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Article Title Author Last Name Year
Navidad en la villita Green 1973
[untitled] Greenwalt 1958
...largest chicken hatchery in Arizona Geroge
120 years to Kitt Peak Groens 1963
1882 Zuni pilgrimage to the Atlantic Ocean Gilbert 1961
A $15,000 links show Gianelli 1957
A Basketmaker II wooden tool cache from lower Glen Canyon Geib 1990
A camera and a dream; the story of the Kolb brothers at Grand Canyon Garrison 1953
A camera and a dream; the story of the Kolb brothers at Grand Canyon Garrison 1953
A camera and a dream; the story of the Kolb brothers at Grand Canyon Garrison 1953
A camera and a dream; the story of the Okib brothers at Grand Canyon Garrison 1953
A commitment to the Canyon Gianelli 1973
A commitment to the Canyon Gianelli 1973
A comparison of Navaho and White Mountain Apache ceremonial forms and categories Goodwin 1945
A comparison of Navaho and White Mountain Apache ceremonial forms and categories Goodwin 1945
A desert Christmas Gregor 1955
A Folsom point from the area of Mishongovi, Arizona Gumerman 1966
A fortified Arizona mountain Fontana, Greenleaf, Cassidy 1959
A fortune in stones Getsinger 1958
A gem in the art of urban renewal: Tucson Community Center Gingerich 1975
A gem in the art of urban renewal: Tucson Community Center Gingerich 1975
A hand? With the 'rag fleet.' Gianelli 1963
A hidden botanical garden Goodding 1946
A hidden botanical garden Goodding 1946
A high status burial from Grasshopper Ruin, Arizona Griffin 1967
A high status burial from Grasshopper Ruin, Arizona Griffin 1967
A market day for horse buyers Gianelli 1974
A miracle planner for the Wildcats Gianelli 1967
A miracle planner for the Wildcats Gianelli 1967
A Phoenix 'first' --- Joe Namath's National Prep Sports Guse 1976
A pine gum table Gell 1967
A possible role for the Veterans Administration in improvement of health care & medical education Green 1972
A possible role for the Veterans Administration in improvement of health care &medical education Green 1972
A possible role for the Veterans Administration in improvement of health care and medical education Green 1972
A profile of Arizona State University MBA alumni Gooding 1975
A recreation guide to Lake Powell Gebbie 1969
A rehab center that's "culturally sensitive" Greene 1990
A squatter needs a tree Garrison 1974
A switch at the depot Greenberg 1976
A thirteenth century "strongbox" Gifford 1959
A thirteenth century "strongbox." Gifford 1959
A. Ludwig Lindberg, M.D., 1894-1965 Greiss 1966
Abbott Sakiestewa Gridley
Ace of hearts Greenberg 1990
Adventire in Havasu Griffith 1963
Adventure in Havasu Griffith 1963
Adventure in Nakai Canyon Gelatt 1954
Adventure in Nakai Canyon Gelatt 1954
A'Hoohai days Gianelli 1974
A'Hoohai Days Gianelli 1974
Air pollution in Arizona Green 1973
Albert A. Gatlin, 1885-1957 Gatlin 1959
Allan Houser (Pulling Roots) Gridley
Ambrose Roanhorse (Leading Silversmith) Gridley
American folklore Gilchrist 1975