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Article Title Author Last Name Year
Some steps for a beginning teach of Navajo students Peterson 1971
Southwest classic reread: Joseph Wood Krutch's "The Desert Year" Powell 1971
Southwest Classics Reread: A land to know, a West to love Powell 1972
Southwest Classics Reread: A prophetic passage Powell 1973
Southwest Classics Reread: A prophetic passage Powell 1973
Southwest Classics Reread: How he pictured the West Powell 1973
Southwest Classics Reread: Song of the Southwest Powell 1973
Southwestern chronicle: references concerning the plants and vegetation of the Southwest Phillips 1954
Southwestern chronicle: references concerning the plants and vegetation of the Southwest Phillips 1954
Southwestern Research Station Peteraon 1958
Spaghetti recipe Philabaum 1955
Speck the kangaroo rat Peterson 1960
Spring wildflowers of the inner gorge, Grand Canyon, Arizona Phillips 1974
Springerville, the center of the hunters', fishermen's and campers' paradise Petersen 1929
State and local public expenditures in Arizona and the Southwest Peters 1963
Steward Observatory aids science Praeger 1932
Stonehenge on the desert Peterson 1964
Story of the Pearce mines Pittock 1903
Story of the Pearce mines Pittock 1903
Stratigraphy and history of the Toroweap formation (Permian) between Grindstone Canyon and Sycamore Canyon, Arizona Pfirman 1969
Substitute teachers, education's "ready reserves." Philabaum 1966
Sub-tropical garden home estates adopt early Southwestern architecture Patt 1930
Success story - American origin Padev 1958
Summer homes of the Hassayampa Mountain Club Price 1922
Sun Devil stadium Peplow 1977
Swift trail takes visitors to wonders of Mount Graham Peplow 1955
Tales of early Bisbee Peterson 1972
Tap 'er light Phillips 1975
Tax reductions urged by Chamber Peters 1933
Teller of true tall tales Parker 1961
Teresa Urrea, "the Saint of Cabora" Putnam 1963
Territorial Arizona's struggle to found a school system Peplow 1960
Territorial Arizona's struggle to found a school system Peplow 1960
The "Baron of Arizona" self-revealed; a letter to his lawyer in 1894 Powell 1959
The ancient province of Tusayan Powell 1875
The ancient province of Tusayan Powell 1875
The ancient province of Tussayan Powell 1875
The Apaches in Mexican-American relations, 1848-1861: a footnote to the Gadsden Treaty Park 1961
The archeology of Richards caves, Arizona Pierson 1956
The architectural barrier for the handicapped Phillippi 1962
The architectural barrier for the handicapped Phillippi 1962
The Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910: the election of delegates in Pima County Palsson 1974
The Arizona seasonal farm workers: some theoretical and practical problems Padfield 1961
The ballon jump Perry 1974
The Baron of Arizona Peplow 1973
The Baron of Arizona Peplow 1973
The Baroyeca Mine in Spanish Sonora: ownership, management, and labor, 1701-1850 Pablos 1990
The battle of Battle Flats Perry 1974
The battle of Battle Flats Perry 1974
The beginning of banking in Arizona Parker 1952
The beginning of banking in Arizona Parker 1952
The beginning of banking in Arizona Parker 1952
The bicycle's built for all Peplow 1974
The big brag Peplow 1974
The big house Pearson 1960