Serial Number
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
End date
San Juan Xavier de cerocahui, Mexico, cosiguriachy. February 24, 1791 - May 11, 1791. 18pp. Approximate letters, diarios de comision. Originals, copies. Disputing accuracy of reports filed by laso and rascon on conditions of indians and testimony of larusa which contradicts the favorable conditions presented by the former; mentions the misionarios apostolicos de Guadalupanos as properly abiding by standards for indian treatment set down by government; letter written to rouset de Jesus mentioning irregularities found in missions and general theme being that treatment of indians as witnessed by Borica leaves much to be desired; efforts made by Borica to alleviate sufferings of indians, gives example of correcting situation in which they are used to transport the correspondence of judges over long distances without proper supply of food or without pay, mentions Estrada as person with whom he had most opposition on this matter; travel diary from 3-29-1791 thru 4-1-1791, visits pueblo of Bernabe where he freed indians from servitude to priest and took action on their complaint of being forced to drain mines-made this Voluntary, prohibits the practice of outsiders cutting firewood from their mountains without compensation, padre doctrinero of Santa Rosalia seeking to llebar ovenciones to the indians since the time that Borica prohibited forced servitude of indians Borica responds that he does not have authority to grant request, authorities concede that indian labor is vital for the operation of the mines notes the benevolent service of laso de la bega towards indians. (O. Velez, March 1989)
Rascon, Antonio Fransisco (Comisario)
Laso, Jose Maria (Subdelegado)
Larusa, Juan Maria (Fray)
Estarada, Gregorio (Receptor)
Ramirez, Juan Cervantes (Alcalde Mayor)
Fermin, Fransisco Xavier (Indio) (Teniente General)
Laso de la Bega, Miguel (Subdelegado)
Cosiguriachy (Real)
Conchos (Jurisdiction)
Santa Rosalia
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 165-174 (Approx) exp. 6
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 165-174 (Appro
Folios unnumbered; first in this series begins with the phrase found above in title
Reference Number
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