoma (Mision)
Abiqueo (Mision)
Paso del Norte, Nuestra Senor de Guadalupe del (Mision)
San Lorenzo El Real (Mision)
San Antonio Senecu (Mision)
Corpus Christi (Mision)
Socorro, Nuestra Senora de la Concepcion del (Mision)
Cochiti, San Buenaventura de (Pueblo)
San Ylsefonso (Pueblo)
Tesuque (Pueblo)
Pojuaque (Pueblo)
Norte, Riogrande del (Rio)
San Fernando
Belem, Nuestra Senora de
Sabinal (Puesto)
Matape (Pueblo)
Taraumara (Provincia)
Sinaloa (Provincia)
Pimas (Provincia)
Nuebo Toledo (Provincia)
Albuquerque (Villa)
Huejotita (Curato)
San Pablo (Curato)
San Lorenzo (Curato)
Batopilas (Curato)
Pueblo Nuevo
Mezquital (Curato)
San Gregorio (Curato)
Otaez, Santa Maria de (Curato)
Remedios (Curato)
Otatitlan (Curato)
Valle de Tapia (Curato)
Tamasula (Curato)
Santa Catarina (Curato)
Nooka (Puerto)
Laguna (Mision)
Satebo (Curato)
Ethnic Groups
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 161 ff. 077-169 exp. 5
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 161 ff. 077-169 exp. 5
Out of order; ff. 87, 95, 115, 167 appear twice; unnumbered blank folios not counted, foliation here follows numbering in Vol. 161; second page of f. 139 blurred, illegible.
Reference Number
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Correspondence between missionaries, governor, others concerning allegations of mistreatment of Indians at missions.

Serial Number
Zubia Marti, Jose
Adam, Miguel Jose (Licenciado)
Fueros, Pedro (Gobernador)
and others
End date
Provincias Internas. May 24, 1788-July 6, 1789. 62p. Representaciones, letters, autos. Signed, unsigned, originals.
Correspondence represents efforts to uncover truth behind allegations of missionary mistreatment of Indians at Bizarron, other missions in region; missionaries inform governor, virrey of attempts to pacify and 'reducir' Indians since assuming charge of mission, but explain that relations with Indians deteriorating, violence, insubordination, robbery, escapes escalating, harsh treatment necessary, moreover, in light of violence, 'reales cedulas' enforcing protection of Indians unwise and wrong; Lipanes' leaders contest missionaries' testimony; Ugalde writes of military encounters with Indians. (L. Kerr, March 1989)
Zubia Marti, Jose (Fray)
Croix, Teodoro (Comandante General)
Ugalde, Juan de (Comandante General) (Gobernador)
Fueros, Pedro (Gobernador)
Bisuet, Jose (Fray)(Presidente)
Galvez, Conde de (Virrey)
Ramos, Juan
Felis, Jose (Indio)
Adam, Miguel de (Licenciado)
David Garcia, Josef (Presidente)
Florez, Manuel Antonio (Virrey)
Vidal de Lorca, Melchor (Gobernador)
Gomes, Blas (Alcalde)
Mier, Joseph Joaquin
Dufay, Guillermo (Alferez)
Rovleda, Agustin (Fray)
Pedro Jose
Gonzales de Santianes, Vizente (Coronel)
Bonilla, Antonio
Nueva Galicia
Pachuca (Colegio)
Bisarron (Mision)
Gigedo (Mision)
Rio Grande (Presidio)
Zacatecas (Colegio)
Rio Colorado (Rio)
Rio Grande, San Juan Bautista del (Mision)
Lisboa (Cedula)
Coahuila (Mision)
San Bernardo (Mision)
Santa Rosa (Valle)
Aguayo, San Miguel de (Mision)
San Christoval (Pueblo)
Nuevo Leon
Nuevo Santander
Camargo, Santa Ana de (Villa)
Espiritu Santo, Bahia de
Bexar, San Antonio De
Ethnic Groups
Military Groups
Monterrey, Compania de
Rio Salado, Compania de
Punta de Lampazos, Compania de
Nuevo Santander, Compania Primera de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 160 ff. 321-352 exp. 4
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 160 ff. 321-352 exp. 4
Reference Number
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General Subjects