Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Trained for touching Gianelli 1963
Tree growth and precipitation near Flagstaff, Arizona Glock, Agerter 1968
True story of the discovery of Tombstone Gird 1907
Try outs for big time Gianelli 1958
Tucson, Arizona, the sunshine center of America Gerlach 1928
Tucson's 'Barrio Historico' Giebner 1973
Tucson's 'Barrio Historico' Giebner 1973
Tucson's Fort Lowell being restored Goldblatt 1964
Tumacacori interior decorations Gettens 1962
Two Basketmaker II pithouse villages in eastern Arizona Gumerman 1966
Two wickiups on the San Carlos Indian Reservation, Arizona Gerald 1958
U.S., regional and Tucson labor force participation rates compared Gery 1976
U.S., regional and Tucson labor force participation rates compared Gery 1976
Uncle Billy Fourr: cattleman extraordinaire Gregg 1961
Unionization of public employees in Arizona Gershenfeld 1967
Unique feeder sales bring top dollars to Arizonana Giles 1969
Upward Bound's all-Indian students fulfill promise Gill 1969
Vh-thaw-hup-ea-ju (It must happen) promises Gila River Indians new prosperity Gale 1968
Vh-thaw-hup-ea-ju(It must happen) promises Gila River Indians new property Gale 1968
Victor Manuel Gridley
Victor Manuel (Man with Two Bows) Gridley
Violins? Yes, but no violinists Gianelli 1972
Violins? Yes, but no violinists Gianelli 1972
Warren district wonder Gray 1913
Welcome to Arizona, sir. Please open your trunk' Gianelli 1972
Welcome to Arizona, sir. Please open your trunk.' Gianelli 1972
Welford Chapman Bridwell Gilchriese 1966
Welford Chapman Bridwell Gilchriese 1966
What makes the Jones girls run? Gianelli 1965
Whatever happened to the "fool quail"? Gallizoili 1973
When a college offers a class in gold panning, don't expect to find much Gianelli 1973
When is a kangaroo not a kangaroo Gamboa 1974
When the bypass comes to pass Gianelli 1974
When Tombstone came to Monument Valley Goulding 1948
Where Indians are trained for citizenship Girton 1926
Where it comes from Groene 1963
White Horse Lake, campers' retreat Getsinger 1960
Why Sycamore Canyon in Santa Cruz County should be preserved as a nature sanctuary or natural area Goodding 1961
Wild foods-nature's bounty Guerra 1973
Wildlife manager Gresham 1952
William T. Howell and the Howell Code of Arizona Goff 1967
William T. Howell and the Howell Code of Arizona Goff 1967
Yellowstone elk in Arizona Gallizioli 1976
Yesterday's over his shoulder Greenberg 1989
Yucca pie, anyone? Guerra 1974
Yuma Indian depredations and the Glanton war Guinn 1903
Yuma Indian depredations and the Glanton war Guinn 1903
Yuma Indian depredations and the Glanton War Guinn 1903
[untitled] George