Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
The Bighorn of the Kofas Peterson 1977
The biology of scorpions Parrish 1966
The Buckley house: Tucson station for the Butterfield Overland Mail Peterson 1966
The Buckley house: Tucson station for the Butterfield Overland Mail Peterson 1966
The call of Oak Creek Canyon Peplow 1966
The ca Powell 1875
The ca Powell 1875
The ca Powell 1875
The Casa Grande National Monument Palmer 1932
The Casa Grande valley Potter 1929
The Central Arizona Project: an inquiry into its potential impacts Pingry 1977
The changing cost of labor in Arizona Prestwich 1965
The clay mineralogy of Roosevelt Lake -- a trap for fine-grained sediments in east-central Arizona Pipkin 1965
The clay mineralogy of Roosevelt Lake -- a trap for fine-grained sediments in east-central Arizona Pipkin 1965
The clay mineralogy of Roosevelt Lake -- a trap for fine-grained sediments in east-central Arizona Pipkin 1965
The college food stamp rip-off Perry 1973
The configuration pattern of Navajo culture Palmer 1936
The conifers of northern Arizona Pearson 1933
The cost of living in Phoenix and 23 urban centers Plantz, Dyer 1969
The country bank in your town and mine Patterson 1925
The cowboy and the society girl Phillips 1955
The cowboy and the society girl Phillips 1955
The Crown King school Perry 1974
The Crown King school Perry 1974
The Dean Kirk ketoh collection Potter 1964
The Desert Ark Parent 1959
The desert as dwelled on Powell 1974
The desert is a living thing Peterson 1966
The desert is a living thing Peterson 1966
The desert is a living thing Peterson 1966
The desert is not a land that God forgot Proctor 1950
The desert maiden Pickerel 1900
The downtown decision Peplow 1973
The dragoon who turned horse thief: the Bentley saga reconsidered Pederson 1964
The dreaded butcher bird Price 1929
The early beginnings Peplow 1970
The executive makers Peplow 1969
The executive makers Peplow 1977
The executive makers Peplow 1977
The fathers of Pimeria Alta Powell 1972
The fathers of Pimeria Alta Powell 1972
The fathers of Primeria Alta Powell 1972
The fathers of the Pimeria Alta Powell 1972
The Federal executive branch and the First Americans: A trustee's report Patterson 1973
The founding first Pederson 1966
The founding first Paderson 1966
The founding of Prescott Parker 1964
The fourth annual livestock show and sale Pickrell 1938
The Franciscan entrada into Sonora, 1645-1652; a Jesuit chronicle Pollzer 1972
The frontier community called Pioneer Arizona is a living history museum Peplow 1972
The frontier community called Pioneer Arizona is a living history museum Peplow 1972
The fun of retirement Peterson 1973
The genesis of Geronimo Peplow 1973
The genesis of Geronimo Peplow 1973
The gift of the corn maidens; a myth of the Zuni Indians Price 1936