Diarios del ayudante inspector don Diego de Borica en su comision de visita de la Taraumara.

Serial Number
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
End date
Mexico, Acosta (hacienda). December 27, 1790 - February 2, 1791. 26pp. Approximate. Letters, diarios de comision. Originals. Borica started on November 23, 1790, resumption of visita after cease of indian attacks; leaves 40 men to protect the frontier area; indian theft of cattle from hacienda yndee and rancho ramos, plans to decrease troop strength in tercera compania once indians abandon unspecified area and send those troops to corral de piedra detachment; Borica forming his detachment by pulling troops from companys in area; virrey acknowledges letter sent by Borica announcing the commencement visita. Diary 0f 12-04-1790 thru 12-18-1790. Widow, indian and his family of four approach Borica seeking to be resettled in their original town tizono, had comandante del pilar station 30 men on cienega to protect against indians, stops at canada de san Joseph due to strong snowfall, has subdelegado of the cienega de los olivos transferred to guejonita for purpose of conducting visitas in those jurisdictions, comes across navogame who tells him of indians who had fled missions ostensibly to receive baptism in guerachi, tecorichi, or Nabogame missions, followed them into the barranca de zapa and chase was ended when rainfall made it impossible to continue; soldier dies of unspecified illness during visita; majority of families of baquiriachy involved in agricultural activities; diario of visitas from 12-19-1790 thru 01-04-1791, greater part of population of pueblo of guazarache found in the surrounding valleys looking for corn not produced on their own lands, news of horse theft by indians at tasgera and munquisa 2 parties of 20 men sent after them search terminated at Santa Rosalia, forbids certain missions to continue working indians until paid back salaries; while in Tepehuanes and taraumara made Arechevala and zapiain generals, made Tapia and cruz teniente general; teniente generals given copies of orders prohibiting employment of indians without pay and limiting those persons able to order punishment of indians to juezes reales and justiciales de pueblos, authorizes trevino to conduct search for escaped indians from missions in jurisdiction of oro, guanaceui, and Santiago; letter from sotelo describing capture of indians who had attacked and stolen livestock with aid of Monclova, grado, and Cordero; continues visita through Santa Anna comments on distressed condition of agricultural productivity; named dia teniente general, mentions briefly hardships faced by indians of san lorenzo because of the priest of this area; obliges priest to employ a cook for indians working for him, pay indians for work, supply them with oxen, supply them with food, escorts, and blankets for trips made by indians to Chihuahua in order to transport goods. (O. Velez, March 1989)
Borico, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Quintana, Fransisco
Riba, (Teniente)
Navogame, Trevino (Teniente Coronel)
Sotelo, Ignacio (Sargento)
Ronquillo, Joseph (Alferez)
Arechevala, Yldefonio (General)
Zapiain, Juan Teodoro (General)
Tapia, Manuel de (Teniente General)
Cruz, Manuel de la (Teniente General)
Monclovo, Mariano (Caravinero)
Grado, Mariano (Cavo)
Cordero, Antonio (Teniente Coronel)
Dia, Fransisco (Teniente General)
Santo Mayor Cruz (Ganado Mayor)
Acosta (Hacienda)
Rio Florido, Estancia de
Olivos, Cienega de los
Acosta (Hacienda)
San Joseph (Canada)
Balsequillo (Rancho)
Guejonitan (Pueblo)
Tecorichi (Mision)
Guerachi (Mision)
Nabogame (Mision)
San Mateo (Pueblo)
San Pablo (Pueblo)
San Juan de Tepehuanes (Pueblo)
Baquiriachi (Pueblo)
San Ignacio (Pueblo)
San Xavier (Pueblo)
San Tasquera Lorenzo
Santa Rosalia
Oro (Jurisdiccion)
Santiago (Jurisdiccion)
Guanaceui (Jurisdiccion)
Nogalito (Sierra de)
San Borja (Pueblo)
Saguarachy (Pueblo)
Ethnic Groups
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 117-130 (Approx) exp. 6
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 117-130 (Appro
Folios unnumbered; first in this series begins with the phrase found above in title.
Reference Number
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