Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Longhorn, a new interest in an old breed Porter 1976
Look who's fighting "police brutality" and "harassment." Preston 1970
Looking to the Middle East Perry 1975
Looking to the Middle East Perry 1975
Lord of beasts; the saga of Buffalo Jones. Parker 1961
Lords of the range Peplow 1973
Lost Dutchman sleuth Poole 1953
Lost Jesuit mine with the iron door Page 1956
Louis John Frederick Jaeger: entrepreneur of the Colorado River Patzman 1963
Man with many interests Peplow 1959
Mangas the magnificent - and maligned Peplow 1976
Mangeas the magnificent- and mligned Peplow 1976
Manuel Grijalvi and Ramon Ortiz Perry 1974
Maricopa County food costs in an inflationary year Plantz, Bond 1970
Maricopa County food prices in historical perspective Plantz 1966
Maricopa's prison without bars Paplow 1974
Maricopa's prison without bars Peplow 1975
Marketing Arizona's forests Petroni 1965
Martha Summerhayes' Vanished Arizona Powell 1971
Massacre at Skull Cave Perry 1971
Masterminding masterplanned industrial parks Pine 1968
Materials relating to New Mexico and Arizona in the Serial Set 1845-1861 Powell 1969
Matt Baird and his Brahmans Porter 1948
Maud Billingsley Post, 1900-1972 Post 1972
Maynard Dixon's Painted Desert Powell 1974
Maynard Dixon's Painted Desert Powell 1974
Measured by any yardstick Pine 1961
Meet Mr. Meteor Peplow 1954
Memories of early-day Mesa Parsons 1976
Mert Stewart Pickerell 1950
Mesa, past and present Pomeroy 1908
Mesquite Peattie 1958
Metcalf, "Little Emma" chuffed here Prescott 1967
Mexican refugees in Arizona, 1910-1911 Pace 1974
Michigan v. Tucker: A warning about Miranda Pelander 1975
Michigan v. Tucker: A warning about Miranda Pelander 1975
Mine, minnows, and marinas of Lake Mohave Pepper 1963
Mineral exploration and private land Peters 1965
Mineral exploration and private land Peters 1965
Miracle of the mines Peplow 1960
Monsters of the west Parriah 1965
More black than beat Peplow 1960
Motel man Mike Robinson Peplow 1968
Mr. Arizona at home Poole 1955
Mr. Southwest: J. Frank Dobie of Texas Powell 1957
Municipal self-determination: Must local control of growth yield to travel rights? Patterson 1975
Municipal self-determination: Must local control of growth yield to travel rights? Patterson 1975
My reminiscences Pumpelly
Mystery Valley Pepper 1973
Narcotics Anonymous Prarie 1973
National and state economy at yearend: review and outlook Plantz 1973
Nature photography Peterson 1959
Nature photography Peterson 1959
Nature photography Peterson 1959
Navajo house types Page 1937