Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Papago ceremonial Gunst 1934
Paul Coze - friend of the tribesmen Gilbert 1948
Paul Jones Gridley
Peace... and fish galore Gianelli 1957
Peeling them off old Camelback Gianelli 1974
Peeling them off old Camelback Gianelli 1974
People of the Old Pueblo Getty 1951
People of the Old Pueblo Getty 1951
Peter Homer, Sr Gridley
Phantom ship of the Gran Desierto Gray 1974
Phoenix and Glendale jointly face critical sanitary sewer problem Gilchrist 1958
Phoenix and Glendale jointly face critical sanitary sewer problem Gilchrist 1958
Phoenix weather too good Groene 1959
Phoenix, Arizona Gill 1892
Phoenix, Arizona Gill 1892
Photographing minerals in color Getsinger 1956
Photographing minerals in color Getsinger 1956
Physical anthropology and the Papago Indians Gabel 1939
Physical enthropology of Besh-ba-gowah Gavan 1940
Pictographs and rock-paintings of the Southwest Gunckel 1893
Pioneer women: Katie Fritz Gilpin 1958
Planta in Glen Canyon Gaines 1957
Poking thru Pearce Girand 1974
Prehistoric trading post Grater 1954
Prehistoric trading post Grater 1954
Prison days on the Arizona frontier Gorby 1929
Prison days on the Arizona frontier Gorby 1931
Probability sampling applied to an early multi-component surface site in east-central Arizona Longacre, Graves 1976
Proposed engineer & scientist center Groene 1964
Quest for the Peralta gold German 1953
Quiet Cleft by shearpin alley Gianelli 1965
Radio - television survey 1955 Gutenberg 1955
Radio - television survey 1955 Gutenberg 1955
Raiding the Maryvale cancer budget Greene 1991
Railway development in the Southwest Greever 1957
Railway development in the Southwest Greever 1957
Rainbow Plateau Glendening 1971
Rainbows thrive on special diet Gianelli 1956
Range improvement in Arizona Griffiths 1902
Rapid Rail system gives better service to Coolidge area Goyer 1975
Rationing: how it worked in Arizona during the Great War Gianelli 1973
Rationing: how it worked in Arizona during the Great War Gianelli 1973
Rattlesnake Goodding 1952
Read any good rocks, lately? Girand 1973
Refugio Savala and the Yaqui Getty 1945
Reminiscences Griffin 1950
Reminiscences Griffin 1950
Reminiscences of an Arizona pioneer Gallego 1935
Reminiscences of an Arizona pioneer Gallego 1935
Report of Gambel Quail investigation; a brief progress report Gorsuch 1932
Report of Lieut. Col. P. St. George Cooke of his march from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to San Diego, Upper California Gardner 1954
Report on inspection and recommendations for treatment of plaster walls and wall paintings Gettens 1962
Retracing Lummis' footsteps in Arizona and New Mexico Gordon 1963
Rich fat, poor fat Graves 1977
Riding the White Mountain Lane Gianelli 1973