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Article Title Author Last Name Year
Hospitality Western style: the story of the Dons Club of Phoenix, Arizona Guirey 1967
Hosteling Gantman 1967
House of 'dobe Garrison 1938
Hypnotherapy Graves 1977
Hypnotherapy Graves 1977
If the wail is a coyote in Havasu City Guarini 1976
In the air or on foot these birds come home Gianelli 1958
In the pits with Roger McClusky Gianelli 1972
Indian Oasis v. Warner: a case of federal supremacy in public education Glass 1986
Indian Oasis v. Warner: a case of federal supremacy in public education Glass 1986
Industry leaders learn about public lands Grandin 1976
Interesting westerners Grimes 1917
Into the valley of death; the Crabb filibustering expedition into Sonora, Mexico, 1857 Giffin 1975
Into the valley of death; the Crabb filibustering expedition into Sonora, Mexico, 1857 Giffin 1975
Is yours big enough? Graves 1977
It was rough according to the Hardy man Garrison 1973
It's like nothing else Gilbert 1967
It's like nothing else Gilbert 1967
Jacob C. Morgan Gridley
Javelina: fact and fancy Gallizoili 1972
Jesuit treasure Green 1973
John P. Clum Gregory 1932
John P. Clum Gregory 1932
John Titus, Chief Justice of Arizona 1870-1874 Goff 1972
John Titus, Chief Justice of Arizona 1870-1874 Goff 1972
Johnny Ward's ranch: a study in historic archaeology Fontana, Greenleaf 1962
Johnny Ward's ranch: a study in historic archeology Fontana, Greenleaf 1962
Jonah Wilson Washington Gridley
Joseph Francis Gulch
King man one year after the tragic explosion Gianelli 1974
Kudos for Blanche Gray 1977
Lacrosse Gianelli 1974
Lake Havasu as a favorite hunting ground Guarini 1975
Lake Powell idyl. Golay 1969
Land of the standing rocks Garner 1950
Landscapes through a flying lens: aerial views of the canyon country Garnett 1955
Landscapes through a flying lens; aerial views of the canyon country Garnett 1955
Last stand of the Ground Sloth Grater 1958
Late Cenozoic geology of Hindu Canyonm Arizona Gray 1964
Leota's program Gatlin 1957
Let us prey: the ugly, dark secret of priests who are child molesters Greene 1989
Let us prey: the ugly, dark secret of priests who are child molesters Greene
Letter of Father Middendorf, S. J., dated from Tucson, 3 March 1757 Gardiner 1957
Leveling with kids at a psychiatric facility Gates 1974
Leveling with kids at a psychiatric facility Gates 1974
Lieutenant Charles B. Gatewood, 6th U. S. Calalry and the surrender of Geronimo Gatewood 1931
Lieutenant Charles B. Gatewood, 6th U. S. Cavalry and the surrender of Geronimo Gatewood 1931
Life after the rain of fire Carothers, Goldberg 1976
Life after the rain of fire Carothers, Goldberg 1976
Life up thine load Gianelli 1974
Lillie Bell Wilkerson Gilpin 1952
Lloyd H. New (Lloyd Kiva) Gridley
Local impact analysis; an Arizona case study Gibson 1975
Local impact analysis; an Arizona case study Gibson 1975
Long, tall & smooth: Terry Goddard has the moves of a man bred to be a politician Greenberg 1990