Diarios de comision from Borica to Conde de Revilla Gigedo first in this series begins with the phrase paso a manos de v.e. el diario de lo ocurrido en mis comisiones desde 15 del corriente.

Serial Number
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
End date
Mexico, Geronimo, San (pueblo). January 19, 1791 - March 7, 1791. 14pp. Approximate letters, diarios de comision. Originals.
Travel diaries written by Borica while conducting a military thru 1-18-1791; sends message to subdelegado ordering him to conduct visitas in his jurisdiction; population in Cienaga primarily Indian; condition of Bernardino and Cruz pueblos better than most he has visited; suspends visit to Ysabel due to cold Weather and snow; requests that Lagardo be present in Andres or Bachiniba because he wants to make use of his expertise on Indians; dispatches Garcia as teniente general to Cruz and Bernardino pueblos in order to conduct visitas; sends 4 men to Chihuahua with the visita records for a number of jurisdictions; visited Pueblo de Andres where he named the Indian Domingo Valles teniente general; due to cold Weather horses were not able to continue and had to request new horses and 20 men from Cordero in order to continue in March or April; due to delay relays message to subdelegados in Cosiguriachy prohibiting the suspension of services for the Indians so they won't be affected by his delay; includes in this last order missions run by Franciscans and secular ministers but not those running the missions in Guadalupanos who operate different orders; prohibited as well the pursuit of Indians escaped from missions; visits Pueblo of Nombre de Dios where he meets Cordero and Apache Indian captain Ojos Colorados and Turegoslan discussed the plan to attack the Rancheria of Manta Prieta put sargento Reyes in command of 30 men Charged with the attack; Pueblo of Nombre de Dios made up of two Indian groups Taraumares and ?; named Indian Espinosa teniente general of San Geronimo and gave him guidelines by which to govern; named Juan de Lamas (Indian) as teniente Coronel; letter introducing the diarios de comision from 1-19-1791 thru 2-4-1791; explains that depending on the severity of the cold Weather and the condition of the animals he may have to suspend temporarily the continuation of the visitas; he personally is suffering the effects of the cold Weather; had two Indians from Nombre de Dios and Cuebas pueblos resettled to their towns found on the hacienda de Dolores; gave permission to Indian Juan Nicolas and his family to remain settled in Tulimes despite an absence of twenty years; named teniente Coronel the Indian Andres Conchos de Santa Cruz put him in charge of Tulimes, San Pablo, and San Pedro, found Indian Joseph Cervantes with woman sent her away, found another Indian from Chubica named Antonio, notes how Indians were forced to work the lands of Bustamante instead of their own with the result that they experienced food shortages, also used Indians as cooks, water carriers, and sweepers in weekly rotations without pay and giving them only meals, Borica prohibits this from occurring again, names Berroteran as teniente general, notes abundance of corn in jurisdiction of Chihuahua, receives information from subdelegado of Batopilas on naming of Indian Jose Julian as teniente general de Navagame. (O. Velez, March 1989)
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
Lagard, Geronimo (General)
Garcia, Fransisco (Teniente General)
Valles, Domingo (Indio, Teniente General)
Espinosa, Andres (Indio)(Teniente General)
Nicolas, Juan (Indio)
Conchos, Andres (Indio)(Teniente Coronel)
Cervantes, Joseph (Indio)
Loya, Joseph de (Subdelegado)
Diaz Bustamante, Juan
Berroteran, Pedro
San Lorenzo (Pueblo)
Santa Rosalia (Pueblo)
Cuebas (Pueblo)
Cienaga (Jurisdiccion)
Santa Ysabel (Pueblo)
Santa Cruz (Pueblo)
San Bernardino (Pueblo)
San Andres (Pueblo)
Bachiniba (Pueblo)
Oro, Real de (Jurisdiccion)
Guanacevi (Jurisdiccion)
Santiago (Jurisdiccion)
San Juan del Rio
Guadaquilla (Jurisdiccion)
Valle (Jurisdiccion)
Parral (Jurisdiccion)
Santa Barbara (Jurisdiccion)
Nombre de Dios (Pueblo)
Manta Prieta (Rancheria)
San Diego (Rancho)
Tulimes (Pueblo)
Loreto (Hacienda)
Bartolome, San (Hacienda)
San Pedro (Pueblo)
San Lucas (Hacienda)
Zanja (Hacienda)
San Geronimo (Pueblo)
Dolores (Hacienda)
Ethnic Groups
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 131-138 (Approx) exp. 6
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 131-138 (Appro
Folios unnumbered; first in this series begins with the phrase found above in title
Reference Number
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