Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Prescott, where mellowed tradition and modern living blend Parker 1973
Prescott: sketch of a frontier capital, 1863-1900 Parker Nelson 1963
Previous to the pop-top Perry 1974
Private offerings: a proposal for administrative action in Arizona Patton 1973
Quartzsite Pepper 1974
Raffish past of old Cliff Town Peterson 1968
Rainbow in the canyon Perry 1949
Rancho Palos Verdes, a miracle of the desert Patt 1930
Recapturing the Old West Peplow 1977
Recent economic trends in Arizona Balchin, Pye 1954
Recent economic trends in Arizona Balchin, Pye 1954
Recreation Patten 1938
Remember the days when cattle was king? Peplow 1972
Remember the days when cattle was king? Peplow 1972
Reminiscences of a Chinese inspector Perkins 1976
Reminiscences of a Chinese inspector Perkins 1976
Reminiscences of a Franciscan in Papagueria Perschl 1959
Reminiscences of a Franciscan in Papagueria Perschl 1959
Reminiscences of a Franciscan in Papaguer Perschl 1959
Reptiles in the studio Peterson 1963
Retail food price behavior for Maricopa County Plantz, Bond 1969
Return to Thunder River Perry 1950
Return to Thunder River Perry 1950
River, relics, rocks and recreation Pepper 1965
Rockledge Parks 1926
Ropin' on the range Porter 1953
Roping a mountain sheep Park 1938
Roping country Porter 1974
Roping country Porter 1974
Roundup! Porter 1973
Rubble, treasure and ghosts Pearde 1969
Running the Colorado rapids Pepper 1972
Safford, Arizona; upper Gila River valley is setting for wealth-productive rangeland Peplow 1955
Sailing the Salt Peterson 1961
Scandal circa 1896 Perry 1974
Sedona and Oak Creek canyon country Peplow 1951
Sedona, in the heart of the red rock country Peplow 1966
Seeding Arizona's economy Peplow 1968
Seeding Arizona's economy Peplow 1968
Senator Carl Hayden, the distinguished gentlemen from Arizona Parker 1962
Service industry trends in Arizona Torrey, Peters 1961
Service industry trends in Arizona Peters 1961
Sheep Crossing formation: a new late Cenozoic epiclastic formation in east-central Arizona Merrill, Pewe 1971
Shooting the Kaibab squirrel with camera Peterson 1965
Shooting the Kaibab squirrel with camera Peterson 1965
Shot in the West Powers 1975
Shrine of the Ages; proposed chapel at scenic shrine will be place of worship for all men Park 1955
Sid Despain rides again Perry 1974
Signals in the sun Parker 1967
Signals in the sun Parker 1967
Sixty miles an hour on the hoof Peterson 1956
Skyways of Arizona Peplow 1956
Skyways of Arizona Peplow 1956
Some cotton patch; operations of the Southwestern Cotton Company Parker 1917
Some national and regional insights on Maricopa County retail food prices Plantz 1967